The Concerning Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in American Adults - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-16
The Concerning Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in American Adults - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media Nutrition Literature review Healthcare policy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 908 words
8 min read

There have been unfortunate news traversing the news media and the ears of many people within the globe. More than a third of American adults suffer from a chronic disease related to a poor diet, which has impacted the economy of the person, immediate people, or even the community in one way or another. From the year 2015 to date, the dietary guidelines for Americans recognized that nutritional patterns could be relevant in predictions of health patterns which is a comparison to the diet elements and here comes a recommendation of three healthy models but not randomly only faced by favorable associations with several chronic disease risk factors and the results. For an estimate of the impacts regarding the impacts and the implications on healthcare costs associated with being conformed by the three healthy patterns recommended in the 2015-2020 DGA Healthy Eating Index or the Mediterranean diet score were identified.

Rebholz, Casey M., Ph.D., MS, MPH, Crews, Deidra C., MD, ScM, Grams, Morgan E., MD, Ph.D., MHS, Steffen, Lyn M., PhD, MPH, RD, Levey, A. S., MD, Miller, Edgar R., MD, PhD, . . . Coresh, Josef, MD, PhD, MHS. (2016). DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) diet and risk of subsequent kidney disease. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 68(6), 853-861. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2016.05.019

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The research study was interested in the dietary approach to pull down hypertension (DASH) diet. This is the consumption of food full of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products that are low in fat, which was said to decrease blood pressure to enormous levels. There was also the introduction of sodium to the diet plan, a feature that saw blood pressure and hypertension reduce even further type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and mortality. There has been an increase in the recommendations of the DASH diet by most health practitioners. The reason for the proposal is that the practitioners have realized that the measures promote health and disease prevention. While treatments of traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes are the causes of the kidneys' problem, there has been no dietary idea on how the organs can be facilitated in the diet. Clinicians are inclined to look at proteins and sodium thoroughly regarding the health of the kidneys. There has been a comprehensive incline similar to the one prescribed in the DASH diet, maybe even more significant in additive or synergistic effects. The bone of contention is that by virtue that the DASH diet has proven to address many chronic conditions, nutrient restrictions could be hard.

Kim, H., PhD, & Andrade, F. C. D., PhD. (2016). The diagnostic status of hypertension on the adherence to the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet. Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 525-531. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.09.009

In this study, there is a clear understanding that DASH dietary has been accredited to have the potential to address hypertension and other health conditions. There are some unclear stands on whether hypertension diagnosis has an impact on the diet and intake of nutrients. The study examined the relationship between hypertension diagnosis and DASH nutrients intake. The investigation became a success through the use of a multivariate linear regression method. The sample group was of people who had hypertension conditions in the NHANES from 2007 to 2012. The outcome was recorded on a score of 0-9, and that measured the intake of several nutrients in comparison to target amounts. The study has it that in pursuit of hypertension treatment, there was an increase in sodium consumption, saturated and total fat, as well as the proteins. Focusing more on the DASH diet would be linked with some conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle diseases were also put in line with smoking and physical activities. In summary, people with hypertension were not following the DASH guidelines.

Musemwa, N., Gadegbeku, C.A. Hypertension in African Americans. Curr Cardiol Rep 19, 129 (2017).

African Americans have been considered to be susceptible to hypertension and resulting in excess in morbidity and mortality. From the study, there is a highlight of the population. There has been an account of 50% of the differences in race and death that have been linked to the same, too, especially between the whites and the blacks in the United States. Studies from Gerome have not yet established the unique genetic cause of the excess burden in the population. A combination of the therapies is necessary in most cases, and single pills are sufficient in achieving BP targets. Comprehensive strategic care is required to address and remove the burden of hypertension.

Miller, E., Edgar R, Cooper, L. A., Carson, K. A., Wang, N., Appel, L. J., Gayles, D., . . . Yeh, H. (2016). Dietary intervention in urban African Americans: Results of the "five plus nuts and beans" randomized trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50(1), 87-95. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.06.010

In the dietary intervention, there were African and American patients who were recruited from a community that was a clinic. The researchers were not in a position to show a substantial effect on BP. This could be summarized as if there were a significant effect on BP. Possibly due to a lack of sufficient numbers of BP measurements that were manipulated to give an outcome for assessment and the BP potential on medication change of post-randomization. The intervention increased the consumption of fruits and vegetables, potassium, vitamin C, and even magnesium. There was a strong rationale for more significant trials that would significantly help in the detection of BP effects from the results.

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The Concerning Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in American Adults - Paper Example. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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