Paper Example. Self-Effacing Interaction in Early Childhood

Published: 2023-01-24
Paper Example. Self-Effacing Interaction in Early Childhood
Type of paper:  Creative writing
Categories:  Data analysis Games Child development Childhood
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1124 words
10 min read

Data Analysis

Most board games are games involving the moving of an item from one place to the other in a particular pattern. Although traditionally board games were seen as tools of entertainment, modern scholarship has linked board games to cognitive and behavioral development. Many schools and parents in low-income families have resorted to the use of board games in promoting the development of their children (Bruni & Silverman, 1975). In an attempt to determine the effects of board games to behavior change and academic outcome, this research required to assess the effectiveness of three board games; Chutes and Ladders, Hoot owl Hoot, and Charades for children in the development of cognition and behavior targeting low-income Hispanic population. The data were obtained from children aged 2-4 years with the assistance of their parents. This study focused on four primary areas of development for young children, and these are motor development, language, and communication, cognitive and emotional or social development. Besides, the study required to validate that board games is beneficial to interpersonal interactions and positive competency and academic outcomes among the Hispanic population.

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Cognitive Development

Children experience cognitive development as they mature. This happens mostly in their first five years when they are eager to learn a lot of things that occur in the environment. There are four main areas of development for young children, and these are motor development, language, and communication, cognitive and emotional or social development (Paino, 2001). Cognitive development explains how young children think, figure out, and explore things. Brain development in children is part of cognitive development. To help the cognitive development of children, the Hispanic community has resulted in the use of board games, which are very useful in the growth and development of children. Some of the board games mostly used to aid in the cognitive development of children are Chutes and Ladders, Hoot owl Hoot, and Charades. Basing on the data obtained from the economically lowly-placed Hispanic community, each of these games has its various benefits to the cognitive development of the child. They were also asked about their school performance before they started playing the games and now. The analysis of the data revealed that the more a child spent playing board games, the higher the performance in school was likely to be. Besides, those who spent more hours playing board games such as Hoot owl Hoot showed better socialization skills with their peers.

Classroom Games Games have been used as a learning tool in the classroom since they involve entertainment and interaction at the same time. The games mentioned earlier engage children to perform everyday tasks and is also encouraged by the fact that it is a way of having fun. Children would participate in those, and they would not realize that they have developing learning skills. Critical thinking and self-esteem are related to each other, frustration and worries can lower children's' self-esteem. However, they only get frustrated when they are defeated in those games. Socioeconomic status has been influenced in both negative and positive ways in the use of play games in the classroom (Pennings et al., 2018). Some of the games played in class promote have different influences as per the aftermath. Teach uses manipulative tactics to involve students in these games; some of the tactics used include things that children find entertainment to engage in. Most of the games included tactics that help the children use and get mathematical comprehensively. Proficiency is guaranteed where students participate together in counting, number comparison, identification of numbers, and number line estimation (Pennings et al., 2018). This game also includes elements of memorization which eases the learning process. Further, a game like charades engages all the students into participation, communication, and critical thinking.

Chutes and Ladders

This board game requires the player to count out the spaces as they move their tokens. This game helps in the motor development of the child as he or she runs the token. Motor skills involve the movement of bone structures. In Chutes and Ladders board game, the child moves their arms right, left, up and down as they try to follow the path to place their token. This frequent flexing of the arm helps the children a lot in being able to move his arm to do other things. It also helps in school when the child is writing. Writing moving of arms, and this is what Chutes and Ladders train the child to do. It also helps the child in language and communication. In cases where there are more than two players, the children communicate with each other as they inform each other of their turn. This kind of communication is reflected in their daily lives and also helps them in their interactional process. The game also helps in cognitive development, especially in counting numbers between 1-10. The dice used to play Chutes and Ladders has some numbers printed on it, which indicates the distance the child can move their token. To move from one point to another, the child has to count the number of spaces correctly to proceed.

Hoot Owl Hoot

The Hoot Owl Hoot was a game that was found to improve the behavior of the children and shared among the Hispanic population. In the Hoot owl Hoot, players have three cards which they must play before the sun sets (Paino, 2001). The player who puts all the owl tokens before the sunset wins the game. Besides, since more than one player plays most games, the children converse a lot as they play and this improves their relationship with each other. Hoot owl Hoot is a game that has different play levels, which helps the child to grow from standard to the other. The game supports the child in the communication skills and use of language as it teaches them to work together since they all have to be successful to win this game. The game is designed to be played by two or four players and requires the application of a simple strategy which helps the learners to develop cognitively. From the data obtained, children in the Hispanic community use Hoot owl Hoot to learn a simple approach, problem-solving, and social development, which helped in school performance.


Bruni, J., & Silverman, H. (1975). Making and using board games. The Arithmetic Teacher, 22(3), 172-179. Retrieved from

Paino, P. (2001). Games Students Play: Teaming Up In Physics Class Leads To Cooperative Learning. The Science Teacher, 68(4), 28-30. Retrieved from

Pennings, H. J., Brekelmans, M., Sadler, P., Claessens, L. C., van der Want, A. C., & van Tartwijk, J. (2018). Interpersonal adaptation in teacher-student interaction. Learning and Instruction, 55, 41-57.Retrieved from

Development,79(2), 375-394. Retrieved from

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Paper Example. Self-Effacing Interaction in Early Childhood. (2023, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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