Essay Sample: The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Center

Published: 2022-11-01
Essay Sample: The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Center
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1692 words
15 min read

The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Center is a disease research center that was established on July 1, 2002, as an independent state-funded organization from the vision of former Florida Speaker Johnnie Byrd (Yan et al., 692). His father suffered from Alzheimer's condition which resulted to the name "USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Center" being adopted. The institute mainly majors on the research of cases of Alzheimer's disease, and it is based in Tampa Florida (Griffin). Primarily, Mr. Byrd recognized early enough the devastating effects of the condition not only on the patient but also the whole family. Mainly he was prescient in the understanding of the national and global of the disease should it reach the epidemic levels as the population continues to grow.

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During his active political time, more than $80million was spent on the construction the building in Tampa and provided the institution with personnel, start-up funds, and equipment among other resources. Although the institute enjoyed early success the state of Florida decided to transition the control of the center from politicians to academics (Yan et al., 695). This indicates that the instruction now becomes a purely a research center. At the beginning of 2009, all the assets of the center were transferred to auspices of the USF health (Griffin). This meant that the organization had a new partnership that provided the scientific resources that were crucial to help the firm to continue with its on-going research projects. The transition was essential and necessary as the firm was now free from extreme influence from outside forces and individual who did not know the condition.

Moreover, in 2017, the management with the USF Health made the decision the that Neurosciences should be one of the primary focal points of study in the institution. The responsibility of creating the UDF Health Neuroscience Institute (NSI) was left in the hand of Dr. Harry van Laverne who is the Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs and the Chairperson of the Department of Neurosurgery (Baier). This activity brought together talents, resources, and strengths of five vital academic programs in the institutions. Moreover, The NSI will also include other collaborative centers that are dedicated to deal with specific brain-related conditions (Kuznetsova et al., 442). Importantly today the Byrd Alzheimer's Center and Research Institution is a multi-disciplinary institution form Alzheimer's cause, care, and cures.


The main aims of the Byrd Alzheimer's Center and Research Institution include:

  1. To conduct laboratory studies in order to understand the brain changes that cause mainly cause dementia and also develop approaches to treat and prevent Alzheimer condition.
  2. Similarly, to do a laboratory test to treat individuals with memory loss (Griffin).
  3. To provide the patients with the highest level of patient care and state of the art diagnostic evaluations to individuals who have Alzheimer disease (Yan et al., 699).
  4. Additionally, support family caregivers by providing support groups, information and counseling, and educational programs (Griffin).
  5. The institution also provides training and education for healthcare individuals, students, and service providers.

The rapid growth of the facility and the need to have great approaches to the treatment and care of patients who are suffering from Alzheimer disease. This has resulted in the institution developing concept referred to as the Center for Memory C.A.R.E ("USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute | Family Caregiver Alliance"). Moreover, the entire floor of the building provided mainly the most up to data caregiving and diagnostic services to patients who have Alzheimer disease and their families.

Admission/Discharge Criteria and Process for New Residents/Attendees

Scheduling for appointments can be done online, via the phone, or vesting the center. The admission process in the process is different for new attendees from the resident patients (Uversky 1188). The process begins with getting their personal information such as date of birth, places of residence, family history, insurance number, age, sex, and other valuable information that might enable the organization to create a profile for the patient and know him or her better (Baier). After this is completed, the patient is given a patient number which is unique to easy and indefinability. After the information is taken the patient, seeks for an appointment request (Ridge et al., 206). Once the appointment request is received it is reviewed with the organization's specialists and the patient is called to schedule an appointment. The patient is then referred to a specialist for diagnostic memory assessment.

Some patients are referred to the Center for Memory C.A.R.E for a multidisciplinary diagnostic clinic for mildly or minimally-impaired patients and a compressive analyzing for patients seeking a first-time diagnosis. The expert medical staff at the organization conduct extensive memory assessment to help the organization identify the toe of memory loss in order to offer customized treatment options (Baier). The main aim of the C.A.R.E center is to determine the neurogenerative condition the patient is suffering from before the symptoms become debilitating and the patient should meet the portfolio set for him or her to qualify. The best thing is that all cost is covered by insurance and if the insurance will not cater for the expenses then a team approach is used for evaluation and diagnosis (Baier). A patient is discharged for the institution well the condition has improved, and a follow-up case is done to monitor their progress.

