Free Paper on Creating a Marketing Research Plan a Mobile Grocery Store

Published: 2023-10-10
Free Paper on Creating a Marketing Research Plan a Mobile Grocery Store
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Research Marketing plan Customer service
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 605 words
6 min read

To accomplish the objectives of an organization, a market research plan is developed as a part of a business plan. The market research plan gives information on the potential market. For this project, a mobile grocery store is used (Chaffey, 2017). A mobile grocery store must have a proper marketing research plan to evaluate its market. The mobile store used has been having low returns. This has been attributed to the type of advertising used because there are a few customers who make orders and the type of groceries sold. The target market could not consume the type of groceries sold. Therefore the store has to come up with a plan to improve its returns. The business problems identified in the mobile grocery store are whether the current advertising campaign is effective or not and determining consumer's purchase intentions and preferences for the new product under the proposal. For the problems identified, there are two research questions stated as follows: what is the effect of changing the current advertising campaign on sales? Will the launch of a new product affect the buying intentions and preferences of customers?

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The customers targeted by the research are all adults because they make up the bulk of the customers. All adults can consume the groceries provided by the store, and therefore they are the population of the research (Lim, 2016). Besides, they also have the purchasing potential, and they can give better feedback as to whether they are aware of the products and whether a new product should be launched. On selecting the population, subjects will be selected and asked questions. The sampling technique that is suitable for the research is random because of its simplicity and the fact that every member of the population can be chosen to be a subject. Through random sampling, it is possible to get meaningful insights from different subjects.

The research technique that will be employed will be the use of questionnaires and document screening. The sample selected will be asked questions. Every subject in the sample will be asked the same questions as each other to gauge whether they will provide the same opinions or not. Document screening will be used as referrals to source data on the research problem (Lim, 2016). This technique gives feedback on past reports which can be used to get some data on the research problems. Such data include the effects of changing the advertising campaign on sales or the factors to consider when introducing a new product (Chaffey, 2017). The research suitable the question is quantitative. It will be suitable to decide on how the project problems will be solved, for instance, the proportion of the representatives that wants a new product launched, or whether the current advertising campaign should be discontinued. The evidence obtained from the research will be evaluated, and a conclusion arrived at.

The findings of the report will be communicated through tables and diagrams; the data will represent the responses from the representatives and information obtained from the screening of documents. The summary of the data will be given and the corresponding illustrations provided. The results will be compared and comment given on the expectations of the research. To ensure that reporting is accurate, the data sources used have to be accurate, the data should be reviewed, use simple and understandable language, and the reader of the report should access the data used easily.


Chaffey, D. (2017). Digital Marketing Planning Template. Viitattu, 21, 2017.

Lim, W. M. (2016). A blueprint for sustainability marketing: Defining its conceptual boundaries for progress. Marketing theory, 16(2), 232-249.

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