Cultural Healing - Paper Example

Published: 2023-09-20
Cultural Healing - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Anthropology Literature review Essays by pagecount
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1717 words
15 min read

Campbell, J. (2010). The ‘problem’ of ethics in contemporary anthropological research. Anthropology Matters, 12(1).

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This article explores the problem of ethics in contemporary anthropological research seeking to explore how ethnographical research practice should be conducted within the scope of ethical practice. In the ethnographic research exercise, the participation of the ethnographer's point of view became an experimental milestone of the field relations between observer and observed, reconsidering what the anthropologist understands by objectivity. The responsibility of the subject against the object of anthropological knowledge consists of establishing the basic conditions for the responsible exercise of dialogical anthropology to promote the self-reflexivity of the discipline. In this context, where the anthropologist is an active part of the anthropological knowledge production process, ethnicity has become somewhat recursive. The scandals in which the discipline has been involved also contributed to this, which allude above all to the commitment that the anthropologist establishes to the object of study. From this perspective, the emergence of the debate on ethical codes for professions can be affirmed to come from what ethnographers actually receive as "conflicts of interest", which in turn has led to a debate on disciplinary limits: How far can anthropology go in self-knowledge?

The debates around the objective search for truth have guided what could be called "politics of meaning" or "moral models of anthropology. From this position, the insistence on the codification of ethics would have as an effect, the empowerment of associations, more than the discussion on the relationships between morality, anthropological intervention, and contexts of interaction. In opposition, it has been proposed that experience, rather than prescriptions, guides ethical debates. Even the value of Professional codes of ethics is limited to the field of contractual regulation between anthropologists and their sponsors, yet this negotiating weight of positions and of the field itself implies the sign of a "contractual" ethic that attributes a certain preponderance to the elective rationality and to the condition of ceteris paribus for the exercise of decisions.

de Koning, M., Meyer, B., Moors, A., & Pels, P. (2019). Guidelines for anthropological research: Data management, ethics, and integrity. Ethnography, 20(2), 170-174.

This article explores the unethical and counterproductive regulatory confrontations that anthropologists face from policymakers, the media, or employers, whose effect is damaging the integrity of scientific work. In view of the growing trend of institutionalizing mechanisms for the ethical regulation of research with human subjects, this article discusses the impacts that the prospective regulation of research projects has had on the social sciences and, more specifically, the challenges that it has placed on research ethnographic.

All subjects of public interest whose social registration happens in a domain of local-global relations. As a consequence, the anthropologist frequently crosses the boundaries between the singularity of the objects of anthropological knowledge and broadens his horizons towards a "cosmopolitan" vision of citizenship. Between local restrictions and the expansion of the social domain, the context of social relations where ethnography is inscribed has expanded with at least two consequences: 1) the point of view of author and representativeness are restricted, limited, and insufficient to bear witness of social relations, and 2) the breadth of social issues places the anthropologist in a predicament, given that his presence in various contexts and scales carries a sense of "involvement" in the world of his peers. In the first case, rather dialogical anthropology has been chosen, while in the second, the relationship between ethnographers and peers has been strengthened by means of a contractual logic based on the idea of "consent to information". However, these alternatives are only a reduction of the debate facing the social history of anthropology in each context and it is absurd to trace centrality asymmetries versus periphery because they presuppose in advance the model to which one aspires. To put it another way: every historical moment of the discipline carries the germ of a stage of moral conscience. Peter Pels (1999) is aware of this and in a journey through four historical stages of the discipline shows the double standard of anthropology that consists of understanding culture and intervening in it simultaneously.

Jubraj, B., Barnett, N. L., Grimes, L., Varia, S., Chater, A., & Auyeung, V. (2016). Why we should understand the patient experience: clinical empathy and medicines optimization. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 24(5), 367-370.

The article focuses on the need for clinical empathy for a patient-centered treatment approach based on the understanding of a patient's needs, expectations, and desires. These requirements can be the key to unlocking the patient's secrets, improving care, and reaching new patients. Many practitioners know the formula to attract and increase the number of patients, but few know how to consolidate, retain, and keep them in touch which prevents the delivery of quality and effective care.

