Free Essay: The Effects of Family, Community and Society on Human Behavior and Personality

Published: 2019-11-28
Free Essay: The Effects of Family, Community and Society on Human Behavior and Personality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family Society Human behavior Community
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1121 words
10 min read

Family, community, and society have great impacts on an individuals personality and behavior. Children who are exposed to a friendly and welcoming society and family tend to grow up being social, self-driven and confident while those who are exposed to a hostile or isolated society tend to be loners-keep to them and have low self-esteem. Children who grow in a violent and turbulent environment have a higher like-hood of becoming aggressive as adults. This leads to three major types of personalities; extroverts, introverts, and ambiverts.

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An introvert is a type of personality that lives in an enclosure and is also known as loners. They are not good with social places, have minimal friends and keep indoors. Extroverts are good with friends, publicity, they are outgoing and dont fear crowds, they love the fun side of life, sports, partying, music, etc. Ambiverts are a balance between the introverts and extroverts; hence they can cope in any given environment. They are easy to adapt to environment subjected to with little or no strain. They are also known as the final balance.

The relationship between parents, child and the relatives distress may be influenced by parenting psychological flexibility. When parents are psychologically inflexible, they cause more stress to their families. Authoritarian parenting styles predict low psychological flexibility in children this demonstrates that parents who over-control their children tend to restrict how well their children can cope with stressors in life. Authoritative parents are perceived to be fair, empathetic, and also encouraging, unlike other parenting styles. This is the most probable reason that people nurtured by this parenting style are perceived to have a higher psychological flexibility as compared to children raised by other parenting styles. These children are often encouraged to be independent and are supported, so they can adjust to situations that do not go as predicted. Permissive parenting who dont offer many disciplines and tend to be lenient and only may step in when there is a serious problem are perceived to take the role of being a friend besides being a parent. They tend to encourage their children to share with them anything that disturbs them, they discuss and encourage their children on the best course to pursue. Kids in this parenting exhibit more behavioral problems as they do not appreciate authority and rules. They often have low self-esteem and may report a lot of sadness. Uninvolved parenting style which tends to leave the children neglected and do not meet their basic needs, the child tends to lack self-esteem and tend to perform poorly academically, exhibit various behavior problems and rank low in happiness. Since children grow up watching how their parents behave they tend to take trait they observe from their parents. If the parents are racists, then the child is prone to become a racists too. Hence parenting styles dictate a childs taste and preference

Personality and behavior are not only influenced by environmental factors but rather they are also greatly influenced by biological factors. One of the greatest environmental factors is the cultural background that an individual grows in, cultures significantly contribute to the development of an individuals personality. Research indicates that persons who grow in individualist cultures have been noted that they tend to value independence, personal achievements, and competition. On the other hand, people who belong to the collectivist culture school of thought tend to place more precedence on social harmony, group needs and respectfulness. Moreover, in the same context, it has been fathomed that cultural norms in one way or another greatly influences an individuals behavior and personality. Similarly, gender norms also place more focus on traits between different genders thus contributing to the development of an individuals personality. For instance, boys are expected to behave in a particular manner and girls in a particular manner in a given community. On another hand first born are expected to live up to certain standards that certify the family cultures and norms. This helps them to grow up with strong emotions and good leaders. In the United States of America, assertiveness and aggression are more emphasized in women as in men. Researchers state that there are three main techniques or approaches that can be implemented to study a persons personality in the context of cultural context. The three approaches include; the indigenous approach, cultural-comparative approach as well as the combined approach. The third approach incorporates both the cultural-comparative as well as the combined approach.

A child personality development is shaped by beliefs and behaviors that family members impart to the child. The influence of peers, church, school and media greatly impacts the development of yours personality. A positive society can help a child develop a sense of balance in their personality. Majoring in the church, school and media grow up being social, open minded with high self-drive unlike children who grow in the enclosure. The church and school lead to controlled type of personality for the environment has set up roles and regulation to regulate one's behavior. Therefore, they tend to strike a balance between introvert and extrovert leading to a more balanced personality that is adaptable that is adaptable to any subjected environment. Exposed to the uncontrolled behavior of violence and emotional instability, in which children are highly aggressive with a volatile temper. The child ends up being unruly and subjective. They, therefore, turn out to be an autocrat hence subjects others into forceful submission. When a child is exposed to independent media they grow up knowing to pick the right choice from the wrong ones; they have a high emotional aggressive with a volatile temper.

Personality development is a matter of psychological conditioning. Person personality will differ depending on the conditions subjected to. The environment and parental style are the triggers to the overall development of a child hence necessary to provide a friendly environment that will enable a child to grow up order to have an ultimate balance close parent-child relationship must be encouraged, the government and organization should encourage good programs via the media and parental be encouraged. The church and school should play a big role in bringing the balance.

In conclusion, it has been ascertained that a persons personality and behavior are influenced by different factors. The family, which is the immediate surroundings, influences the behavior and the personality. A person is greatly influenced by the immediate surrounding and mimics what they observe. The community, family, and society are the immediate environments that an individual is exposed to when they are born. This paper has looked into the effects of the family, community, and society on human behavior as well as personality. Based on the influence gained from these, a person can grow to become extroverts, introverts, or ambiverts.

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