Essay Example: Home Care for Elderly

Published: 2019-10-15
Essay Example: Home Care for Elderly
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1956 words
17 min read

The task of providing quality care for elders is quite challenging to society. The growing number of elderly citizens who require diverse healthcare services has necessitated the development of cost-effective quality healthcare. Robyn observes that many older adults are opting to live at home even though they may be having severe health problems that require constant monitoring (71). The ever-increasing costs of health care and the desire for independence are some of the primary factors that influence the decisions of the elderly to remain at home as long as they can. Previous research by Bonner shows that about nine out of ten elderly citizens have shown the desire to stay at home with their families (19). One of the possible reasons can be attributed to their attachment to their homes as well as their preference to remain close to their family and friends. Another reason is that; home care ensures that elder people age in a surrounding that is safe and comfortable. Homecare is considered as one of the oldest and most respectable forms of healthcare. It is worth noting that since the beginning of civilization, senior citizens have had the pleasure of aging-in-place. Homecare is a representation of a highly regarded and treasured form of healthcare delivery in countries such as the United States. People should understand that it is only the modern technology that has elevated the levels of the home care living. The continued development means that anything that was only available in hospitals or through the physicians can be availed at home and in the process allows for the reduction of costs and also improves the quality of life. It, therefore, is not surprising that Home cares offer families peace of mind especially concerning taking care of the elderly.

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Home care will reduce the stress related to huge expenses. The term home care as is used today refers to services that are non-medical aimed at helping the elderly people live well and comfortably at home. Such services include companionship, preparation of meals, reminding them about their medication and also assisting them in their movements. Though nursing homes may come across as a traditional solution, it is imperative to note that confining the elderly in an institutional care is accompanied by a hefty price tag. It resembles elderly care at offsite facilities except that its services are strictly delivered in the senior persons home. The older people are often put under the care of professionals who are either certified or licensed. This option is often less expensive with families paying around $3300 compared to a permanent facility stay that costs up to about $6500 per month according to the study conducted by Ellenbecker et al. (16). Looking at the difference in the two costs, one will realize that less money will be spent on a daily basis meaning that it is less costly compared to healthcare in a facility. Also, not all families can afford such costs because of either their fixed income or even their limited assets. According to Rogers, although Medicare provides limited coverage for the stay in nursing facilities for the elderly, it is not readily available for a long-term custodial care in the nursing homes (8). The elderly patients have in many instances been forced to use all their resources in a bid to qualify for Medicaid that pays bills for a large percentage of the residents of the nations nursing homes. Home care is, therefore, cost effective alternative when compared to an assisted living facility.

Families will not have to worry always about how their elderly family members are being taken care of. Being around the people you love and watch them age is not an easy process. The older adults on their part often feel isolated and neglected because of their failing strength, therefore, are in constant need of help. It is, therefore, imperative that the people close to those who are struggling with the effects of aging hire them a home care companion. The services of the in-home caregivers come in handy, particularly when the seniors require physical assistance. Teter notes that; as people advance in age, they tend to lose touch with their friends and also distant relatives. In such instances, it is important that they are provided a personal companion with whom they can socialize and communicate. In countries such as the United States, they are not allowed to drive. This means that their ability to run their usual errands such as buying groceries and visiting friends will also be limited. This is where the role of a personal companion comes in. They are responsible for their transportation and also ensuring that they accompany their loved ones wherever they want to go. These partners are also held accountable especially when it comes to the well-being of the elderly. They are therefore expected to monitor their loved ones and ensure that they are healthy and comfortable ("Home Care Nursing Practice", 6).

The home environment will create emotional well-being for the old which in turn will make their families happy. This kind of familiarity promotes a better mental health and a general sense of well-being. Research has shown that postpones incidences of institutionalization and also reduces the chances of premature declines. The elder persons often have a hard time trying to adapt to a new environment just as is the case for anyone else at any stage in life. Moving them from their homes is a major event in their lives and is just as stressful to them as it is for other people. The anxiety that is created by the thought of leaving home and losing control of their life can create significant psychological problems for the elderly. The children of the aging parent will also have time to carry own with their lives especially in instances where they can hire a private companion. Home care has also been considered as an avenue that protects personal freedom. There is often the notion that the seniors are forced to give up a significant amount of their freedom whenever they are confined to nursing homes. On the contrary, when loved ones are allowed to remain at home, they attain a level of health care that helps them in maintaining their privacy and dignity (Ellenbecker et al. 13). They are even able to decide on the type of meals they want and also have a say on how certain activities can be scheduled. Since the home setting offers a less restrictive environment, the older adults can remain engaged in their day-to-day operations with their family and also with the community around them.

