Essay Sample on Role of Chess in Education

Published: 2023-03-08
Essay Sample on Role of Chess in Education
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Students Games Intelligence Cognitive development
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1451 words
13 min read

In most cases, the student's overall performance depends on the interaction between different elements, and playing chess is among the strategies of making students better performers in school through cognitive and motor skill growth and development of the students through social interaction among the learners and their social environment.

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One of the enormous significant contributions of the use of chess in the education system is to improve students' intelligence by enabling the students to develop critical and creative thinking by use of both cognitive and motor skills. Apart from chess being an essential tool in education promotion of the student, it does not impact general performance since it does not impact students' academic performance in writing and reading skills comprehensively of which chess game does not support.

Regarding the scope chess game, it is essential to recognize that chess as a critical part of the education process; its evaluation should be based on how it impacts students' academics. For example, the areas of knowledge that chess game deserves much attention include visual stimuli, reading and comprehension ability, cognition, and general intelligence

The major controversy of chess game is based on the fact that it improves student's critical and creative skills but at some point students use most of their time playing instead of concentrating on other development activities and the game, they are required to create a lot of time practicing (Subia et al.,2019).

All in all, the main pro chess game playing improves how a learner engages in other learning activities as it improves mental performance due to creative thinking ability. On another hand, its cons are based on the fact the game has associated with a low concentration in class. The primary purpose of the papers addresses why Chess games should be introduced in the education program since it improves learners thinking skills alongside creative thinking, which is essential in problem-solving daily issues.

Important Aspects Learned

When reviewing several scholar sources regarding the contributions of the chess game is one of the most popular games in the world. It enables the student to utilize his or her all senses; thus, it creates a more improved human being within the social system. I also realize that The game engages two players on a strategy board. When playing, each player is required to have 16 pieces that are using for playing (Mirzakhanyan, Gevorgyan, & Karapetyan, 2016).

The most critical aspects learned from the study is based on the fact that the chess game has its pros and cons to the student's academic learning process. Therefore, it is essential to into consideration the time students should take to participate in the chase game. As a way of improving the effectiveness of the game, chess programs have been installed on computers. But improve it more to a broader perspective, it is essential to develop an application that enables the game to be played offline and easily accessible with people, not access to the internet since most developing countries does not have free and faster access to the internet compared to developed countries. The notion has enhanced learning and improves mental performance among players. As such, Sala and Gobet (2016) argue that engaging chess in the education program enhances learning ability.

Literature Review Preface

The literature review of this project consists of a history of a chess game from where it originated and where it originated and how it has evolved up to its present state. It also includes the terminologies that are used in the process of the game where these are the different terms that distinguish it from other game. Though the players themselves easily understand them. The last part of the literature review consists of the advantages and disadvantages of these game to the student and whether it should be included in the curriculum or not supporting information is also found. In this part also addresses as to why it needs to be included concerning how it would take the students without affecting the performance of the other subjects in the curriculum.

Literature Review

A chess game can be traced to have started early as 1500 years although the exact time is not certain (Ibrahim,2014). The earliest player of these game originated from India before the 16th century. The praying of these then spread to Persia. Later on, Muslims took up the game, and from them, the game spread to southern Europe. It is in Europe that the game evolved to its current roughly form. Initially, the style of praying chess was "Romantic chess" the 15th century to the 1880s (Sala &Gobet,2016). The game later advanced to the scientific hypervolemic the second half of the 19th century; tournaments began where the first championship was done in the year 1886. It the 20th century, "world chess federation the 21 century, the game has advanced and can be done using a computer (Sala, & Gobet,2016).

Terminologies in chest game include; action chess the player is given 30 minutes to make all their moves. Algebraic notation is where moves are written dawn using the piece's names and the ranks. Attack is where an opponent strategically places their pieces in a way that helps them to win in the next move. Battery involves placing two pieces that are similar to the queen is followed by rock or queen, followed by the bishop. Blitz is where mostly where every player is given five minutes during the entire period of the game. Blunder is a move that turns what was supposed to be a win into a loss or even a draw or what was supposed to be a draw into a loss. The fork is where one faces a double attack by the use of prawn or knight. Knight is an "L" move or any short move that is not straight. Material is a way to determine the value of a piece. The threat is a win that is likely to win a material or make progress on the next move if the opponent if not able to oppose it (Trinchero, & Sala,2016). The Swiss system is where players are paired each against their opponent who is doing almost as well as them, most players get a practically equal number of games for the blacks, and the white and opponent cannot play the same game twice. Playing chess has many advantages that justify it using the history of education, psychologists have been studying the relevance of games in education, including chess. According to Ibrahim (2014), playing chess helps in enhancing visual skills and students' ability to focus. When the visual stimulus is high, memory improves, and it is possible to transfer this gain to different subjects and make a student a better performer in the same case, chess players can think ahead and more abstractly, and it is such skills required to prepare students not only intelligent but also able to plan. However, as discussed below, it is vital to reflect on the downsides of chess inclusion in education, such as its inability to improve analytical skills as generally claimed. The primary aim of doing so is to ensure that there is some balance when making it a critical part of the students' everyday learning activities.

Since chess mostly involves critical thinking, it can be used to open up the mind of the student, which would positively improve the student thinking capacity. It also helps the student to know how to relate even in real-life activities. It is therefore essential that the game is included in schools just like the other game like the football, handball, basketball rugby among other recognised games in the school set up.


Ibrahim, M. (2014). Benefits of playing chess and its applications in education. International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences, 2(11), 31-36.

Mirzakhanyan, R., Gevorgyan, S., & Karapetyan, V. (2016). Research as a Deliberate Chess Activity Software Testing Platform for Professional Dynamic Development of the Education Sector. Management, 4(4), 161-166. Retrieved from

Sala, G., & Gobet, F. (2016). Do the benefits of chess instruction transfer to academic and cognitive skills? A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 18, 46-57. Retrieved from

Subia, G. S., Amaranto, J. L., Amaranto, J. C., Bustamante, J. Y., & Damaso, I. C. (2019). Chess and Mathematics Performance of College Players: An Exploratory Analysis. Open Access Library Journal, 6(2), 1-7. Retrieved from

Trinchero, R., & Sala, G. (2016). Chess training and mathematical problem-solving: the role of teaching heuristics in transfer of learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12(3), 655-668. Retrieved from,60955,0,2.html.

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