Essay Sample on the Best Critical Thinking Model That Could Be Used in Homeland Security

Published: 2022-02-24
Essay Sample on the Best Critical Thinking Model That Could Be Used in Homeland Security
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Terrorism Homeland security
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1826 words
16 min read

The terrorist attack that took place on September 11 led to the creation of the need for having an efficient security system. This resulted in the creation of the department of homeland security, which made the state to attain the capability of managing any terror threat that may arise. In the last few years, activities involving terrorists have been seen to be dynamic, which creates an urgent need for having the state coming up with solutions which are competent to cater to the challenges. The security department of the country is needed to meet the increasing need for the security services demand as well as attaining excellent accountability levels. In efforts to meet these prerequisites, the security workforce of the country requires to be characterized with high skills which are evident in their operations. The significant reason behind the importance of improving skills is the notion that all security personnel requires processing all the crucial massive information and understand it, which enables them to identify the problems available and offer practical solutions. However, the process of working with enormous data is associated with the time constraints.

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The department of homeland security requires making a decision that is appropriately timed, which would lead to the prevention of any possible threats which may control or eliminate any given existing risks. The tactics which are being employed by the terrorists have been found to be changing which makes it vital to include all these terrorist tactic changes into the decisions made by the department of homeland security (Kiltz, 2009). For instance, before the occurrence of the terrorists' attack that took place on September 11, the defense department was seen to have limited themselves to only biological attacks and chemical threats. The usage of the airplane as being a method used to carry out the terror attacks was found to be covered by various departments, including pentagon. Therefore, it was challenging to have the department of homeland security addressing the airplane attacks given that they had the belief that it was a way of offering the terrorists with the additional instrument of carrying out the terror activities.

The utilization of an airplane during the 9/11 attack was seen as an illustration of the ineffective way of using accessible data in mitigating the terror attacks on the side of the security departments. Thus, critical thinking should be seen as being fundamental in ways in which homeland security responds to information they acquire in dealing with security issues or terror attacks. This is as a result of the fact that it offers a diagnostic prediction and analysis of the security issues. The forecast relies mainly on the ability of the related security organs of thinking ahead. Thinking ahead usually needs the security departments to attain the capability of creating logic terrorism causes and the possible results (Facione, 2011). Diagnosis usually refers to past threats evaluation that extrapolates all future events that are feasible. Therefore, the agencies of security may recognize their failures in the past and attempt to make relevant amendments and begin replicating the past successes and make use of them in the future. The best critical thinking approach for homeland security is the Right Questions Model.

The Best Critical Thinking Approach

There exist several approaches of critical thinking which are accessible to departments of security to address matters containing homeland security, which enhance the understanding of the need for critical thinking. It is essential to emphasize the notion that critical thinking is a vital requisite for the decision concerning security issues that face the country. Therefore, in efforts to ascertain an excellent model, it becomes prudent to understand the factors influencing the choice of the best model for critical thinking. Critical thinking has the objective of making appropriate decisions. Every decision that is made is meant to have the potential of providing a solution that is within the setting of homeland security (Facione, 2011). As a result, the apparatus' decisions of homeland security require being able to effectively prevent terror threats which arise and successfully reduce the harms whenever terror attacks occur. Thus, critical thinking usually assumes a vital role during the process of decision making. The best approach is relatively reliant on the correct questions.

Right questions should be considered as the critical factor which enables the active making of decisions in each part of the community, including security. Questions are found being suitable as a guiding variable during seeking of appropriate outcomes. Right questions usually create a clear structure which the thinking of individuals relies on; hence, they are essential during the finding of materials or data that is appropriate that are significant to the decisions or solutions. Questions also play a vital role when deciding the curse of people's reasoning. This implies that the right questions include important components including individual thinking which shows the right question's part concerning security parameters given that they help the individuals making decisions in coming up with the solutions that are the best for several security threats or issues.

