Workshop for the Elderly - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-03
Workshop for the Elderly - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Social issue
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1451 words
13 min read


This self-reflective journal would reflect what I have gained from this course and the significant discipline and applied to this administration learning venture. I would keep a journal on what occurred during the preparation and the administration day in the network administration focus. A rundown report would be reviewed for the appraisal of the learning result. From this course, Contemporary social issues, practical assistance learning was found out. This administration is adapting the system to present to us the sociological idea and practice of administration learning. Arrangement of the explanations for social issues in Honk Kong these days permits us to create the ability to utilize fitting network assets for destitution lightning or specific problem or issues from varying backgrounds. During this course's taking in the experience, our traditional skills of imaginative critical thinking, correspondence, and cooperation were upgraded. This course contains both hypothetical learning and experiential figuring out how to improve our feeling of social care, duty, and commitment toward these days’ social issues in the United States. In the United States, the population segment is changing with older people, including a significant population. In giving quality and patient-focused consideration, Touhy and Jett (2013) express that it is significant for medical services suppliers to comprehend the more established populace impression of themselves and qualities.

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Creative Activities and Service Learning for the Elderly

Taking part in community administration exercises with purposeful academic and learning objectives and opened doors for reflection associated with their theoretical principles (Cress, 2013). There are three principal approaches to participate in the administration exercises, including internship job: action to improve their expert or professional advancement; practicum: a control-based scene instead of an in-class insight; and network administration: to meet real network needs as an incorporated part of the educational plan. For this course, we learn and connect with the system through network administration. The fundamental element of administration learning is to recognize the network's requirements and upgrade our everyday duties. Our target group's useful information was acquired during this experiential learning of offering service to the elderly at Methodist Center. The administration focus of the Methodist Center is youth, old, and family in neediness. After visiting Methodist Center, the area circumstance and targets were mostly the older who lived alone or with their old spouses. The principal motivation behind our proposed exercises to the middle is to show care to the elderly. In this manner, there is a decisive two primary action we have connected with to learn from the real situation of the elderly in the United States, their daily activities, and their leisure activities.

Aging Problem in the United States

The aging issue in the United States should have been concerned. Increasingly older living all alone and the problem of old confinement is getting more genuine. Youth culture energizes the older's hostile generalizations as a debilitated, good old, dear companion and mate's demise. Family clashes in one central family in the United States frequently increment the age gap. A significant number of the old who lived alone guaranteed that the age gap is one of the principal explanations behind them to part out from their family and live alone. Also, the United States' retirement strategy isn't valuable enough for the old in the country. Aging incorporates ageism, which implies that bias and segregation are coordinated toward more old individuals, futile, undesirable, reliant, and working ineffectually. Every one of these biases causes older, particularly the individuals who lived alone have adverse mental effects. More functional administrations and arrangements are the requirement for older in the United States to assist them with accomplishing a superior nature of their retirement life. For example, day by day caring administrations, stable budgetary backings from government, social help from their companions and their families, lodging issues, clinical and medical care administrations or body checks, and steady and sound interest's advancement. These sorts of administrations can keep up old well-being in a quality status intellectually, genuinely, monetarily, and socially.

Service for the Elderly

After the site visiting the middle, we saw that the requirements of older could improve intellectually and socially. As a student from the counseling and psychology department, the exercises we occupied with the middle would be smarter to accomplish a superior mental result through the central administration. We have joined two exercises to upgrade the learning cycle, including visits to the lonely older and giving a workshop about recollections of old. The goal and subtleties of our administration are to comprehend and watch their genuine living needs by visiting old who living alone, to advance positive feeling by reviewing their recollections, to make a stage for them to speak with young people and get them to grow older creative mind and innovativeness, to set up a social association with same age group and to underscore the significance of mental state-at this very moment. During the arranging and proposition period, some creative sociological minds we used to comprehend the objective group's requirements and the administration. Social withdrawal of feeling their requirements and life, helping them with a get-together with their companions. Likewise, allowing them to pick up network feeling is the primary motivation behind our movement.

The central administration we drew in is to be a volunteer of the meeting group to the old who is living alone. We visited the old one in one of the towns nearby. We do show cherishes and minding to them and attempt to comprehend their everyday need, which could assist the middle with finding out what they ought to give to the senior. The time we went through with the old is fascinating since we could know the old, however, their story. The elderly we have visited likewise show gratefulness to us. Since we only occasionally could have this sort of occasion to draw near with these elderlies, this season of the old visiting gives us another picture of the old. I used to imagine that they are lonely and exhausting, however after the meeting, I found that it here and there depended on the individual quality of various old.

While tending to older people, one of the critical component individuals need to consider is tolerance. The older are delicate to issues. Hence, at whatever point they identify the smallest type of anxiety, they would close down. In some cases, it may be difficult to devote abundant time while chatting with more established individuals. Be that as it may, this is the best procedure for accomplishing legitimate correspondence. Most seniors modest from talking since they would prefer not to be viewed as whiners. Others come up short on the intellectual ability to start discussions or communicate in period of scarcity. In such manner, a climate should be made that gives the older individuals adequate opportunity to share their contemplations independent of the time the discussion will devour.

Another fundamental factor to consider when speaking with the older generation is language use. Tending to the older requires a person to utilize basic and clear language. The old individuals, quite, have decreased intellectual capacities. An individual should in this way attempt to utilize clear and straightforward language to make a superior comprehension between the two gatherings. Some older grown-ups even compose what they are being told with the goal that they can't overlook. In such occasions, an individual ought to be prepared to rehash the ideas partook from numerous points of view so the more seasoned individual can comprehend.

Difficulties Encountered During the Activity

There are a few challenges experienced for both visiting and meeting: first, traumas of elderlies ought not to be contacted, the limitations were not a drawn-out recuperating relationship. Elderlies talks in their wide accents, so it is hard to comprehend their language. Age hole among us and the old make it hard to give compassionate understanding and attempting to place ourselves into the old. Moreover, since the older have a low energy level of aging, seating and the work area plan become particularly essential to our meeting. During the memory theater, the unpredicted reaction for elderlies was one of the principle troubles we experienced. The elderlies have feeble verbal-association for communicating their sentiments. It additionally concocts a low far-reaching capacity in understanding game guidelines. Consequently, to improve the old and us' comprehension, we attempted to talk stronger to them and clarify the principles in an easier organization or clarifications.


After the workshop and the older visiting, a few results were accomplished. I comprehend the genuine needs of the old in the town. It is an arrangement of an occasion to have a standard offer with old. It additionally improved our aptitudes to coexist with singular older. It likewise improved our exercises hierarchical talents, which are focused on older administrations.

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