Essay Sample: Exploring the Impact of Technology on Society and the Economy

Published: 2023-02-25
Essay Sample: Exploring the Impact of Technology on Society and the Economy
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Technology Society
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1796 words
15 min read

Technology is an essential aspect of the society that aids in the production processes by making work easier and faster. Most of the modern companies apply technology in various procedures. Although many people claim that technology leads to unemployment, it increases industrial practices, a situation that leads to the production of more goods to meet the demands in the market. The contemporary economics relies entirely on technology in the production of goods and services. The use of machinery or technological products has changed over the last two hundred years. Before the start of 20th century, the term, technology, was uncommon; it was either used to allude to technical education or to refer to the study of useful facts. The use of technology became popular during the second Industrial Revolution when many companies became focused on the increased production of goods and services. With the continuous advancement in technology, there has been emergence of social robots that are designed to interact with other robots and with humans. A social robot is one of the artificial intelligence systems that is designed to interact with other robots and with humans. In the work environment, social robot has the capability of taking the entire job functions including the basic customer services. At home, social robots, designed with unique personalities can help in different activities and engage with family members. Some of the common types of robots include hitchBOT, a social robot that attempted to hitchhike across the United States in the year 2014 (Duncan 24). The improvement in engineering and technology has led to the improvement of robots over the years. The history of robots began with the desire or the need to enhance operational activities at homes and in industries. Today, robots are used to undertake diverse activities across the world.

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While robots have been perceived as possessing quality skills, social robots are fairly the recent branch of robotics with improved artificial intelligence. The first robot, inform of a tortoise, was developed in the year 1950 by William Grey Walter. However, the use of social robots began in the 1990s. Engineers and researchers have engaged in the development of robots that explicitly undertake operations at different social levels. In the history of robots, designing autonomous social robots is specifically challenging because the robots need perfectly imitate or interpret people's actions and thereafter respond appropriately. Even there have been technological, and engineering approaches to improve the robots, incorporating the correct actions have not been possible. In the 1990s when technology was on the rise, robotics were found to be the perfect machines to be used in undertaking the industrial processes. Most of the engineers believed that it was the only way of solving workplace complexities that arise as a result of repetitive processes (Ford 36). Today, most of the automotive companies use robots in the design of vehicles and other products where the production requires repetitive processes.

In most cases, individuals interacting with robots often hold very high expectations from their capabilities. Historically, engineers have based their knowledge on science fiction to incorporate some features in robots. For instance, the advanced robots used in the manufacturing processes require the advanced social features capable of handling or taking care of the massive work processes evidenced in the industries.

In the development of robots, fiction has always led the way in inspiring or predicting technological inventions. The truth of technoscience, driven by the military and corporate interest takes over as robotics engineers, computer scientists, as well as CEOs explore the rich array of artificial intelligence in an attempt to increase production processes. While social robots are expected to show emotions, this only remains to be reality in the fiction movies; however, historically, engineers have been engaged in different processes of ensuring the production of social robots (Siciliano 14). The development of robots often takes different aspects of engineering from electronic, automotive, to mechanical engineering, depending on the purpose and the type of robot. The electronic aspects of social robots usually involve inventions in the electromagnetic.

The application of electricity and magnetism is evident in the most technological sector. Almost all machinery runs on motors, and this leads to a wide application of the concept of electromagnetism. The modern scientist has persistently come up with new technologies that make use of electricity and magnetic effects, robots being one of them. The concept of electronics involves the behaviors of positive and negative charges in the nucleus, and it is this idea that leads to more inventions in the modern world of physics and engineering. The interaction between magnetic and electric fields is of great significance as it is applicable in motors that sustain the operations of different machines.

