Essay Sample: New Channel Optimization in Hospitality

Published: 2022-12-06
Essay Sample: New Channel Optimization in Hospitality
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Research Hospitality Business management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 977 words
9 min read

I wish to submit a new manuscript entitled channel optimization in hospitality for consideration by the research journal secrets of data-driven hotelier.

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In this paper, I report on data driven hoteliers and how it has affected the hotel industry. This is significant because the hoteliers who are in a position to keep up with the emerging trends are able to keep tabs with their customers. This paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of tourism and hotel industry as they get to familiarize themselves with the new technological trends in the industry.

The tourism and hotel industry is a beneficiary of these changes because it has made it easy in the booking of hotel rooms and advertising of hotel packages and services.

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Channel Optimization in Hospitality Secrets of Data-Driven Hoteliers

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Channel Optimization in Hospitality Secrets of Data-Driven Hoteliers

This article discusses the divisions found in the hospitality industry. These segments include the owners of the property, the brands of the hotel and the management of the company. These segments create complex relations between the guests and the hoteliers. Cole and Sileo (2017) state that guests interested in renting hotel rooms can find it difficult and complex hence the hoteliers have to ensure that they make it simple and as easy as possible for their guest. The article also outlines some of the challenges that the hoteliers have to overcome in order to ensure that they come up with strategies of attracting many potential customers. In the course of customer' attraction, Cole and Sileo (2017) suggest that hoteliers must maximize the sales that they make by utilizing the lowest operational costs thus also maximizing desired profits. All these aspects should be complemented by offering the highest quality service to ensure customer satisfaction.

Additionally, the hoteliers need to have a business plan that is properly prepared on an annual basis as well as a strategic marketing plan for the business to achieve progress (Cole & Sileo, 2017). There should be a set operating budget to support the business plan and marketing strategy. This article is of the view that strategies should be aligned to maximize operational capability since any conflicting strategies are bound to fail. It suggests that success is also based on the analysis carried out where even the smallest organizations can operate a successful business when they correctly follow their business plans (Cole & Sileo, 2017). According to Cole and Sileo (2017), the hospitality industry has created layered relationships which have different business models where the owners of the hotels take the risk and the cost of the hotel operation, the management provides the expertise of operating the hotel and the hotel branding focuses on creating identity and reservations for members.

This article covers technological advancement that eases operations in the hotel industry. Before the introduction of technology, there was the use of personal computers, which were used for self-booking (Cole & Sileo, 2017). The internet then offered a platform for easy access to hotel information and research capability. Today powerful smartphones are used to enable accessibility of information at all times and from anywhere (Cole & Sileo, 2017). These changes in the channels give the customers various options to choose from and book hotels. All these changes in technology also affect the hoteliers, as there is regional diversity where trends change frequently, which gives hoteliers the opportunity to implement it and make operations more effective and efficient. The businesses must react to the changes in political, economic, or competitive environments.

Cole and Sileo (2017) argue that the use of digital mechanisms in the hotel industry should incorporate the collection of data for reference and getting the customer views regarding the services and products being given. As a result, the article expounds on the essential of the captured data. It is essential in creating knowledge and improvement of services and analyzing the performance of the business. Also, this data enables marketers to customize the experiences of individuals and enable estimation of what the customers may expect in the future (Cole & Sileo, 2017). For instance, a customer can express their stay over a winter experience that they spend in a hotel, which determines the probability of their stay in a similar hotel for another winter period. When such customers are identified, efforts are made to track and stay connected to them throughout their travel cycle.

The article looks at how data-driven decision-making process in the hotel industry is. The process is essential in preparation for disruptive completion from both within and outside the industry (Cole & Sileo, 2017). The use of data that is given by the customers enables evaluation of the customer experiences and satisfaction. These evaluations are crucial in future decision making in regards to improving the services and products offered or being introduced (Cole & Sileo, 2017). Having the right data ensures that the hotel can offer the right product, including the appropriate experience to the right person and for the right value and price.

In conclusion, Cole and Sileo (2017) talk about the divisions that exist in the hospitality industry, for instance, hotel brands as well as company management. They also talk about the need for a business plan and a strategic plan for marketing and the role they play in the hospitality industry. Additionally, Cole and Sileo (2017) discuss the technological innovations that continuously happen in the industry, for instance, digital mechanisms in data collection. Lastly, the authors discuss the aspect of data-driven decision making, which uses customers' data regarding experience and satisfaction.


Cole, R., & Sileo, L. (2017). Channel Optimization in Hospitality: Secrets of Data-Driven Hoteliers. New York: Phocuswright Inc.

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