Free Essay on Intersectionality and Gender

Published: 2020-06-18
Free Essay on Intersectionality and Gender
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Women Gender
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 606 words
6 min read

Intersectionality can be defined as the different methods in which gender and race interact to shape the multiple dimensions of the employment experiences of black women. For one to understand Intersectionality better, then it will be paramount for one to observe it keenly through the understanding of the political Intersectionality and structural Intersectionality. The structural Intersectionality was concerned about the ways in which the location of the females of color at the intersection of gender and race makes the actual experience of the remedial reform, rape and domestic violence qualitatively different from that of their white counterparts (Chow, Segal & Tan, 2011). Intersectionality is the name that is currently given to the sophisticated and complex of the reciprocal attachments and at times polarizing conflicts that usually confront both movements and individuals as they attempt to navigate among the class, gendered and the race based dimensions of social as well as political life.

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Intersectionality in understanding the issues of sex and race within the society

Both as the people who seek to build a socially fulfilling and just everyday life, and as the collectivities that try to make history through the political action as well as social movements, people struggle with the connections that are not even stable between class, gender and race. Intersectionality is found in the treatment towards the females of color and how the system of criminal justice responds to the women of color (Chow, Segal & Tan, 2011). The explanatory and methodological framework for linking axes of identity and variation, antagonism and alliance, remains elusive. Any comparative historical view that is serious suggests that the demands arising for solidarity across the lines of gender, class or race are likely to compete as to coalesce.

Intersectionality in Social Work

In the social work field, the proponents of Intersectionality claim that unless the providers take Intersectionality into consideration, they will not be of great use, and they can indeed be detrimental for different segments of the society. As such, the providers of service have the obligation to understand the seemingly unrelated factors, which may impact a life experience of a person, as well as the response to the service and to accordingly adapt their methods. For example, according to Intersectionality, the counselors of domestic violence in the United States of America requested all the women go ahead and report their abusers to the enforcers of law (Taylor, Hines & Casey, 2011). However, it was evident that the reporting of these abusers to the police would be of petite assistance to the women of color because of the history of the police brutality that is racially motivated in that population, and therefore, these councilors are supposed to come up with a new and different approach, which is appropriate to the women of color.

On the other hand, the women with disabilities usually encounter more regular domestic abuse, with a lot of abusers. The workers of health care, as well as the personal attendants, are also the perpetrators in these situations and the women with disabilities have fewer options for leaving the abusive situation. There is a silence principle regarding the women intersectionality and disability that maintains that there is an overall social denial of the disabled and the abused, and when encountered, the violence is frequently ignored (Taylor, Hines & Casey, 2011). However, the paradox is the overprotection of the individuals with disabilities coupled with the expectations of the promiscuous behavior of the disabled ladies.


Chow, E., Segal, M., & Tan, L. (2011). Analyzing gender, intersectionality, and multiple inequalities. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Taylor, Y., Hines, S., & Casey, M. (2011). Theorizing intersectionality and sexuality. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

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