Essay Sample on Law Enforcement - The Court System

Published: 2023-11-12
Essay Sample on Law Enforcement - The Court System
Essay type:  Definition essays
Categories:  Court system Penal system Criminal justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 676 words
6 min read

[According to the United States criminal justice system, there are three different law-enforcement agencies at various levels, including federal, local, and state police.

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The local police are governed by territorial jurisdiction, which only allows them to exercise their powers within the city limits. The Constitution of the United States grants federal agencies the authority to address interstate and foreign affairs. State police only have the authority to make apprehensions in the same states as they.

Law enforcement officer's discretion is employed through three categorizations of police. The formalistic style which involves enforcing the law substantively without making derogations. The watchman style where the situation is defined as menacing or severe subject to the parties involved. Lastly, then caretaker style handles public differently regarding the positions they hold and their power in society.]

[The court system in the U.S comprises the supreme court, court of appeals, bankruptcy courts, article 1 courts and district courts.

The Supreme Court possesses original jurisdiction, which is the right to hear a case according to the subject matter. The court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has countrywide authority to listen to petitions in specific instances like toe involving patent laws. Federal district courts have limited jurisdiction and can only handle cases approved by the federal statutes or the U.S. Constitution. It is the starting place for any example concerning federal laws, treaties, or the Constitution. The bankruptcy courts have original and sole jurisdiction over every case arising and cannot be filed in state court. Article 1 courts review decisions made by the agency, and their powers are limited, and their choices are subjected to review in article III court.

The progress of a case through the courts regarding adjudication refers to the legal process the case takes. A notice is issued to define the facts and explain all applicable laws. The announcement might contain the nature of the dispute and the relevant results about the law. An adjudicator is appointed, and a notice is sent to the defending party. Both the plaintiff and defendant are given a chance to defend themselves, and then a final ruling is made. ]

The Corrections System

[In public prisons, the government controls which prison the inmates go to, who are released early, and the operations are funded by the government. The funds for public prisons are received from tax dollars, and information about it is required, and how the money is used. In contrast, in private prisons, they are not required to release any information about their expenditure, and they have the liberty to accept or reject offenders.

  • In federal prisons, the amount of time served is higher than that in state prisons.
  • The most essential components of the system of criminal law, courts that enforce the law, and corrections have been given jurisdiction to function adequately in collaboration or independently.
  • When the court convicts offenders, professionals in corrections use their discretion to decide when to note disciplinary reports.

Components of the Criminal Justice System

[The Police Department: They maintain order by arresting offenders, enforcing the law and helping prosecutors and investigators in collecting evidence that is used in the courts.

Courts: it is a tribunal where an accused person is tried so that a jury or judge defines their criminal duties. Therefore, courts seek justice, discover the truth from the presented evidence, and offer punishment when one is found guilty.

Corrections: They are agencies that supervise an individual while in probation, parole, jail, prison, house arrest, or community service. The central purpose is to punish, rehabilitate, and prevent further crimes.]

Technology and the Criminal Justice System

[ Use of DNA and fingerprints, which are automatic, prevents illegal arrest as a suspect is easily identified.

Through a comprehensive data reporting system, it enhances transparency as the public has a more unobstructed view of the crimes in the U.S. and how they are handled.

Rapid identification systems also allow the justice system to rapidly view an individual's criminal history; thus, sound judgment can be passed.]



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