Annotated Bibliography Example on Gender Inequality in Developing Countries

Published: 2022-09-28
Annotated Bibliography Example on Gender Inequality in Developing Countries
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Gender Discrimination
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 579 words
5 min read

The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries; Seema Jayachandran Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208; (2015)

The author of this article tries to argue out the intensity of degree in inequality when considering development of countries in respect to educational matters, and personal autonomy. This is as result of underdevelopment as highlighted by the authors view point. In other statement, does the current society hold on virtues that culture maintain that are likely to lead to gender inequality. The article as expounded by the author discusses mechanism that creates gender gap as the country continues to grow in both political and economic manner. The article indicates and shows gender gap are largely practiced in developing countries and its dominance in these countries. In the extensive research by the author it is clear that many poor countries today still have a culture that have male chauvinism and favoritism towards males. Normally, when country develop women status also improve and rises because of shift of event brought about by technological advancement. Inequality of gender can explain through ratio seen of men to women especially in India and middle east countries. In her article, she lays policies approachable to give address in context of gender inequality. In order to turn table around, decline in risks frequency of child bearing would probably increases participation of women in labor workforce, this in turn can lead to increase investment as result of human Capital in girl child and personal autonomy of Women.

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Seema Jayachandaran is known to be awarded bachelor of science in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the year 1993. Moreover, she went ahead to study physics and Philosophy at oxford university, thus becoming Marshal Scholar. At Harvard University she graduated with physics studies in 1997 but later on made completion of PhD in Economics in year 2004.

What Causes Gender Inequality? - A Working Syllabus - SOC-UA 937 - Fall (2018) Robert Max Jackson

Robert Max Jackson is an Author deeply investigate about what are the cause of inequality especially between Women and order to know causes of gender inequality, Robert emphasize on the importance of knowing its meaning. He tries to find out how this inequality rose among the gender. Apart from that, the Author narrates the reason behind the different form of gender disparities. Another thing of concern was how the difference in gender aspect keep varying in the degree of disparity across different races, ethnicity and cultural background. To add on that, Max in his article "What Causes Gender Inequality?" he elaborates about the components that are likely to add up to the rooted problem of gender inequality. He went into depth of how institutions and various practices make a contribution to gender equality as well as how this institution changes this element. The article purely seeks to detail the gender equality in United States.

Robert Max Jackson is a Professor of Sociology. He was awarded a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology in Michigan university of Science and Technology. In 1974, Robert attains Masters in Sociology in University of California, Berkeley. Later on, he was able to attain PhD in Sociology in the year 1981. He majorly focuses on Gender inequality having add a book known as "destined for Equality"

Work cited

The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries; Seema Jayachandran Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208; (2015)

Seminar: What Causes Gender Inequality? - A Working Syllabus - SOC-UA 937 - Fall 2018 Robert Max Jackson

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Annotated Bibliography Example on Gender Inequality in Developing Countries. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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