Essay Example on "Transgender Actress on the Challenge of Her New Black Role"

Published: 2023-10-09
Essay Example on "Transgender Actress on the Challenge of Her New Black Role"
Essay type:  Critical analysis essays
Categories:  Gender Discrimination Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

The article, "Transgender Actress on the Challenge of Her New Black Role," is about a young black woman who is a transgender person in the film industry. Laverne Cox plays the role of Sophia in a film titled "Orange Is the New Black." The woman highlights some of the challenges that she faces in the film industry, given that she is a transgender person and, more so, black. In the film, she takes the role of Sophia, who is a transgender woman in prison. During an interview with Tell Me More with host, Michael Martin Laverne Cox discloses how her gender transformation has made it difficult for her to get 100% acceptance into the Society and the film industry (Staff). She narrates how during her schooling years, her teacher called her parents to tell them that if they do not take her to a psychologist, she may end up a girl. The woman says that even though most people look upon the transgender community as sex workers, there are many in the right profession, making good money. The actor says that being a black woman is very challenging for her, given that in the film industry, they are always given minor roles due to their race. She, however, has beaten all odds and is doing well in the film industry in Hollywood

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The new Society has redefined sexuality. People are no longer confined to the sexes that they are born in, for they have the leeway to change their gender and sex. Sex education has always been controversial to educators and parents on when to start teaching children on sexual orientation. Since sexuality is personal, people should be given the freedom to choose who they want to be. Society should let transgender people live peacefully without stigmatization.

Human sexuality is a complicated issue that cannot be looked at from one perspective. In his video clip about sex, John Oliver talks about the complexities that come with sexual orientation (Oliver). He says that most children become sexually active during their teenage stage, and most of them resort to masturbation due to the stigma that is associated with sex before marriage. When Laverne Cox realizes that he could be a girl trapped in a boy's body, she resorts for gender transformation, whereby she makes herself a female. Every person has a right to be what they wish in pursuit of their happiness, and no one should interfere with this. The norms and values in Society have inflicted fear in people who want to express their sexuality in their way, just like Cox. Limiting someone's sexuality is wrong because it affects the person mentally and socially. A person should be judge by their talents and abilities and not their sexuality or race. Biasness only leads to victimization which is devastating to the individual

Parents and educators need to take the role of teaching their children about their sexuality earlier in life to avoid an identity crisis. Tackling the topic first in life would help the children to grow up knowing who they are, which will make them make the right decisions when it comes to their sexuality. No one has a right to violet another because of their sexual orientation when it comes to job opportunities; the transgender and black race should be treated equally because, in the long run, the qualifications are what matters.

Works Cited

Oliver, John. "Sex Education: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)." YouTube, LastWeekTonight, Accessed 9 Aug. 2015.

Staff, NPR. Laverne Cox: Transgender Actress on The Challenges of Her 'New Black' Role. 7 Aug. 2013,

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Essay Example on "Transgender Actress on the Challenge of Her New Black Role". (2023, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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