Empathy involves identifying with the other and putting oneself in their place. It is important to know that clinical professionals are interacting with human beings with emotions and feelings that can arise at any time. Consequently, they should identify the patient's emotional and intellectual aspects to understand what they are going through. The most important thing is to learn that to create empathy, dialogue is necessary. Empathy is the daily practice and exercise to understand others and expand perspectives and understanding through respect. Patients in general, but mainly in chronic conditions, may have to be seen by a number of different professionals when they enter a hospital. In this care process, doctors may end up using a somewhat cold approach, with arbitrary and/or experimental recommendations (some without scientific basis). The explanation of the clinical picture can also be almost incomprehensible to the patient.

Patients usually go to the doctor when they are in a fragile time. Humanizing and personalizing the service is a way to get closer and establish a closer relationship with the person. In this regard, professionals to listen carefully to patients' priorities and needs. As much as the routine is busy, they should be treated as people, not as numbers with an attempt to exceed customer expectations. In clinical practice, healthcare professionals must establish a positive relationship, taking questions patiently, and directing them to the solutions. This wins loyal patients and manages to establish a greater partnership to provide more appropriate treatment.

Lewin, S., Skea, Z., Entwistle, V. A., Zwarenstein, M., & Dick, J. (2001). Interventions for providers to promote a patient-centered approach in clinical consultations. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (4).

This article addresses the interventions that promote a patient-centered approach to treatment in clinical consultations with the focus on the need for concern with patients as individual human beings and their collective health needs. Hospital management requires care with different aspects so that the hospital is considered a reference in some areas of medicine, and patient care is one of them. The first step is to empathize and understand that the service goes beyond the correct diagnoses and treatments. It is necessary to provide a good experience to the patient from the screening process to the actual intervention, elaborating the need for effective communication between the patient and the clinical consultant. Good care involves being polite, polite, showing interest in what the patient is saying, responding whenever necessary, and avoiding the use of complicated terms and expressions.

People-centered healthcare could be a way to achieve a fair and efficient healthcare system. Among the common interventions for patient-centered care is counting on a well-trained team. A team prepared to do all types of care is essential for the health area. With the complexity of procedures and the large volume of patients seen daily, it is difficult to maintain quality - however, it is possible. Hospitals should invest in training and qualifications, understanding that it as a necessary investment, not an expense. This attitude ensures that professionals are up to date with procedures and rules and also increases talent retention. Another relevant point that can be worked on at this time is the line of communication. With training, everyone has the same approach to patients, which reassures the patient.

In all regions of the world, healthcare systems are under great pressure that they will not be able to cope with if they continue to focus on diseases instead of focusing on people, they need each person to be involved in their own treatment and assume it, modify their behavior and self-manage. In this regard, people-centered care can be the most efficient way to improve health outcomes for all citizens.

Weiss, M. G. (1995). Eating disorders and disordered eating in different cultures. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18(3), 537-553.

This article emphasizes some cultural aspects related to the increasing number of eating disorders cases in recent decades. Eating disorders are pathologies characterized primarily by the morbid fear of gaining weight. Several factors are involved both in the etiology and in the maintenance and severity of these diseases, especially individual, family, and cultural factors. In relation to the latter, the role of historical, aesthetic, media, cross-cultural, socioeconomic, racial, and gender aspects is highlighted. Current research carried out in different cultures shows the existence of a relationship between these factors and the indices of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The search for a globalized aesthetic standard (thinness), according to the literature, has a central role in increasing the number of cases.

Eating disorders or pathologies have a poor prognosis which causes high rates of lethality and leads to physical, emotional, and social limitations. Regarding the etiology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, there is growing evidence of the interaction of several factors, both in genesis but in the maintenance of disorders. Currently, most researchers work with a multidimensional model, which recognizes risk factors at different levels, such as cultural, individual, and family.

Research carried out in different cultures confirms the existence of a relationship between exposure to the media and eating disorders. American and European studies indicate that 70% of women feel overweight, although they are normal or thin (Weiss, 1995). As already described, such indices can, in part, be explained by the exploitation of the means of communication of this image of women in a state of starvation as an aesthetic standard, with the dictates of fashion absolutely inadequate to the reality of the vast majority of the population. With the difficulty of acquiring the desired low weight through healthy diets and physical exercises, research shows that many adolescents start to develop inadequate weight control practices.

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