Proper Steps to a Healthy Heart - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-09
Proper Steps to a Healthy Heart - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Food Sport Stress Diet
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 877 words
8 min read


In every target of achievement, there is a need to have a plan. A plan strategically gives the direction of results, objectives, and goals. Like any other want to be achieved, heart-healthy steps need procedural program solving healths. Getting a healthy heart is a step for the right heart direction. The heart disease has been a demagogue to human existence. It is one of the most killers for both women and men in the U.S for coronary heart disease being the most common type of heart illness. Heart disease kills over 400000 people annually. Furthermore, then 750000 have a heart attack annually as well (Kim & Yoon, 2014). Statistics are never lying, giving scary situations, but can be prevented by the proper steps of a healthy heart.

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Have a Balanced Healthy Diet

The health of the heart is all about personal choice. The balanced diet is always healthy and much more heather to the core. Eating foods like fruits to improve the prevention of heart failure due to t lack of vitamins. The vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and beans are healthy foods to the heart curing and making firmness of heart infection. The oily fish, low-fat dairy, and fat-free foods are more robust to save the heart form coronary failures. Healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty fats that help in lowering the LDL cholesterol in the blood (Shimbo et al., 2020). Fibers' content food keeps some cholesterol from absorbing the body and fruit veggies. The American heart association offers healthy substitution of the heart-healthy diet.

Quit and Avoid Smoking

The risk of developing a heart disease drastically drops when one stops smoking. After around 20 minutes of not smoking, the blood pressure and heart rate both fall to the average blood level. There are several tips to stop smoking. Pick the date to stop smoking, tell the famous people that you are stopping smoke. Throw away the smoke reminders, remind yourself why you need to quiet. Learn how to manage the withdrawal symptoms, and you will be good to go.

Critically Hedge Stress and Manage It

The management of stress is essential since many people have anxiety. The cause of stress is family issues, work, accident life, and other typical daily stressful accountancy. The inability of a person to control weight can cause high blood pressure hence irregular heartbeats and, to the who damages the arteries. In managing stress, one can have social stay, getting enough sleep, treating yourself, and finding someone to talk to about the problem (Shimbo et al., 2020). It is helpful to the heart to be in control of the stress.

Frequently Have a Schedule for Exercise

Frequent exercise is proved by the medics to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Is any problem occurs, I happen at a late age and is less chronic. Exercise helps in reducing the high blood pressure and manage the glucose level in the blood with lowering the cholesterol. The medics recommend that every day one needs to get the 30 minutes exercise (Shimbo et al., 2020).

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The health exercise and eating healthy food in combination helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Strictly focusing on losing weight is not as important as maintaining a healthy weight. Excess weight adds up the burden of stress on your heart (Kim & Yoon, 2014). Excess weight increases diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and blood pressure increase. The right choice of weight maintenance ultimately results in pressure and improvement in the quality of life.

Get Informed About Your Family History

Many heart conditions, like heart disease are links to family history. In the case of the family history of the heart, it is essential to consult the doctor for advice (Kim & Yoon, 2014). A predisposition to complications on heart puts you at a higher risk of lowering the lifestyle. It is necessary to sit down with the family to discuss past heart problems.

Inform the Next Generation

Skills need the stay of heart and learn at a young age. The unites states of America heart association gives parents tips on how kids need to be informed to be healthy (Kim & Yoon, 2014). The learning about blood sugar, diabetes, blood pressure with cholesterols needs to be informed of children. The avoidance of smoking, eating a healthy diet and playing every day to improve on their health issues.


Heart disease prevention needs to follow the procedure as a plan for developing the condition of the heart. Many lives are being claimed by heart illness and are the number one killer disease annually. However, like any other achievement speculation, heart diseases can be hedged by the strategies of health improvement.


Kim, D. Y., & Yoon, T. (2014). Providing available molecular modeling data for composing focal adhesion kinase inhibitor by C 5.0, support vector machine, and structure prediction program. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 4(5), 377-381.

Shimbo, D., Artinian, N. T., Basile, J. N., Krakoff, L. R., Margolis, K. L., Rakotz, M. K., & Wozniak, G. (2020). Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home: A joint policy statement from the American Heart Association and American Medical Association. Circulation, 142(4). h

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