Activities Program

The Byrd Alzheimer's Institute offers a wide range of program and activities, but the main ones are laboratory research, clinical trials, family caregiver support, and professional services.

Laboratory Research

The organization is dedicated to reperching and discovering the cures and causes of disease affecting the memory (Uversky 1186). Scientist and experts in the organization occupy more than half of the safe in the state-of-the-art structure with the aim of doing laboratory research to cure Alzheimer condition (Ridge et al., 204). The laboratories of the firm receive some funding mainly from grant funding through NIH or private donations (Baier). This enables the institute to continue with its excellent work. The laboratory teams are led by the Department of Molecular Medicine, Department of Molecular Medicine, and Department of Molecular Physiology or Pharmacology with support teams including of undergraduates, volunteers, and graduate.

Clinical Trials

Prior to any therapy, new diagnostic procedures, or therapy is used it must undergo an intensive risk and efficacy assessment (Baier). The testing process is referred as clinical trials. The institutions have experts in this area and safely and ethically oversee the efforts of the clinical trial with the aim to prevent, cure, and treat Alzheimer's disease and other related conditions (Ridge et al., 201).

Professional services

The organization estimates that more than 5.7 million Americas are suffering from Alzheimer and the number is rising rapidly creating hardship for the nation, communities, and families (Kuznetsova et al., 439). The primary responsibility of the organization is to ensure that quality services are available to the people who need it (Baier). The professional service offered by the institution includes a calendar of events, awards of excellence, consultation for facilities, education and training, and sponsorship opportunities for business and facilities.


The facility is well-equipped with personnel who handle day to day activities within the institute. The staff within the origination are well educated and have the skill to take care of the patients professionally. The team in the firm include nurse practitioner, medical director, therapist and certified driving rehabilitation specialist. The higher number of crews in the institute is made up of the nurse practitioner (Baier). There four types of service-related specialists in the organization and the include driving and evaluation, memory assessment, occupational therapy, driver support, and support group. The driving evolution is mainly done by Lori Grismore who is a certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist and Occupational therapists. The occupation therapy services offered in the situation include safe-are skills, falls risk screening, therapeutic exercise programs, and cognitive skills development.

Physical Environment

The institute is located on 4001 Fletcher Avenue Tampa Florida. The facility is established in a clean and quiet place that enables facilitates the healing process of a patient. Similarly, the physical environment is adequate to allow peaceful and fruitful trials to be conducted by the experts in the firm (Tillman). The furniture, fixture, and equipment of the organization are well installed and set to facilitate smooth movement of staff members and the patients. This is necessary as it reduces that risk of injury within the hospital grounds (Art). Similarly, the hospital is well installed with both artificial and natural lighting with large window panels which is useful during the day and the artificial light is mainly used during the night.

Family Support

The firm has created a support group that enables patients, their families, and caregivers share their worries, fears, and successes with other people who are going through the same sufferings. The institute hot monthly support groups which are free to people of Tampa community regardless of the physician chosen. The meetings in these groups are non-clinical and confidential. Primarily, no diagnosis is done during the group meetings.

Some of the support groups from the institution include:

  • Alzheimer's Family Caregiver Support Group: the group is made up of people who are caring for individuals who are suffering from vascular dementia and or Lewy body dementia (Baier). Mainly the group is only for the caregivers and patients are not allowed. This is because the institution cannot watch the patient while the caregiver is attending the meeting.
  • Support Group for Individuals Recently Diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Other Dementia: the group is mainly for people with memory problems. Caregivers to such people are allowed to attend to take notes and facilitate communication.

Moreover, the organization offers workshops and events for caregivers to enable understand the challenges, questions, and concerns caregivers deal with when providing their services to patients (Tillman). The workshops are specifically designed for the caregivers to learn practical and valuable information to assist them in taking care of their family members. Some of the upcoming seminars include:

  • Helping New Family Caregivers Navigate the Alzheimer's Journey the date not yet communicated (Nelson).
  • Alzheimer's Disease: What Caregivers Need to Know on 12 December 2018
  • Helping Alzheimer's Family Caregivers Navigate the Later Stages of Alzheimer's the date not yet communicated (Nelson).
  • Helping Alzheimer's Family Caregivers Improve Communication and Manage Difficult Behaviors October 12, 2018 (Nelson).

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Essay Sample: The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Center. (2022, Nov 01). Retrieved from

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