Paper Example - Unveiling Systemic Racism: A Narrative Exploration

Published: 2024-01-07
Paper Example - Unveiling Systemic Racism: A Narrative Exploration
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Racism
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 644 words
6 min read

The process of narration is quite comprehensive, with each stage providing a different perspective. Overall, the aim of the narrative is always to impress the audience and possibly transform their logic and philosophy on various life issues. They are also literary genres meant for entertainment and education. Narrators and writers employ aesthetics to philosophically explore multiple social aspects, mirroring the issues that affect humanity daily. In the previous learning sessions, sample narratives revealed various major points relevant to a narrative. Therefore, this paper contends systemic racism as the main message in my narrative and showcases various details utilized to explore the thematic concern.

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My narrative will foreground the message of systemic racism because it is a social issue currently affecting society. It is a major point that continues to spread hate and discord among people, showcasing the extent to which society has lost its values. One significant role of literature is to mirror and critique social issues and reconstruct a society with the ability to accommodate everyone (Herman, 2011). My narrative provides a perfect opportunity to send a message to the community and deconstruct the social and political systems that promote systemic racism. Therefore, its central theme will be systemic racism.

Conversely, some details are necessary for building my narrative and echoing the main message eventually. One core detail is the setting of the narrative. Remarkably, being the victim of racial victimization, the story will be set in contemporary society involving urbanization and told from the first-person perspective. It will provide my background and outlook towards the main message. A significant element that will feature the setting includes an office working space in an urban center. Another aspect will be characterization. Besides, to elicit the marked point, the use of characters in the narrative is essential. Their description, experiences, and actions will be the substantial foundations of the main message. They will be the primary drivers that point the message and leave an impression on the audience and society as a whole.

Besides, a good narrative employs literary styles (Heman, 2011). It is an essential detail that many people tend to ignore. However, style is an aesthetic element that shapes the flow of the narrative (Phillips & McQuarrie, 2010). My narrative will use a mixture of dialogue with quotations and vivid descriptions to foreground the main message. However, because the narrative aims to deconstruct racism, it will significantly use satire and irony to reveal the evils of systemic racism. In the end, the literary styles will leave an impression and a moral lesson for the general society.

Finally, the narrative's essential detail will be the conflict and the plot (Herman, 2011). The two will differentiate between the natural laws of society and the negative implications of racism. For instance, naturally, equality is paramount in the corporate world. However, the narrative reveals that systemic racism has provided a disparity when exercising duties in the corporate world. In my story, the plot will visualize an organization experiencing financial issues and having to retrench employees. The manager favors one race over the others during the process. In the story, I am among the victims. Despite my competency, commitment, and work ethic, I am sent home in preference to a young intern who shares the same race as the manager. The detail is what provides the central conflict at the beginning. The protagonist undergoes a series of suffering until he attains justice.

My narrative will use the details of setting, characterization, conflict, and plot to reveal the message of systemic racism. Through the story, I will provide a racial onslaught on society, hoping that people will change their perspective regarding discrimination based on color and embrace diversity.


Herman, D. (2011). Basic Elements of Narrative. John Wiley & Sons.

Phillips, B. J., & McQuarrie, E. F. (2010). Narrative and persuasion in fashion advertising. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(3), 368-392.

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