Essay Example: How Step Curry Utilizes Each of the Three Major Energy Pathways

Published: 2023-03-05
Essay Example: How Step Curry Utilizes Each of the Three Major Energy Pathways
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Biology Sport Anatomy Sustainable development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 537 words
5 min read

Phosphagen is a system pathway that is useful for creating phosphate. The pathway produces ATP at an increasingly rapid rate. The now-created phosphate is utilized for reconstituting ATP, which is brown down to emit energy in the body. The total amount of ATP and CP are stored in the body muscles but in smaller amounts, which helps to ensure that energy is limited purposely for muscular contradiction. However, the energy is readily available for other bodily activities such as weight-lifting, sprinting, and throwing a ball (Riahi et al., 2017).

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Anaerobic glycolysis

This energy pathway does not need the use of oxygen and instead utilizes the energy available in ATP glucose. The path happens in the cytoplasm and is useful for breaking down glucose into pyruvate - simpler components (Riahi et al., 2017). Anaerobic glycolysis, which is a pathway between the aerobic system and phosphagen, produces ATP that is quickly and rapidly utilized during such activities that require a massive burst of energy and over a short period (40 seconds to four minutes maximum).

Aerobic glycolysis

It is an energy pathway that requires a large volume of oxygen for the production of ATP because fats and carbohydrates are burned only in the presence of oxygen. The aerobic glycolysis pathway happens in the mitochondria of the body cell. It is purposely useful for such activities that require sustainable production of energy (Febbraio, 2015). The aerobic glycolysis pathway produces ATP but at a low rate. It is mostly used during the low intensity, and longer duration predominately after anaerobic and phosphagen systems are fatigued.

How long does the body utilize each pathway as its primary energy source?

A long-term pathway system usually produces energy with the use of the aerobic process. The system can last for 3 to 4 minutes. The energy production happens in the mitochondria. It is noteworthy that the energy change can emanate from forms such as electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical. All these processes are involved in energy transformation. Therefore, the energy for any physical activity happening in your body comes from the conversion of phosphate energy (adenosine triphosphate to low phosphate energy (phosphate, adenosine, or monophosphate.

In the course of the ATP breakdown, heat and water are heated producing ATP, water, and energy. Since human muscles do not store high content of ATP, resynthesizing of the phosphate is important. In this case, the resynthesize of the ATP and hydrolysis are hydrolyzed into P and ADP. Usually, the human body produces ATP through three core metabolic processes consisting of chemically catalyzing reactions, where the glycolysis, phosphagen system, and aerobic systems are involved (Febbraio, 2015). However, any given utilized pathway by the body for the production of ATP depends entirely on how faster the energy is needed in the body. For instance, a person who lifts heavy weights needs more energy than a person jogging. For this reason, different people rely on varying energy systems. It is noteworthy that ATP production cannot be achieved by the utilization of one energy process but by coordination of the all the energy systems.


Riahi, K., Dentener, F., Gielen, D., Grubler, A., Jewell, J., Klimont, Z., Ruijven, B. (2017). Energy pathways for sustainable development.Febbraio, M. A. (2015). Alterations in energy metabolism during exercise and heat stress. Sports medicine, 31(1), 47-59.

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Essay Example: How Step Curry Utilizes Each of the Three Major Energy Pathways. (2023, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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