Free Essay on the Problems Encountered by GSK in the Implementation of Cobit

Published: 2022-06-02
Free Essay on the Problems Encountered by GSK in the Implementation of Cobit
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Software Information systems
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 942 words
8 min read

A short summary of the case and nature of the organization

GlaxoSmithKline commonly known as GSK is an organization known worldwide for its development of pharmaceutical products that help in the improvement of human life. They treat both common diseases and deadly diseases such as heart disease, cancer, vaccines and many more. Conduction of research is also evident following the ailment that may be affecting people internationally. Since GSK is a large organization operating across the world, they have a large organizational structure that has several departments involved in its function to be able to achieve its objectives. For it to be able to do this, it is invested mostly in the information technology department that assists in simplifying it's operating and making it more effective (Chennault et al, 2010).

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The definition of the problem

The IT department engages in the support of linking GSKs businesses such as research, development and medical campaigns, globally and ensures it is secured using Cobit 4.1. This is a framework system that is used in the governance of the organization's framework for them to be able to control the companies' activities and it also has a focused control of its framework. However, in a global organization, it is not guaranteed that the software they use will be without fault (Wilson et al, 2012). The various problems encountered in the implementation of Cobit were that it was mainly developed for controlling and monitoring the activities and not execution. This was a problem as some actions were ignored if not relevant to the activity proposed. Cobit has different versions and each is meant for a specific task, for instance, Cobit PO2 is for definition while PO3 is for determination hence being excluded or has a part in a department that does not require it.

The scope of the problem the organization is facing

The situation faced by GSK by the use of Cobit is that it's arranged in different processes, a way of order, the control, and management of the organization and this might not be what is on the support departments systems because it is excluded. The support department is able to detect when an organization policy is not being implemented in the correct way. This gives is where the support department are to correct the [problem before it affects the operations of the businesses. Although, with the weakness of a system being recognized later may be a major concern since previous faults may have gone unrecognized and cause serious risks. This in return changes the operational structure policy in the organization to correct the action.

The adopted framework and steps of implementing the framework

The corrective action taken to minimize the risks brings about the improvement of the framework of the organization. Thus the adopted framework of GSK due to the risks it sometimes faces is the creation of various documents that cover several operations separately rather than using cobit as a whole (Wilson et al, 2012). This allows every department to be able to have a familiar structure and the departments can use what is relevant to them. Therefore, for the adaption of a whole and new structure, the followed procedures for introducing a new structure are; arrangement of the businesses organization and that with the IT department to monitor its operations, conducting training for the employees for familiarity and knowledge of the framework, system development and constant maintenance governing the investments and governance and most importantly, risk tolerance control policies and the system quality is performed and also improving the way of communication in the company between departments (Chennault et al, 2010).

The solutions provided and the summary of the final results

With the implementations to control the level of risks within GSK, the solution that was brought about to improve its activities is the advancement from cobit 4.1 to cobit 5 which is known to be a better framework for the company for an effective organizational procedures that had more control and gives the required justifiable actions (Wilson et al, 2012). The support department addresses the problems encountered by gathering data and monitoring activities. After the implementation and improvement of the control of the objectives, the support department found that there was effectiveness in the operations of departments and most of the work was being documented and hence accountability was achieved. This assists in helping the support department with the evaluation of the system and monitors the underlying risks and vulnerable points to be able to keep a well-maintained operation.


To conclude, GlaxoSmithKline organizational structure, therefore, requires a well maintain and supported framework for its activities to be effective and make sure it has fewer risk factors that can damage or lead to the change of its organizational structure. By using cobit 4.1 frameworks, the organization is able to operate globally and provide the necessary care to humans and also achieve their objectives (Chennault et al, 2010). Consistent baseline evaluation ensures a continued improvement of their operations for a long period although with new implantations being made from time to time to have guaranteed that all the audit and data is accountable. This makes GlaxoSmithKline a powerful and still growing company that uses cobit to improve is organizational structure. It gives a new perspective to organizations in the use of the governance and control with the coming models of cobit 5 which is more advanced.


Chennault, D., & Strain, C. (2010). SharePoint deployment and governance using COBIT 4.1: A practical approach. Rolling Meadows, IL: ISACA.

Doz, Y. L., & Wilson, K. (2012). Managing Global Innovation: Frameworks for Integrating Capabilities around the world. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.

IT Governance Institute. (20017). COBIT 4.1: Framework, control objectives, management guidelines, maturity models. Rolling Meadows, IL: IT Governance Institute.

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