Essay Example on Electric Automotive Drive

Published: 2022-12-26
Essay Example on Electric Automotive Drive
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Air pollution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 673 words
6 min read

In the recent past, there has been a revolution from the traditional fuel-based motor vehicles to vehicles that use electricity. The increasing evolution and technological advancement have been done to increase environmental awareness and improve efficiency on the roads. The electric automotive drive has provided premium performance, low maintenance costs, and has some sense of pride when it comes to controlling environmental pollution. The collaboration between investors and other companies has helped Protean Electric manufacture electric drives in China (Whitehead, & Hilton, 2018). These initiative has helped improve on the fight to enhance environmental conservation and mitigate possible issues that come with carbon emission. Because of the prevailing importance that comes with electric Automotive Drive, these machines are the future of the automobile industry.

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The electric automotive drive utilizes an electric motor with a power drive to propel the engine. This means that the vehicle utilizes electrical energy saved in rechargeable batteries to move the engine and achieve movement of the vehicle. The Electric automatic drive, therefore, has lesser moving parts as part of the engine, compared to the traditional fuel engines, which must have radiators, injector pumps, and other parts to keep the engine cool. There are few parts linked to internal combustion (Quarto, 2012). To further improve on the performance of the electric vehicles, there has been an initiative to replace the transmission, driveshaft, and axels used on traditional vehicles. There is a new in-wheel system that modifies the hub of electric vehicles, improving their performance and sustainability on the road. With the new system, a drivetrain in added to supply torque to the tires. This is incorporated with the braking system and motor drive electronics.

At the moment, the available in-wheel vehicles are convenient since they provide traction and stability control, reducing the speed of the vehicle while spinning at a higher speed to ensure the vehicle maintains its stability on the road (Dorrell, Parsa & Boldea, 2014). Nevertheless, this has been inefficient to some extent and has been limited to retarding force. To provide a lasting solution, there is a need to apply some driving torque, which is only available with in-wheel motors. In this system, the engineers include controlled braking which improves the overall braking system and control of the vehicle. This will further enhance the safety and drivability of the motor vehicle, hence, convenience. The latest in-wheel technology provided by ProteanDrive offers a lasting solution to the issue around stability and control. The rotor of the vehicles is connected to the hub, which helps deliver the toque from the motor to the wheel. In the long run, there is maximum efficiency in the braking system and compactness of the entire electric vehicle. This can be seen as a large torque based on the quantity of air combustion of the engine. But with the conventional car, the efficiency of the engine is enhanced by the gear ratio.

The main concept behind ProteanDrive is a combination of electronics and synchronous motor. The combination between the two sends controlled current to the windings in the vehicle engine, thereby creating magnetic fields that further interacts with the rare-earth magnetic fields affixed to the rotor of the electric vehicle. For this reason, each of the wheels can create the required torque to facilitate balancing and help achieve the needed stability. The ProteanDrive technology used in the electric vehicle is also created to sustain diverse environmental conditions. The in-Wheel system can be sustainable in any condition, and this gives the automatic electric drive an added advantage compared to the traditional fuel-based motor.


Dorrell, D., Parsa, L., & Boldea, I. (2014). Automotive electric motors, generators, and actuator drive systems with reduced or no permanent magnets and innovative design concepts. IEEE Transactions on industrial Electronics, 61(10), 5693-5695.

Quarto, M. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 8,310,272. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Whitehead, A., & Hilton, C. (2018). Protean Electric's In-Wheel Motors Could Make EVs More Efficient. Retrieved 3 November 2019, from

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Essay Example on Electric Automotive Drive. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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