Essay Sample on Literary Analysis of Zoo

Published: 2023-11-28
Essay Sample on Literary Analysis of Zoo
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Analysis Animals Population Books
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 592 words
5 min read

The world population comprises of a myriad of species, among which the human species consider itself the dominant and the most intelligent of all. Apparently, all the species are not distributed equally in all corners of the world, which creates a sense of uniqueness among species. A species that is popular in a certain region or part of the world is totally a tourist attraction to another region. The scenarios of species, more so human, perceiving others as unique creatures is best demonstrated in the short story, Zoo.

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Through the professor’s created opportunity, species meet and interact. The professor offers what can currently be considered a tourism experience allowing humans to interact with unique species, which the professor assembles in his space-ship zoo. He offers the opportunity where people pay a dollar to walk through the caged zoo to explore the variety of unique species. To make the visit interesting, Professor Hugo limits the duration for the viewing of the new creatures. However, despite the limitation, people flock in numbers to witness the wonderful species paraded in the cages. The horse-spider species called the “Kaan” is the main center of attraction for the earthling, creating a zoo scene worth paying for.

While it may be true the human species is enjoying the experience of witnessing unique species, as evidently noted by one of the people enjoying service offered by professor Hugo, the species paraded also get to witness the uniqueness of the human species. The human species is the dominant observer while the Kaan species is the spectator given that they are transported by the professor to different regions for viewership. The professor characterized the other species as “some wild breed of a nightmare”. The new species are probably enjoying the flocking on humans in numbers and considering the human species a unique creature that covers their body with cloths.

The interplanetary zoo is more of a closed than an open zoo. The zoo is the center for educating the earthling fostering an appreciation for Mother Nature and the dynamics in the world in terms of species. The caging of the unique creatures in the space-ship serves as a protection for the unique species while also giving the human species, in this case, Professor Hugo, patronizing control of the other species. The Kaan species and other unique creatures occur naturally, but the control of human species is witnessed where one person can cage the species to draw profit and claim ownership. The alien spaceship can be considered symbolic of the heavily controlled zoos aimed at protecting endangered species while providing room for humans to explore, study, and understand new species. However, the spaceship also depicts the openness of the zoo given that the professor releases the animals back to their habitat after the visits. The curtailed freedom of the caged species is best depicted by the she-creature happiness on seeing the return of her mate.

In conclusion, the professor depicts the masterfulness in creating business opportunities while at the same time ensuring the humans interact with other existing unique species, which he assembles in his spaceship. The professor has gained popularity and is considered a master in exploration even to other planets such as Venus and Mars. The scheduled spaceship lands in different parts of the world to offer the same platform for people to explore nature. The professor’s contribution of bringing the different animals to the people makes it adorable and almost humanitarian since not everybody can manage to visit the species habitats.

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