Essay on Effective Communication in Clinical Practices: A Comparison of Two Cases

Published: 2023-10-29
Essay on Effective Communication in Clinical Practices: A Comparison of Two Cases
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 531 words
5 min read

In healthcare system, delivery approaches comprise various interfaces and collaboration among practitioners. Effectiveness in clinical practices involves instances where essential data must be accurately communicated (O’Daniel & Rosenstein, 2008). Lack of collaboration may lead to mistakes, misinformation, and overlooked changes, risking patient safety. For example, I have faced situations indicating positive interaction and non-exemplary situation. In one case, the preceptor offered to assist a nurse faced with many patients with diverse problems. In another situation, the medical assistant omission of critical patients’ data led to the nurse working more to complete the assigned duty. This issue led to workplace stress and confrontation. This review attempts to explain the collaborators' position, their context, setting, and goals on each incident. Additionally, the article will compare the two incidents while outlining the possible outcome.

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In the first incidence, the position of the collaborator is assistive. This is because the preceptor notices work build-up on one of the novice practitioners and decides assist, placing the patient's safety in a better position. Often, nurses are faced with diverse situations that may lead to them being overwhelmed by work, as it happened with the nursing practitioner. Any experienced practitioner like the preceptor can help reduce the workload solving workplace stress that may lead to conflict (Baker et al., 2015). In the second incident, the collaborator is the office manager who helps the conflicting parties in solving the critical issue that would lead to an unfavorable outcome. The context of collaboration is that of leadership. Workplace conflicts are unavoidable due to miscommunication, and omissions that may lead to negative outcome like the situation with the registered and the medical assistant. The issue must be addressed speedily to avoid workplace conflict and stress and to safeguard patients' safety (Zimmerman, 2018).

In the two situations, the life of the patients was at risk. As such, they both required a careful, and timely solution. While both cases are in a similar setting, the first instance is unavoidable, since the nurse cannot determine the condition of an incoming patient. The second situation can be avoided by creating a communication model between the practitioners. In both cases, the outcome was positive, as the novice practitioner's workload in the first instance was reduced (Zimmerman, 2018). In the second situation, the manager was able to reintroduce a collaboration between the two conflicting parties.

In conclusion, any work environment demands clear communication and collaboration within departments. It is even more crucial in a healthcare setting as a lack of it may lead to endangering patient's life, a situation that could be avoidable. In the cases shared above, the introduced collaboration led to positive outcomes.


Baker, H., Oliver-McNeil, S., Deng, L., & Hummel, S. L. (2015). Regional Hospital Collaboration and Outcomes in Medicare Heart Failure Patients. JACC: Heart Failure, 3(10), 765–773.

O’Daniel, M., & Rosenstein, A. H. (2008, April). Professional Communication and Team Collaboration. Nih.Gov; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US).

Zimmerman, D. (2018, January). Three reasons why collaboration is the right approach to Medicare advantage. Www.Beckershospitalreview.Com.‌

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Essay on Effective Communication in Clinical Practices: A Comparison of Two Cases. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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