Families will be more content since they will feel that they are valuing their parents with home care. The in-home care gives families some sense of confidence and peace of knowing that their aging loved ones are comfortable attended to and are also receiving personalized care. This is especially beneficial to the patients having a difficulty with their mobility and hence cannot get to a health facility on their own. It has also been observed that the greatest risk that an elderly person can face while at home is an accident that is often as a result of an unexpected fall. The family members are tasked with providing the needed assistance to the seniors and in the process reducing such risks. This is because, with constant supervision, an individual is not only assured of the best care for the elderly but also they are provided with the range and level of care that they require. Having someone to watch over and help the aging parents gives a person the benefit of not giving up on a loved one but instead, creates an impression of generosity which strengthens love and support given to the senior by a professional. As people age, they tend to develop some form of attraction towards their family members. Home care will be the best option to keep families together and in the process strengthening the bonds of family ties. It is a fact that families act as a source of emotional and mental support for the aging parents. For the extended families, their guilt associated with the burden of caregivers is reduced because they are content that they have provided their elders a therapeutic environment of their choice. Family members are also able to interact with their parents without the restrictions witnessed in nursing homes such as visiting hours. Also, the loved ones in home care receive a one-on-one attention that is swift and is not tied to any form of bureaucracy. It is, therefore, important that the family members accommodate them so that they can freely mingle with their grandchildren and other relatives (Farris 530). In doing this, the family is not only able to achieve some peace of mind, but they will also derive satisfaction from the fact that their aging parents feel wanted and valued.

Home cares are continually becoming an option for families looking for peace of mind especially when it comes to taking care of the elderly. The ever increasing life expectancy means that there is a steady growth in the elderly population more so in the most developed countries. Taking an example of a country such as the United States, it is evident that there is an increase in the population of people over the age of sixty-five. Such a large older population is bound to come with its set of problems. As such, people are getting more persuaded to turn to home care as their preferred solution for managing the growing old population. The elderly on their part have shown more preference to living their remaining years in a place they are comfortable and familiar with. They argue this because life in an assisted facility comes with many challenges. The availability of the home care option ensures that the senior citizens can age in the comfort of their homes. Though some families draw their caregivers from within the family, others prefer professionals because the exercise is very stressful. Caring for the elderly can be time-consuming and as such require the services of personnel who is specially trained for the job. Despite all the advantages that come with in-home care, it is important to note that not all the senior citizens will be beneficiaries. For instance, people with more severe conditions are less likely to be adequately accommodated in the home care programs. The contributing factors to this would include their need for different types of medication and other treatment and therapy options that are difficult to achieve when one chooses a home care option. It is, therefore, worth noting that the more complex and complicated an individuals need are, then it is less likely that the possibility of a home health care would be a better choice for them.

Works Cited

Ellenbecker, Carol et al. "Patient Safety And Quality In Home Health Care". Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US) (2008): Retrieved from

Neighborly Home Care,. "The Benefits Of 24-Hour Senior Home Care | Delaware County". Neighborly Home Care. Retrieved from,

Rice, Robyn. Home Care Nursing Practice. St. Louis (MO): Mosby, 2006. Print.

Salus Homecare . "The Benefits Of In Home Care For Seniors Vs. Nursing Homes | Salus Homecare". South Bay. Retrieved from,

Teter, Michelle. "Benefits Of Hiring A Home Care Companion For An Older Adult - Agingcare.Com". Aging Care. Retrieved from,

Bonner, A. (2016). 2015 AARP National Caregiving Survey of Registered Voters Age 40 and Older - AARP. AARP. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from

Ellenbecker, C., Samia, L....

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Essay Example: Home Care for Elderly. (2019, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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