Social Media Impact: Annotated Bibliography, Free Example for Students

Published: 2022-06-20
Social Media Impact: Annotated Bibliography, Free Example for Students
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Students Social media
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 439 words
4 min read

Annotation 1: Scholarly Article 1:

Hashim, K., Al-Sharqi, L., & Kutbi, I. (2016). Perceptions of Social Media Impact on Social Behavior of Students. International Journal Of Virtual Communities And Social Networking, 8(2), 1-11. doi: 10.4018/ijvcsn.2016040101

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The purpose of the source is to determine the influence social media has on the society. Social media has an impact on the culture and social fabric of the society. The conclusion was arrived at after a survey was conducted on 507 faculty members and 2605 students of distinct ages and genders. The source passes the CRAAP test by showing Currency as 2016, Relevance by relating to my research topic, Authority by being published in a leading journal, Accuracy by using statistics and past research, and Purpose by assisting in my research.

The study supports the other sources in my research by showing how social media can influence the society. The other sources show that social media can have a positive or adverse effect on the society. The study supports that familiarization with social media reduces the risk of negative impacts on students. If used well, social media has more advantages than disadvantages to its users according to the study. However, some of the negative impacts of social media included social introversion, physical inactivity, and exposure to bullying.

Annotation 1: Web Page 1:

Ramasubbu, S. (2015). Influence of Social Media on Teenagers. Retrieved from

The purpose of the source is to determine the influence social media has on teenagers. The source passes the CRAAP test by showing Currency as 2015, Relevance by relating to my research topic, Authority by being published in a leading website, Accuracy by using statistics and past research, and Purpose by assisting in my research. The author notes that teenagers are a vulnerable group and social media if not controlled can have adverse effects on them. Some of the vulnerabilities include sexting, social media depression, and cyberbullying. Statistically, 78% of teenagers in the United States have social media profiles.

The study supports the other sources in my research by showing how social media can influence teenagers. The other sources show that social media can have a positive or adverse effect on teens. The source shows how social media can influence teenagers negatively in the society. However, a controlled environment where teens are monitored and mentored can lead to positive influences of social media on teenagers.


Hashim, K., Al-Sharqi, L., & Kutbi, I. (2016). Perceptions of Social Media Impact on Social Behavior of Students. International Journal Of Virtual Communities And Social Networking, 8(2), 1-11. doi: 10.4018/ijvcsn.2016040101

Ramasubbu, S. (2015). Influence of Social Media on Teenagers. Retrieved from

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Social Media Impact: Annotated Bibliography, Free Example for Students. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from

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