Free Essay Example: Special Problems and Challenges and the Future of Policing in America

Published: 2023-12-13
Free Essay Example: Special Problems and Challenges and the Future of Policing in America
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy United States Terrorism Homeland security
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1786 words
15 min read

The United States Department of Homeland Security is the Civic agency born to secure the United States against its enemies. Eleven days following the terrorist attack on 11th September 2001, the White House appointed Tom Ridge, the Pennsylvanian Governor, the head of the Department of Homeland Security. The department was created to control and be in charge of the whole security of the nation. The office was given the mandate to protect the country against terrorist attacks and to respond to the episodes that may occur in the future. Following the legalization of the Homeland Security Act by Congress in 2020 November, the Ministry of Homeland Security was now converted to an independent, cabinet-level office. After it was created, the Department of Homeland Security put 22 distinct Civic Units and departments into an integrated Cabinet agency. This paper focuses on the unique challenges and the future of policing in America.

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The agency has various functions that entail flight security, border security, cybersecurity and, emergency responses. In line with the Department of Homeland Security's mission statement, the agency owns five main homeland security goals (Baggett, Foste & Simpkins, 2017). First is the prevention of terrorist activities by enhancing security. Secondly, it guards and manages the borders of America. Thirdly is enforcing and administering the immigration laws of America. It safeguards and protects the cyberspace. Lastly, it ensures resilience to calamities. The scope and number of challenges in America from hackers have risen in recent years. Cyberterrorism prevention has turned to a major frustration to the efforts of the Department of Home Security homeland.

The department ensures that the civilian government computer networks are safe and operate with state and industry, tribal, local, and territorial governments to protect critical information and infrastructure connections. The Department of Homeland Security also examines the vulnerabilities, cyber threats, and dissemination of cyber threat alerts, and oversees the response to cyberspace attacks. The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement has the most significant role because it is linked to Federal law enforcement. It ensures public and homeland security safety via the civic and criminal enforcement of Federal laws checking the protection of borders, immigration, customs, and trade.

The Uniform Crime Reports Program's primary goal is to create factual data to be applied in administration operations, law enforcement, and management. During the past decades, the information has been one of America’s number one social indicator. The program is the researchers' source, students of criminal justice, law enforcement executives, the media personalities, and the public generally interested in the information concerning crimes in America. The blueprint was born in 1929 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to satisfy the urge for convenience and equal criminality records for the country.

The Uniform Crime Reports Program has four statistics collections. First is the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program, the Summary Reporting System, thirdly is the Hate Crime Statistics Program, and finally is the National Incident-Based Reporting System. The Uniform Crime Reports blueprint gives yearly reports for every one of those statistics collections (Kaplan, 2018). Additionally, it submits a preclusive semiannual account of the comprehensive data every winter and unique compilation, such as Human Trafficking, Cargo Theft Reports, Human, and National Incident-Based Reporting System topical examinations.

The Uniform Crime Reports Blueprint also oversees the new National Use-of-Force Data Collection. The interactive Criminality Data Explorer tool by the Federal Bureau of Investigation functions as the digital front exit for Uniform Crime Reports data, which enables the enforcement of the law. The general public more easily understands and utilizes the massive Uniform Crime Reports data currently gathered. One of its weaknesses are that it covers only the crimes that have been discovered by the police. Secondly, it is not true that every detail of crime is be reported; thus, it is not 100% reliable. Alterations of the local laws quickly cause data spikes; the information is slow to come out. Another weakness of the Uniform Crime Reports is that it never covers the crimes not reported to the police. Lastly, it never covers cases of drug usage; thus, it suffers from reporting errors.

According to Peak, in the Article Justice Administration: Police, Courts, and Corrections Services, the prevalent model for the chief executive officer, being applied by the security personnel, courts, and corrections administrations, is the Mintzberg model. The Mintzberg model states that police CEOs have three different primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision (Serrat, 2018). Interpersonal roles in Justice Administration are life skills that they occur need to communicate and interact with others on a daily to daily basis. They are generally referred to as social skills, including delegating, persuading, listening attentively, ruling, and redirecting verbal or non-verbal communication. This role is so crucial in the Justice Administration that one is working with the community daily, but one is also in charge of teams and the officers inside the Justice Department.

