Essay Example with the Summary of the Character of Farouq in "Animal People"

Published: 2022-04-25
Essay Example with the Summary of the Character of Farouq in "Animal People"
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Character analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 666 words
6 min read

Farouq 1 plays 1 an essential role in the development of the overall plot and theme of the story, Animals People, written by Indra Sinha. Farouq as an antagonist is built among the most successful narration in his writing career. The minor characters like Farouq play a significant role in building the protagonist of the story. Farouq's family migrated to Khaufpur from Yaryilaqis. He is Animal's friend and associate in his endeavors. He is also Zafar's right-hand man. From the incidences, Farouq appears in the novel, the author used him as the backup point to build the main characters. According to Fernando, some minor characters are the driving force of the story for the author to build on the narrative and portray the character traits of protagonists (16)

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In the narration, the personality of Farouq is derived from his character and conduct as mockery, authoritative, cruel, loyal, and diligent. Sinha shows him as an intelligent like a gang criminal due to his foul-mouthed, crude, and bawdy personality. His mockery is shown when he tells Nashi "...Don't worry she'll think you're a baboon..." (77). Though, Farouq is Animal's friend he is authoritative when he directs him to decamp from his current state to liberate his life from poverty and struggles. Farouq is also described as loyal and faithful to friendship and obligations. "...Animal's choice is to 'escape the responsibility of being human" (Sinha 209). He deputizes Zafar and takes steps in tedious duties around the community and the clinic. They both decide to go on a hunger strike, until when he backed off on the fourth day. Sinha shows his loyalty when he says that he worships Zafar (88).

Farouq's personality is derived from his character and conduct that build his persona. Sinha presents him as an intelligent criminal in a gang due to his foul-mouthed, crude, and bawdy personality. Though, Farouq is Animal's friend he is cruel and authoritative when he directs him to decamp from his current state to liberate his life from poverty and struggles. Farouq is also described as loyal and faithful to friendship and obligations. He is Zafar's deputy and takes courageous walks through his tedious roles in the clinic and around the community. He also shows his loyalty to his role as Zafar's assistant when they decided to go on a hunger strike he backed up on the fourth day.

As Animal's loyal friend he helps him find his lost identity after suffering from the Bhopal disaster that left him disabled. Farouq's strong and interesting character build's Animal's confidence in facing life's cruelty and reality. In connection to the religion, he is not rooted in belief only that it is from the influence of the parents. In addition, he states that there is no need for other life in case it is similar to the one he is living (Sinha 207). Farouq showed his devotion to Muslim religion when he says "Better get a religion quick..." (206).

Farouq depicts objectivity when he tells his friend Animal that "...If you act powerless, you are powerless; the way to get what you want is to demand it...." (19). Farouq thinks outside the box by reasoning with his friend to stop thinking of being an animal but instead act like the human being he is to stop escapism. Farouq inspires his friend to quite shunning his responsibilities through selfishness and assimilation of beast traits whereas his disability was not inability. He mocks Animal that their only difference was their standing status otherwise they are equal. Through this provocation, he is able to inspire him to perceive his challenges positively.

In conclusion, Farouq, cannot be signified as a protagonist in the story "Animal's People" but, his primary role and character traits build the strength of the author's work and the elements of other characters he interacts within the plot. He is described to have split have personality with both cold and warmth towards the people he associates and interacts with the plot.

Work cited

Sinha, Indra. Animal's People: A Novel. Simon and Schuster, 2009.

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Essay Example with the Summary of the Character of Farouq in "Animal People". (2022, Apr 25). Retrieved from

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