Free Essay Sample on Workplace Inclusivity

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay Sample on Workplace Inclusivity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Discrimination United States Employment Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read


An inclusive workplace is one where the individual differences of the workforce are known, and the workers feel accepted, appreciated, and welcome despite their individual differences (Dhiman & Marques, 2020). Workplace inclusivity is both a legal and moral responsibility for organizations. As such, organizations must offer a platform where diversity is valued and cherished in the workplace.

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Under Armour Case

Forbes magazine recently brought to light the dire case of UA (Under Armour), an American apparel organization, concerning workplace diversity and inclusivity. The organization recently fired two long-serving executives amidst claims of lack of inclusivity for women who form half of the company workforce (Asare, 2019). Other allegations that have been leveled at UA’s human resource management include lack of inclusivity in the career progression of female workers. Also, it was reported that UA’s employees used to visit strip clubs, sporting events, and gamble using their company cards (Khadeeja, 2018). There have also been reports of racial discrimination in career advancement at the company where workers of color seem to experience glass ceilings in the endeavors of vertical career growth. The UA workplace seems to lack inclusivity, which affects the positivity of the workforce. Although diversity in terms of gender and race ensures representation, the company has not made concerted efforts to foster a sense of belonging for its diverse workers.

Toxic Masculinity

The organization has since then stopped its employees from visiting strip clubs at its expense and fired two senior members of its management. However, the company has not done enough to eradicate the toxic masculinity that prevents female inclusiveness. For instance, the executive team of the global company is made up of men only (Lieber, 2018). If I were the CEO, I would undertake a serious endeavor to foster a positive inclusive environment. While firing the two executives was a start it did not do a lot to boost the leadership confidence. The company would own up and take responsibility for immoral behavior. Any manager or executive implicated in such activities would be required to resign to improve our public image and regain employee support and confidence. This would show the employees that their grievances are being taken seriously and that inclusivity is being given a chance. I would put a clamp masculine toxicity by lowering any barriers to carrier advancement of women and people of color. As such, the diverse workforce of the company would be optimally represented in the management and executive with time.


Managers need to have the courage to break long-held practices at the workplace that affect inclusivity and a positive environment. This calls for impeccable collaborative and interpersonal skills coupled with a mindset that will balance the needs of the organization with those of the workers. A manager needs to continually make efforts to ensure that bias, either conscious or subconscious, does not affect his or her judgments (Chalofsky, 2010). Managers have to not only manage a diverse workforce but also ensure that the individual workers have access to equal opportunities as well as chances of professional growth.


Asare, J. G. (2019, Feb 4). Diversity without inclusion is useless. Forbes.

Chalofsky, N.E. (2010). Meaningful workplaces: Reframing how and where we work. Jossey-Bass.

Dhiman, S., & Marques, J. (2020). New horizons in positive leadership and change: A practical guide for workplace transformation.

Khadeeja, S. (2018, November 5). Under Armour’s #MeToo Moment: No more strip clubs on company dime. The Wall Street Journal.

Lieber, C. (2018, November 7). Under Armour won’t let employees expense “adult entertainment,” limos, or gambling anymore. Vox.

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