Social or emotional robots have been science fiction for many years, however, with the advanced science innovation and consistent work by engineers, it has come to the point where the social robots have become a reality in different households. Also, in the automotive industries, social robots have become useful not only in the production processes but also in customer service and human relationships (Siciliano 17). Robots do not only exist in the physical form. In the rise of digital technology, software engineers are engaged in the development of different software robots. In modern times where every process has gone digital, robots are common in forex trading, in mobile services, and even in the financial sector where some solutions become complex. With electronic capabilities as well as computer programs, social robots can be remotely controlled. It can serve as a telepresence representative a given business meeting, or even in the healthcare facility to operate different treatment processes. When the robots were invented, they possessed simple mechanisms of undertaking work processes. By the time there were no advances in the computer programs or the software capabilities (Siciliano 19). However, with the development of computer technology and advancement in the software products, there has been emergence of social robots with autonomous systems and artificial intelligence that enables them to interact independently in response to the cues or prompts from people and other things within their environment. The above type of autonomous robot is sometimes called the smart robot. With the digital and electronic systems, smart robot intelligence is typically based on the cognitive computing systems that depict human thought processes. In most cases, cognitive computing incorporates machine learning systems that apply data mining, natural language processing, and pattern recognition to simulate the operation of human brains.

The evolution of robots has led to the application of both the electronic and software systems. The robots are mainly the products of both electronics and computer engineers. In robotics, magnetism and electricity form the basis of demonstration of the underlying electromagnetic forces. Electromagnetism is a concept in physical science that explains the interaction between magnetic fields and electric fields. The movement of current creates the magnetic field, and consequently, magnetic fields can also induce electric current through the flow of charges. The interaction between the two forces is significant as the idea can be applied in robotics. In the design of robots, the rules of magnetism can also explain the concept electromagnetic and geomagnetic phenomena through explaining the behavior of atoms that carries the charged particles. For a robot to perform the physical operational processes, alignment of the behaviors of atoms is essential. In most cases, the movement is characterized by the electronic and magnetic forces that interact to create a sense of motion. Many industries like modern microelectronics apply the scientific idea of interaction between electromagnetism and matter. The signals generated by the electromagnets can be preserved in special tailored materials. The material science involves separate studies of magnetic and electric effects. The modern scientific inventions on electromagnetic have influenced the life of people in society. Communication systems rely on electromagnetic concepts. The mobile phones function based on radio frequencies; this is another form of electromagnetic force that exists within the electromagnetic spectrum. The force is a result of the interaction between radio waves and other forms of waves that are used in radar, satellite stations, and ovens. The electromagnetic forces can cancel out the ionizing radiation; a concept applied on cell phones to safeguard the destruction of the DNA contents. Robots consist of different electronic components that interact to create a sense of motion and the capability to enhance operational processes.

The role of engineers, as well as the computer scientist, is to provide a solution to the emerging industrial problems. In addition, they operate collaboratively to ensure that industrial processes are done perfectly and effectively. Robotics is one of the aspects of modern technology whose invention involves the incorporation of engineering and computer experts. The improvement of robotics over the years has led to the advancement in the robotics programs have created efficiency in the work processes. Automation is one of the many phenomenons that continues to drive change and impacts the job market. Amidst the aging population, the rise of the Middle Class, climate change and all the activities that disrupt the labor market, robots are becoming more useful. The above scenario, therefore, calls for the advanced engineering processes to improve robotics to ensure efficiency in doing different work processes. In the last century of technology, robots became popular in the market, aiding the operations and supplementing human activities.

The invention of robots is a blessing to the industrial processes. Today, most companies can double or even triple their produce with the presence of Robots. Even technology or robots continue to impact lives; it has created more jobs in different sectors. Therefore, as technology continues to grow, more and more advances are incorporated into the robots, a situation that makes them efficient. Most engineering companies continue to engage in the production of robots as demands continue to grow. A robot more like a machine that is capable of conducting complex or series of actions automatically. It continues to replace humans in the work environment, also, it enhances efficiency and speed in the production processes. In the modern economy where there is advancement in robotics, some of the people are replaced in the job environment while others only continue as technicians or developers of the robots. Since robots also make use of the electromagnets, the advancement in the electronics industry also facilitates the production of more advanced and modern robotics. The classical electromagnetism is not complete as it drives the modern scientist to consider its modification to the field of quantum physics. Electricity and magnetism are symmetrical in nature. Electricity can produce magnetism, and symmetrically, magnetism can produce electricity. The above phenomenon is evident in an electric transformer. The exchanges between electric and magnetic fields as observed above lead to the formation of electromagnetic waves. These waves do not need a medium for their propagation, and they are slowed down when passed through the transparent materials.

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