Free Essay Example. National Football League

Published: 2023-01-20
Free Essay Example. National Football League
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Stereotypes Domestic violence Human behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1011 words
9 min read

The National Football League (NFL) is a nonprofit organization with 32 teams. The spot consumer behavior, and domestic violence, is are things that have been faced by the National Football League. The NFL and domestic ferocity have been tangled in recent years in uncountable studies plus reports. Though, the perceptions have not been knotted together to look at an association that is amid the influence of fan conduct and the NFL. That perception and the understanding of what domestic violence entails were evaluated such that they could inspect the connection existing between the approvals of the confederation of the local forcefulness occurrences of its players. Domestic fierceness is a matter that is faced all the time in the United States for an extended period (Snyder & Morgan, 2005). The primary determination of this paper is to learn the conduct of NFL supporters and local violence among the players.

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Local violence characteristically happens when an individual aspects to display switch over the other being (Taylor & Keith, 2014). This is significant conduct on a football ground wherever one of the player's aspects to rule and show control over his or her rivals. Being violent and in control in most of the cases in their lives makes the players commit other family fights. These influences have backed the footballers to existence part of the delinquent instead of being a solution. According to Barrabi (2014), there are over 140 cases of the college and pro football players who have been reported to be violent against women. Moreover, many of the NFL players have been arrested due to domestic fights. The decoration of strength has not stopped in the NFL notwithstanding an augmented consciousness of the unruly.

Many challenges are affecting the NFL, and the football season is not but a football. Some cases are challenging it which are violent against women and the NFL players. NFL is one of the most profitable and favorite sports in North America. Though, being the most prevalent sport, it is not resistant to penalties of the action by the players (Schramm, Gregg, Sweeney & Stranahan, 2016). The supporters' behavior is the main thing that can judge who they reply to the players and the NFL. When the players portray lousy behavior such as domestic violence, the fans become upset and disgusted and stop buying products, stop appearing games, or even stop viewing their tournaments on the TV. This causes the sport to lack support from the people. Even a single fan reaction could reaction to a unique team's action results in the loss of acceptance of the team in the entire league.

NFL does not only work alone but works with the people around society. The organization has expanded internationally, thus increasing its market. NFL has a significant impact on mega-events such as the Pro Bowl and Super Bowl on the local economies that are hosted by these events. For example, in the year 2010, there was a 106.5 million viewership in the Super Bowl, which makes it the leading audience viewing for television in the USA (Real & Wenner, 2017). Moreover, the Super Bowl impacted the host of tourism in the city through the NFL, thus raising the economy of the towns. The people who attend the show and the people around the area spent a lot of money in the local economies that eventually created room for new businesses in the area. The Super Bowl is individual of the chief important sporting occasions in America, and it also creates a substantial prosperous for the cities around economically as there is a corresponding rise of spending theta happen during the game time.

Moreover, the NFL gives part of its profits to communities, organizations, and people who need help. One of the most significant social impacts that the NFL has on society is its corporation with United Way. The partnership started in 1973 and is recorded as the great running trust between a nonprofit organization and a professional sports league. NFL has a foundation that gives money for youth football and charity programs all over the country. It donated vast amounts of money to fund the well-being of those people. Apart from the negative view such as domestic violence that faces NFL, it plays a very crucial role in the lives of needy people mainly through the donation and partnership.

Stereotyping is mostly unavoidable at many cases, in the NFL, it is also faced, for example, when specific phrases and words are used in sports. Black players are more likely to be described in terms of strength and ability while in white athletes are expressed through the prism of effort and intelligence. Research also stated that members of one group see their membership as varied and think that the other group as standardized (Ferrucci, & Tandoc, 2017). Whereas all contributors are stereotyped in both races, the black players are stereotyped more powerfully. This suggests that the black stereotype players are not recorded as professional quarterbacks and could later affect how they play and view football in their adolescence.


Barrabi, T. (2014, September 22). NFL's History of Domestic Violence Extends Beyond Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson Abuse Cases. Retrieved from

Ferrucci, P., & Tandoc, E. C. (2017). Race and the deep ball: Applying stereotypes to NFL quarterbacks. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(1), 41-57. Retrieved from

Real, M. R., & Wenner, L. A. (2017). Super Bowl. Sport, Media and Mega-Events, 199. Retrieved from

Snyder, E. S., & Morgan, L. W. (2005, August). Domestic Violence Ten Years Later. Law Trends & News, 1.

Sweeney, K., Schramm-Possinger, M., Gregg, E. A., & Stranahan, H. (2016). Predicting Consumer Commitment: A Case Study of the NFL and Ray Rice. Case Studies in Sport Management,5(1), 80-85. doi:10.1123/cssm.2015-0048

Taylor, P., & Keith, T. (2014, September 15). The Brutal Truth. Sports Illustrated, 121(10), 12-14.

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