This role is highly needed to work as an executive in law Enforcement. The primary function is the informational role. This role is broken up into three different duties: checking, regulating, disseminating, and helping the officer in the surveillance and stewardship section tasked with receiving the department's running strategies and ensuring that things are running smoothly. Peak mentions that this is often referred to as roaming the ship. As dissemination duties, the CEO's job is to release annual changes to the general orders operating procedures. It is also this role1s job to check the content to be given to the media and the citizens. The other duty is the informational function is to be the spokesperson. The spokesperson needs to be articulate and cautious to present the right image of their department. Thus, their job is to release the information clearly and the dissemination role to the media and the general public.

Decision-making is the last primary role that a Correctional Executive Officer should possess due to regular administrative decisions as services to the public. Sometimes the decision-maker has a choice of discretion. This role is essential to cause judgment to take all relevant information into thought. Executive officers are not on the streets like normal law enforcement processes in their decision-making because of administrative problems such as complaints, when to or not to charge a person arrested. There is a wide variety of issues that they have to solve; sometimes, they do not life-threatening decisions. Still, significant decisions could cause a nuisance to seem out of control and become life-threatening.

The executive officer sits in on correctional facility cases when a prisoner breaks a rule. The officers in administrative roles sit in on the circumstances and decide the outcome they have to consider if the inmate needs to be segregated or needs to have certain privileges taken away. If the wrong decision is made, it can affect inmates within the correctional facilities towards suicide. There needs to be a balance between these three roles, and that one role isn't more important than the others. These three roles are required not only for management positions throughout law Enforcement but also for essential functions in the occupation.

The head has to portray all of these traits in an equal manner or close to identical. Out of the three functions, one role that is hard to improve on is interpersonal skills. Thus this is a skill that a person is brought up to carry. So it did have to take a more critical role; it would be interpersonal due to those thoughts. Informational and decision-making can be improved on as the person becomes more experienced within their occupation. All these roles are essential and will make a sound Correctional Executive Officer.

American laws need to point to all countries that aid terrorism directly. Syria and Iran need to be ranked in the category of terrorist’ supporters until they cut off the support. Afghanistan also needs to be put in the list and all applicable sanctions to be subjected to all the nations that aid terrorism. The Americans also need to subject sanctions to the countries that are indirectly sponsoring the terrorists. Nevertheless, governments that fail to cooperate fully on counter-terrorism need to be subjected to sanctions (McLean et al., 2018). The nations to be considered are Greece and Pakistan. The policy creators need to support a strict but transparent method of countering terrorism. America ought to prove that its approach style will counter-terrorism without dearly costing America by crippling it economy for the long term. The government must be precise concerning its unique strategy to curb terrorism at home, currently and in the future.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation depends on the local law enforcement agencies to spot and report criminalities motivated by bias. Unfortunately, most agencies grope this task. Evidence reveals that several police agencies in America are reluctant in their duties, explicitly counting hate crimes. Most cases about hate crime cases fall away before they begin due to the failure to report them to the authorities by more than half the victims. In several states, the local law enforcement department submits its hate crime statistics to the government, which is then supposed to send it to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Unfortunately, in many cases, this chain is broken down. Discrepancies in the way every state defines hate crimes also create confusion, which results in the undercount. At the federal level, a hate crime is an offense geared by biases against color, race, sex, religion, nationality, gender, or disability. According to the Agency of Justice Statistics, in 2008, most of the Federally hired workers in America were the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Customs and Border Security, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and Immigration and Customs Officers. The Civic officer's duties are police patrol and response, criminality investigations inspections, security, court functions, and corrections. There are over 17,000 local and state law enforcement units in America, ranking in size from a single officer to even over 30,000 officers. There are several law enforcement units, and most of those are municipal units run by native governments. Domestic constabulary entails the municipal, county, ethnic, and local authorities that get command from the local ruling organ that bears it.


Conclusively, it is the American Government's work to embrace the jurisdiction laws, make patrols, and investigate crimes. The State Police must daily perform the police functions, including the statewide and highway patrol investigations. Some American states have only highway patrols having a distinct entity's investigative duties, such as the state bureau of investigation. The state police assist the local authority in carrying out investigations and responding to emergencies beyond the local units' resources and jurisdictional limits. The Special Jurisdiction Police offer their services in a particular geographical setting within another jurisdiction.

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