The Nature of Homeland Security

The processes and the activities concerning decision making, considering the context of homeland security are found being significantly complicated. This kind of complexity usually manifests in two unique stages: first, the amount of information that is being processed and secondly, the dynamics and variables in the decisions made within homeland security. As a result, the process of decision making usually has a higher need for a critical analysis of the involved ramifications of the decisions made. Additionally, study often expands the alternatives which exist before the decisions become implemented. For example, a case whereby a threat has already been identified in ascertain region while there is a real threat in another place. The department of homeland security requires making a decision that is appropriately timed, which would lead to the prevention of any possible threats which may control or eliminate any given existing risks (Kiltz, 2009). The tactics which are being employed by the terrorists have been found to be changing, which makes it vital to include all these terrorist tactic changes into the decisions made by the department of homeland security. For instance, before the occurrence of the terrorists' attack that took place on September 11, the defense department was seen to have limited themselves to only biological attacks and chemical threats (Brooks, 2005). The lack of suitable abilities of critical thinking makes homeland security departments become relied upon in putting more emphasis on the regions which have been identified to possess significant threat, which makes other parts defenseless.

The understanding of homeland security usually is based n the operations that it implements as well as its failure during the past. These assist in comprehending which part of the process of decision making has failed as well as how effectively the homeland security has risen from its failures. For instance, from the terror attack 9/11, if the homeland security's seriousness were raised above the misconception, it would add more effort in the future in making sure that all places become equally protected by emphasizing the data collected. Consequently, the best critical thinking approach should be inclusive. Inclusivity usually refers to the idea that all available alternatives must be considered during concurrent measuring of probable outcomes associated with every action. The approach utilized insists that homeland security should use every method at its disposal to those that are available to the adversaries. This will assist in preventing most of the threats led by the different terrorist groups pose. Every method used usually has a possible action that is expected to deliver results. The aim of homeland security will be choosing a strategy that is appropriate and making a move that will lead to the offering of the best outcomes.

Through acquiring of information and intelligence, the apparatus of homeland security has all the adequate, relevant, and crucial information for showing that there is a certain looming of a terrorist attack. There was information that was released before the occurrence of the 9/11 attacks that indicated that there was a planned terror attack on the United States soil. Homeland security should have been able to predict the terrorists' probable course of their action and respond by coming up with strategies to stop and reduce the effects in case the attacks take place (Kiltz, 2009). As a result of having the overseas agencies of homeland security and related departments been threatened, it changed its efforts towards the foreign offices and departments. This indicated that the security organs had information regarding the possible strategies that would be employed by the terrorists. However, the security organs failed in choosing the best approach and any given further actions.

Time constraints usually have a critical role during the implementation and making of security decisions. Time constraints affect security decisions given that the massive amounts of data that is being processed as well as the ambiguity of the time when a security threat will happen usually needs opportune making of the decision. Following the 9/11 attacks, it is evident that all security organs failed in meeting the timely prerequisite of decision making (Brooks, 2005). All the information that was processed indicated that there was a probable terror attack planned in the United States. However, there was no given timely action that was taken in preventing the threats which were based on the argument that the process of decision making was at the first stage. Homeland security should have been able to predict the terrorists' probable course of their action and respond by coming up with strategies to stop and reduce the effects in case the attacks take place. As a result of having the overseas agencies of homeland security and related departments been threatened, it changed its efforts towards the foreign offices and departments. Unfortunately, the Al Qaeda was in a position to foresee the moves made by the homeland security, and they countered through causing an attack of the local surroundings.

The Right Questions Approach

Even though there are several models for critical thinking that can be used by homeland security, the best model is the Right Questions Approach. The Right Questions approach is the best due to several factors which include; it has a significant role in combating several loopholes that are found within homeland security like the failures that were exploited by the terrorists during the 9/11 attacks on America. The main objective of the model is questioning all the available data. The inquisitive nature of the model enables the determination of the different security problems as well as necessary conclusions. The conclusions made are found to be reliant regarding the number of the used words, reasoning, and assumptions. There are several benefits associated with the right questions models. The model is found to be valuable as it offers detailed scrutiny regarding the decisions made as well as the course of action that has been adopted. The model usually has various models that have been effectively inbuilt. As a result, homeland security will be able to establish positive components of other models as well as incorporating...

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Essay Sample on the Best Critical Thinking Model That Could Be Used in Homeland Security. (2022, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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