Free Essay on Review The book "Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business: Transforming Lives"

Published: 2022-11-07
Free Essay on Review The book "Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business: Transforming Lives"
Type of paper:  Book review
Categories:  Literature review
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1232 words
11 min read

The book "Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business: Transforming Lives" remains the most preferred guide to business coaching. Written with a powerful, distinctive approach, this book gives you the tools, the skills, and the fundamentals needed to succeed in these delicate coaching business leaders. It is a preferred guide for business coaches across the globe. The authors introduce the idea that coaching is mostly about discovery, awareness, and choice. It agrees with the common perception that coaching is a way of effectively empowering people to find their answers, encouraging and supporting them on the path as they continue to make important life-giving and life-changing choices.

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This book offers a comprehensive approach to understand the nature of an effective Co-Active Coaching relationship and the skills needed to support it. The authors emphasize on the need for partnership between client and coach-into leadership management, highlighting its effectiveness throughout an association, and revealing how to unlock a person's potential and enlighten their past, present, and future. The book provides several relevant, practical tools, questionnaires, exercises, online Coach's Toolkit, and real-life examples to develop your coaching skills. It is easy to read the book for the first time, but when you go over it again the reading will take longer because you will find things you missed the first time around, new questions and thoughts will pop up, causing you to pause often and reflect more deeply about co-active coaching. The book provides insights into the Co-Active Coaching Model that professional business coaches can employ in giving business leadership advice to their clients.

Main Points in the Book

While reading the book for the first time, my attention was drawn to the "Wheel of Life" since it stood out highlighting every aspect of Life. The authors emphasize that it is a perfect tool to help the client assess his definition of fulfillment. They also believe that this tool helps the reader to identify areas that he or she needs to work on, to take action to raise and improve his level of fulfillment and satisfaction. As Coaches "Wheel of Life" works as a countless coaching tool for quickly getting to know our clients and to work out where their priorities are.

The authors also break down the five contexts on the Co-Active Coaching Model. According to the authors, this model shows how Co-active coaching helps one to develop effective listener, become a good problem solver and become aware of the business environment for effective decision making. The authors substantiate the effectiveness of the co-active coaching model by carefully explaining its five components as demonstrated below:

  • Listening: Effective coaching requires effective listening. There are three levels of listening that gives the coach a massive range to listen at a very deep level. Level 1: The coach listen to the words of the client, but his attention and awareness are on himself. It is the internal listening. Level 2: The coach focuses on the client, and he is constantly aware of the impact his listening is having on the client. It is the focused listening. Level 3: The coach and the client as if they are at the center of the universe where the coach should be very open to receiving information from everywhere at once. At level three the coach is accessing his intuition. It is the global listening.
  • Intuition: Is one of the most powerful skills that need practice and development. It is reading between the lines where the coach tries to know what resides in the background and is often unspoken. It can be used to help clients move into action and deepen their learning. Intuition comes up with a response.
  • Curiosity: Curiosity starts with an open-ended question. It is one of the fundamental tenets of Co-Active coaching where the client is capable, resourceful and willing to look in the dark places and try hard things to have the answers. At this stage, the coach asks questions to lead the discovery process. Curiosity is enormously powerful.
  • Forward and Deepen: Forward the Action while Deepening the Learning, to increase awareness, self-knowledge, capacity, and to create change. At this stage, the coach and the client work together on the client's behalf.
  • Self-Management: Is the ability to set aside personal opinions, pride, assumptions, defensiveness, and inner voice. In practice, it represents a combination of self -awareness and the skill of recovery. It involves an awareness of yourself, an ability to notice where you are or where you have gone in relationship to another person, and the ability to get back, reconnect and simply redirects his attention back to the coachee at this moment. If you notice you have become distracted when listening to the client be honest and authentic about it, for example, saying "I'm sorry, I was distracted, and would you please repeat that?". The client will value the coach's honesty and know that he is truly valuing his relationship with them and want to be fully present to all what the coachee is sharing.

The book also provides an elaborate comparisons and differences between a coach, consultant, therapist, and mentor. According to the book, a Consultant is an expert .Consultant will typically assess what you've been doing so far and provide you with a detailed plan on how to do it correctly, complete with a step by step process and present workable solutions. A Therapist, on the other hand is one who focuses on providing solutions to problems with the aim to fixing them. A Mentor: has experience in various fields and guides people on how to maneuver through various challenges and come out successful. Lastly, a coach according to the book offers a different types of relationship altogether. There's a lot of asking and not much telling. Helping you achieve your goals by asking powerful questions and shining a light on your strengths. Coach works with you to tap into what you already know, and help you break through your limiting beliefs. A coach will support you while you're learning. They're reassuring you on every step to make a real difference in the effectiveness of the outcome.


The book has several illustrations to demonstrate some of the theories, models, and concepts presented in the book. The first illustration captioned Figure 1: The Co-Active Model is used to explain the five components of the Co-Active Model. Figure 2: The Coaching Power Triangle demonstrates the hierarchy of the coaching relationship which represents the coach, client, and the coaching relationship at the apex.


I can recommend this book to different audiences including business coaches and coaching students. The authors provided coaches and business coaching students with the insights and models they can apply in effective coaching. For years now, the book has been regarded as the most preferred coaching guide to coaching professionals around the world. The book is, however, long and uses professional jargons. It requires reading through multiple times to understand most of the underlying coaching concepts presented in the book.


In conclusion, the book is organized in a clear and concise manner explaining different coaching concepts and models in details. The authors also used descriptive research methodologies to explain different concepts and theoretical models of effective coaching. The authors also provide various supporting theories such as The Co-Active Coaching Model to explain the effective coaching concept.


Kimsey-House, H., Kimsey-House, K., Sandahl, P., & Whitworth, L. (2018). Co-active coaching: Changing business, transforming lives. Hachette UK. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Third Edition.

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