Free Essay Example - The Sad Stories Behind The LeftOvers by Erin Whitney

Published: 2023-04-23
Free Essay Example - The Sad Stories Behind The LeftOvers by Erin Whitney
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Linguistics Christianity Books
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 666 words
6 min read

There are several aspects of a story that are used in achieving certain motives of writers. One of them is the use of statements and descriptions that show themes. The actors in the scenes may utter the words. The story was written by Erin Whitney, The Sad Stories Behind The LeftOvers is not exceptional from the use of such writing skills. The author makes it possible for the reader to spot the themes such as religion and the effect that the activity has on the community. This paper is an analysis of the means that are used to depict the religion of the people in the story.

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To begin with, there is the use of words that are related to the faith of the people. An excellent example is the cathedral. It is a church in which the bishop is associated wit in the catholic faith (Crossley, 2017). In this case, Yu says that there is nothing as great as walking own the cathedral. It is proof that the people believed in a supernatural being - a god and allocated places and people to lead in the worship of that being. The second description is the use of vivid description. From Yu's Statement, one forms a mental picture of a person walking down the church. If the reader has been to a catholic church, the image seems more relatable.

The author also makes sure that the reader understands some of the core principles that religion has. This idea is evident in the opening scene. Faith revolves around the spiritual and not the physical aspect of the people. In this case, Yu says that the reason why it is enormous is because it is more in the spiritual dimension and not in the physical aspect. Most denominations believe that the most crucial part of life is the spiritual aspect. The statement by Yu also implies that the religion depicted in the book also favors the same concept.

In the opening scene, it is not the cathedral lie imagery that creates an epic feeling. Other factors, such as vivid description and analysis of the core ideas of any religion, are the main reasons for making the scene look epic. The emotional impact is also raised by the fact that the author understands the core principles o religion and tries to reveal them to the audience. The idea is seen in the fact that Yu insists on the spiritual aspect of a human being instead of the physical rationale alone.

Yu also states that the book is based on the reactions that people have when faced with tragedy and their reactions. From general knowledge, the reader relates to the different means that people use to deal with pain and suffering. One of them is the return to religion. Some Christians believe that suffering is due to disobeying God. In cases when they suffer, the people reevaluate their ways of life and seek divine intervention. Some religions see suffering as a way of testing their faith and proving to God that they are unmoved by earthly suffering. In this case, people return to the old ways of worship. This can be seen in Yu's statement that nothing is more significant than walking down the cathedral. It could be a representation of the return to their previous faith when faced with suffering.

In conclusion, the author makes it possible for the reader to spot themes such as religion and the effect that the activity has on the community. To begin with, there is the use of words that are related to the faith of the people. An example is a cathedral. The second description is the use of vivid description. The author also makes sure that the reader understands some of the core principles that religion has. Faith revolves around the spiritual and not the physical aspect of the people.

Works Cited

Crossley, P. (2017). The integrated cathedral: thoughts on 'holism and Gothic architecture. In The Four Modes of Seeing (pp. 157-173). Routledge.

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