Migrant Women in Agriculture: Low Pay & Few Opportunities. Free Essay Example

Published: 2022-12-27
Migrant Women in Agriculture: Low Pay & Few Opportunities. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Women Discrimination Immigration Sexual abuse
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 564 words
5 min read

Women from Mexico often migrate to the American in search of job opportunities. The most popular sector in which migrants work is agriculture. Understandably, the women migrant usually opt to migrate with their husbands and other male members from their families. The agents who work for the employers on migrant's behalf designate women and their children as the male migrants' agricultural helpers. The women migrants are usually paid less compared to their male counterparts. However, most recently, there has been a shift in the norm where some women are offered independent contracts with no connection to their male colleagues (Marsiglia et al. 49). It should be noted that the number of women migrants working in the agricultural sector has been increasing as they are rapidly getting relevant documentation which makes them independent. Moreover, the women who have no legal documentation usually wield less power and have low status in the host country.

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It is imperative to note that, some of the research ideas outlined may enable us to get a better understanding of the play, Real women have Curves. The idea around the Mexican women migrants in the research shows the connection with the women in the literary play where they work in a tiny sewing factory, and they converse literally about everything ranging from their husbands, lovers to their future aspirations. The struggle of Mexican migrant women to gain a foothold in the agricultural sector in the United States by getting legal documentation mirrors the struggle in the play, Real Women Have Curves, where Ana, the youngest of the five women have aspirations of going to college and becoming a revered writer. "...even with employer registration, migrant women usually report retention of documents and pay". Additionally, "domestic workers are often are always subject to physical and sexual abuse." These quotes elucidate the difficult situations Mexican women migrants often find themselves (Marsiglia et al. 49).

In the literary work of Lopez, Ana, the youngest says, "here in case he hugs me, here in case he kisses me." This points to the fact that migrant women usually go to the extreme in making their bodies to attract men. Undoubtedly, the women are viewed as the objects of men, and this is evidenced by the actions of Estela who sprays wherever Ana has asked her. Concerning the research article, migrant workers are used as sexual objects to satisfy the sexual needs of men in society (Marsiglia et al. 49). Also, Ana had little motivation to work in the sewing factory and a difficult relationship with her coworkers. It also points to the benefit of working together as women.

In conclusion, the interconnection between the play and the research article on the Mexican migrant women point to the need to appreciate the women workers in every undertaking in society. More often than not, women get mistreated in the host nations as they always labeled as male helpers in the agricultural sector. As noted from the play, Ana became resilient in work despite harboring bigger dreams, and she recapped her experiences by writing a journal. She later wrote an essay that made her secure a journalism fellowship (Marsiglia et al. 49). This describes the power of women and that they also have the energy and knowledge to enable them to achieve their dreams.

Works Cited

Marsiglia, Flavio F., et al. "Acculturation and life satisfaction among immigrant Mexican adults." Advances in social work14.1 (2013): 49.

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Migrant Women in Agriculture: Low Pay & Few Opportunities. Free Essay Example. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/migrant-women-in-agriculture-low-pay-few-opportunities

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