Movie Analysis Essay on Chariots of Fire

Published: 2023-08-14
Movie Analysis Essay on Chariots of Fire
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1008 words
9 min read


Chariots of Fire is a film that has British distinctions of class running back to the years after the end of World War 1. It focuses on two main characters who are outsiders in the British cultures, and they struggle to push up through the classes as the establishment tries to get back on its knees after the carnage that occurred in France. The two characters are from two different backgrounds where one of them is a Scot whose parents are missionaries in China while the other is a Jew from Lithuania. Both characters use running to assert their dignity, and the audience in the film develops great feelings as they follow on the story of the characters.

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The central idea of the film is the fact that the war caused a lot of damage to many young people. The two characters were strong, fast, and young before the war, but the war tore them apart, and in the film, they are seen as dead and figures from a long time ago (Jones, 2012). In addition to this film containing a storyline of the two characters with different origins apart from the British ones, it also goes a large way in rebuking the British class system. The Jewish character feels like an outsider because the British system is different from his, and he finds it hard to explain to the British administrators why he cannot run on the Sabbath day.

The theme of this film is the mobilization of people not to strive until they achieve success. Winning the competition helps to build self-confidence and character in both individuals as they win on different occasions (Donn, 2012). It encourages people, especially the viewers, that regardless of the challenges they face in their quest for success, they should not settle for less rather, they should fight harder and accomplish the goals they have.

Music and Cinematography

The music used in the film is sympathetic and succeeds in showcasing the emotions, honesty, and time that the director uses to reach its audience. It also chokes without the confusion of sentiments that the viewers may want to acquire (Jackson, 2019). The music used also establishes a tone for the film, which is nostalgia for a period when two young British men with different backgrounds participate in athletics to win medals in the 1924 Olympics in Paris.

The producer of the film uses a narrative style and admirable assurance to get his ideas altogether. He neither uses any art tricks adopted in other films nor self-conscious posturing. Slow-motion and freeze frames are evident in the film as the producer used them on different occasions in the racing sequences (Jackson, 2019). They both act as an excellent device that can sharpen the emotional intensities of the audiences and generate a competitive mood that is gimmicked in the conflicts that rife the storyline of the film.

The Mega Event

The running competition in the film is the mega event that is planned to make Liddell and Abrahams compete as individual runners, and this acts as a way to capture the running exhilaration to celebrate the spirit. The film shows two people of different cultures in a new environment that they are unfamiliar with (Bauer, 2018). They fight the prejudice they face in the country, and the lack of respect for their cultures as the Prince of Wales tried to appeal to the love he had for his country. The Tea billboard that was used in Lipton along the racetrack is a great reminder of the way that advertisement of any sporting events is littered in the current world. Director’s Response

Hugh Hudson, who is the director of the film, provides a theatrical bow of apprenticeship in commercials as he makes the process look easy with the top-notch performance and strong values displayed in the script (Bauer, 2018). The film offers the viewers a chance to have a visual relation with the actors as they portray emotions and tension as each of the characters stand strong with their beliefs and are relentless in letting go of the traditions from their home countries to support the British King and the traditions of his people.

My prior ideas of religion and how people choose to adopt one culture over the other has changed after watching the film. Before watching it, I felt that it was easy for people to be coerced to change their beliefs and give up on their dreams especially from the pressure of a ruler like in the film where the king of England tries to influence the decisions that Liddell and Abrahams make in the competition (Bauer, 2018). The two sporting heroes rise from common immigrants with different cultural and religious beliefs to become famous all over Britain and gain national honor. The film salutes the best of the traditions and values of the British people as well as the determination and integrity of both individuals and the nation in general.

I feel that this film was produced to celebrate many things, especially the emotional and committed difference between sentimentality and sentiments. It also serves to show the different talents in the country, including the English and the British people that are involved in the film industry. The film also displays the conflicts that may occur in society due to the differences between religion and traditional beliefs. The two-track stars win glory for the king of the country, God, and the country. The Anglo-Saxon society pretends that it does not notice Liddell's Jewishness and his honor of God. The actors perform their roles splendidly, and they leave many viewers appreciating the lesson and themes that the film displays to them.


Bauer, P. (2018). Chariots of Fire. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Donn, A. (2012). Vangelis: why Chariots of Fire's message is still important today. the Guardian.

Jackson, M. (2019). Popcorn & Inspiration: 'Chariots of Fire': In Celebration of the True Spirit of the Olympics. Retrieved 26 May 2020, from

Jones, B. (2012). 'Chariots of Fire' review. Digital Spy.

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