Paper Example - Annotated Bibliography on Health Informatics and Patient Safety

Published: 2023-09-12
Paper Example - Annotated Bibliography on Health Informatics and Patient Safety
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Literature review Community health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 807 words
7 min read

Borycki, E. (2019). Quality and Safety in eHealth: The Need to Build the Evidence Base. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(12), e16689.

The author has done quality research on the subject and understands the need for improved and quality care for the patients. Borycki 2019 outlines the effectiveness and performance improvement due to the Emerge system as he is aware that patient safety is achievable when the supporting system has improved speed and reliability. The author targets the health sector to consider the system as it improves patient safety. He accomplishes that by comparing the research made by Romig 2018, concerning the effectiveness and performance of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) to the Emerge system.

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According to the author, EHR has a negligible impact when considering patient safety. It also has a negative influence on the burnout and productivity of clinicians (Romig, 2018). The new Emerge system is an improvement in many aspects that failed to be upgraded on EHR systems. It is an improvement in terms of the process since clinicians can work faster. It gives accurate results, ensuring that patient safety is utmost. Through this, Emerge can improve patient’s safety while increasing provider’s productivity.

Neves et al. (2018). Impact of sharing electronic health records with patients on the quality and safety of care: a systematic review and narrative synthesis protocol. BMJ Open, 8(8), e020387.

The authors incorporate how utilizing mobile devices enhances patient safety. Neves focuses on a scenario encompassing patients getting kidney transplants. According to Neves 2018, the study evaluates how the implementation of medication safety to the patients helped in the prevention of administration errors from clinicians. According to the author’s conclusion, the use of informatics needs to have new formulations to improve holistic care to the patients. There needs to be a resolution on the use of informatics in the health systems. The journal also incorporates both experimental and health safety aspects. They describe how the use of informatics help in different types of transplants, not only in kidney transplant. Through this, the journal is relevant to the topic since the results of the study spoke about supports the importance of patient safety while using health informatics.

Sittig et al. (2020). Current challenges in health information technology-related patient safety. Health informatics journal, 26(1), 181–189.

According to the authors, this journal entails a proposition on various patient safety goals. Its focus is on the patients as it speaks how patient safety would be maintained by employing patient monitoring techniques such as using surveillance. Sittig 2020, describes how the method would give beneficial results to both the provider and the client. While comparing the article about ICU providers and the provider’s burnout, balancing patient’s safety and promoting efficiency of care granted by healthcare officers is a valid concern.

According to the article, incorporating health information technology (HIT) while identifying and determining events that endanger a patient’s safety is the proposed solution. Also, the author tackles how erroneous medical administration and hardware malfunction would be handled as it can result in risks that inconvenience the patient’s safety. The authors say that the factors can be resolved by health informatics. The authors are proficient with the topic and the field of healthcare safety and quality at large. They target audiences are healthcare facilities as they frequently emphasize the adoption of surveillance to patients nationwide. According to the authors, monitoring would help healthcare facilities in the prevention of HIT-connected safety scenarios. As mentioned, medication errors are among the safety events since they lead to obtaining harmful patient errors. Just like monitoring has been implemented in ICUs, it can be extended to other sectors in healthcare facilities to ensure that patient’s safety is optimal.


Borycki, E. (2019). Quality and Safety in eHealth: The Need to Build the Evidence Base. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(12), e16689.

Neves, A. L., Carter, A. W., Freise, L., Laranjo, L., Darzi, A., & Mayer, E. K. (2018). Impact of sharing electronic health records with patients on the quality and safety of care: a systematic review and narrative synthesis protocol. BMJ Open, 8(8), e020387.

Romig, M., Carolan, H., Ravitz, A., Schell-Chaple, H., Yoon, E., Dwyer, C., ... & Sapirstein, A. (2019). Intensive care unit providers more quickly and accurately assess the risk of multiple harms using an engineered safety display. Health informatics journal, 25(4), 1692-1704.

Sittig, D. F., Wright, A., Coiera, E., Magrabi, F., Ratwani, R., Bates, D. W., & Singh, H. (2020). Current challenges in health information technology-related patient safety. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1), 181–189.

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Paper Example - Annotated Bibliography on Health Informatics and Patient Safety. (2023, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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