Free Essay: Nursing Research Data Critique

Published: 2022-04-15
Free Essay: Nursing Research Data Critique
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Data analysis Research Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 638 words
6 min read

The data in Nursing Research Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice 10th ed., Polit & Beck was presented in the form of tables. The author understands that the data could be best represented in this form since it was structured and numeric as well. It is hence important to note that all the tables had a clear title and were correctly labeled both the row and the column. The tables were also short and less cumbersome for the reader to easily understand and interpret. The author has made sure to include a key at the bottom of each table. As required, the font is smaller. It is however not as clear and a self-explanatory.

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There is good incorporation statistical information that is the mean and the frequencies among other provided information. An addition of the standard deviation, the level of significance and the t values add up to the credibility of the data as it is a formal scientific paper (Neuendorf, 2016). There is well use of decimal point. However, the significant numbers after the decimal point throughout the whole data representation are not as consistent. In some instances, for example, in the descriptive data, the authors incorporate five significant figures after the decimal point while in other tables such as the paired test samples the number of significant figures after the decimal point is reduced to 3.

Almost all the tables appear twice with little or no explanation for the reason. The reader would have to stretch his or her perspective way high to adequately understand what is involved in the transformation of one table to another. However, the main message is adequately illustrated. Evaluation of the frequency data has been well done by dividing the variables into categories. The categories are of almost the same size. The lines in between have provided a clear distinction between each of the variables and hence ensuring proper and accurate interpretation.

For independent and dependent variables, the independent being gender, age, and ethnicity highly correlate with the dependent variables. This is an indicator that data interpretation was adequate. It is quite obvious why the author decided to separate the gender and age in frequency statistics as the two are entirely separate variables. It is however not clear why there was needed to include ethnicity.

The standard deviation is minimal to a tune of less than 1.7 for almost all the data represented. The error is also quite minimal. This is to show that the data was accurate. However, the author does not include in the numbers the average days the frequency was taken. That is how the patients reported.

There is usually a strong correlation between the average, the mode and the median. This is well illustrated by the authors. The mean usually ranges very close to the most recurrent number and also to the middle value that is, between values of 1.5-2.0 from the data provided. All the categories analyzed are adding up to the frequency of 60 which was the initial frequency amounting up to 100% of the analyzed data. This is certainly correct and indicated that the data is reliable and has not been manipulated.

The age of people analyzed by the author is people of between ages 0- 27 at different levels ranging from level 1 - level 111. It is however not stated for this. The data to a level seems vague since we are not told of what frequency is being analyzed. It could be patients visiting frequency, or death frequency leaving the reader wondering what to interpret.

However if all the information was provided for each of the tables, the data could have been complete. Interpreting and concluding could have also been very easy and straight forward.It goes without saying that all the calculations were done properly and sufficiently.


Neuendorf, K. A. (2016). The content analysis guidebook. Sage.

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