Case Study: Middle School Children Making Remarks on Skin Color

Published: 2023-06-01
Case Study: Middle School Children Making Remarks on Skin Color
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  School
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 539 words
5 min read

The presented case shows that Erica was embarrassed because Shana told her she was very dark to wear bright colors. This statement is very wrong because it tends to interfere with the self-esteem of the victim. Erica did not choose to be dark-skinned, and I think everyone needs to be appreciated and loved according to who they are. In this situation, my reaction would have been quite different than how the friends reacted to it. It is evident enough that Malik and Juan did not agree with Shana's action and behavior because after Erica was embarrassed, they did not react but remained silent and thought Shana was wrong. Afterward, they did not hang out with Shana the following day. This indicates the fact that they did not like her actions.

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Being a leadership member, which aid in the management of staff, I would have reacted to this scenario differently. As a leader, I would call out Shana and try to talk to her about the situation. Sometimes in life, people make mistakes without knowing. Some people might just say things out of their mouths just to make fun and may not mean to hurt others. So, in this case, we will actually not know the reason why Shana made fun of Erica in front of people without talking out with Shana to inquire. So, I would call Shana and try to engage a discussion with her, after she has opened up, I would definitely know the next step to take. If Shana is guilty of the situation, then we will begin a change process. Everything in life is a learning process; therefore, I would try to teach Shana of proper ways to address people and appreciate everyone despite their skin color.

Reacting through assuming she will only worsen the situation. If at all people assume and neglect Shana, she will not change her habit; this only means the situation will not be solved because she will keep on insulting more and more people. Therefore, Shana can be taught how to appreciate diversity and love everyone despite their differences.

I can also not justify the actions of Shana because, at the moment, she would have definitely brought down the self-esteem of Erica. This is proven by how Erica was seen sitting alone from the rest of the group. She must have been thinking she is not worth it, and that's the reason why she is distancing herself. She must be afraid of people because she feels the same situation might repeat itself if at all she's around people. The situation might affect her even further if no action is taken because she will keep on thinking of the statement made by Shana, which may result in either stress or depression. The fact that she distances herself with the rest of the people is even worse because she might engage in a dangerous action such as being suicidal, and no one will be present to help her. The actions of people like Shana are inappropriate and demoralizing as they bring down an individual's self-esteem. It is courteous to do good deeds to people and mind our words before speaking, as you may never know how negatively your words will impact someone.

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Case Study: Middle School Children Making Remarks on Skin Color. (2023, Jun 01). Retrieved from

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