Response to Mandates - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Response to Mandates - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Technology
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1536 words
13 min read


The quick progress in technology, including science and medical advances, ICT, and the general community, has posed a dilemma to Boards of Higher Education. This condition has the implications of a fluctuation of borders, widening differences between individuals, classes, and countries, and a decline in the reputation of conventional competence and skills, particularly in careers such as education and training. Unique problems are introduced into national and international policies in this way with its implications, and hence it forms a background of intensified unevenness (Mulford, 2003).

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Further, our culture is primarily defined in our classrooms, including our identification and continuity within the community and our knowledge and recognition of other cultures—one of the only schools remaining organizations to deliver socialization and employment collaborations to families by research. School education helps people make sense of developments through lifelong learning, which promotes sustainability. It is especially important to develop, obtain, interact, and allow the use of information. In short, the most significant investment in civilization is increasingly seen in the education of its inhabitants-in the absence of decent education, people continue to suffer (Mulford, 2003).

Secondary Growth Subsector

According to Kirya (2019), Higher education was perceived to be a secondary growth subsector – a privilege that weak, frequently competing countries could not afford. Many developed nations were governed by military regimes fighting to eradicate intellectual integrity and viewed universities as barriers to their authority. Even when dictatorial leaders were overthrown in the "third wave" of democratic government, the priority was not given to higher education. Primary and secondary education systems were much more critical to eradicating poverty in the community in the developing countries, led by the World Bank, towards acquiring higher education.

Moving education online will allow the versatility of learning and teaching anywhere, but the speed at which this transition to online instruction is supposed to happen is unparalleled and staggering. While campus support staff and resources are currently ready to help faculty members learn about and incorporate active education, these teams generally serve a limited group of teachers interested in teaching online. In this case, the people and teams cannot provide all teachers in such a short training time-frame with the same amount of assistance. In less than optimal situations, the faculty could feel like being instructive and must improvise fast solutions. There is no innovative solution, and some creative solutions are arising; many teachers rightly emphasize this phase. The idea of combined training was based on political interests without considering that organizations will take various actions and spend accordingly, culminating in a wide variety of proposals and outcomes. In this retrospective as wisdom, we are trying to make some cautious variations, which ideally will guide judgments and perspectives.

Online Education

Many successful educators have debated terminologies on the media hotly and appeared as a mainstream alternative to what those of us identify as high-quality online education as an "urgent distance education" concept utilized by online researchers and practitioners. The average time to schedule, organize, and create a completely immersive university course is six to nine months in advance. By the second and third instances of their online class, faculties are typically more prepared to teach online. In this present situation where the lead times vary from a mere day to several weeks, it would be difficult for any faculty participant to become immediately an online learning specialist. Although the faculty can utilize services for assistance, the size of transition expected at specific campuses would underline the structures that support the services and most likely exhaust their capacities. It is necessary to differentiate between standard, regular successful online training, and what we do with absolute minimum resources during a rush (Hodges 2020).

Emergency education is a sudden transfer in education to a new way in delivery because of emergencies prepared from the outset, which is built to be online. It includes the use of entirely remote education options that otherwise would be provided face-to-face and mixed or blended courses and which will revert to this format after the emergency or situation is minimized. In these situations, the principal objective does not build a resilient educational ecosystem. Instead, it provides immediate access, in a manner which is quickly developed and secure during a crisis, to education and help deal with the problem, under the same quality of service all professors who require the campus support teams which are typically available to allow teachers to learn about and incorporate online learning (Hodges et al., 2020).

Further, faculty aid teams are instrumental in helping teachers develop face-to-face or remote learning opportunities in their learning activities. Present service models may include full-course curriculum assistance, professional advancement tools, content growth, curriculum, and service for the administration of the environment and digital production in collaboration with faculty experts. Faculty who are usually requesting assistance require various digital influence levels and are often referred to face to face learning (Hodges et al., 2020).


In addition to determining the contents of pandemic preparedness and response strategies, the mechanism of developing these policies should also be studied. Again, such a decision may be based on duty-oriented evaluations, results-based evaluations, or both. The reality that the mechanism on which these measures are determined should follow those criteria is now generally accepted on both conceptual and human rights grounds. Perhaps the most crucial thing is to keep the individuals impacted by policies aware and engage in policy debates by procedures through which they consider the explanations, values, and proof to be valid considerations. The processes under which decisions are taken are a series of rules. These days, accountability is also the first of these values. It says that the impacted population should be given details on the mechanisms and basis of decisions. Yet items are not transparent enough. There is also a theory of inclusion, namely, to include the stakeholders in setting targets and implementing policies by suitable structures and means (Pelsue, 2017).

In terms of lawmaking in the regulation of education, congress can draft laws and collect money. If, for example, it discloses funds as formula grants allocated to all the countries on an equitable basis, it will guarantee the uniform acceptance of programs like Title I. Competitive grants like Race to the Top will certainly make policy execution more effective. Or judicial judgments could redefine, as the Supreme Court did at Endrew F in 2017, what counts as democratic enforcement. Douglas County School Distinguished. .RE-1, a majority ruling that took the notion that the "college curriculum for a disabled student must be ambitious based on the existing circumstances (Pelsue, 2017).

Cuts may also affect children in other fields since the Department of Education does not have government funds for colleges. For example, the Department of Agriculture funding is being given by the Nutritious Hunger-Free Kids Act, whose school lunch requirements have recently been modified by executive order. Workers at public schools such as occupational nurses and physical therapists pay for a significant portion of their work with Medicaid's assistance. Programs like these are also at risk because Medicaid has by the administration's new Budget. Apart from the expenditure, the presidential bully pulpit has control. "Conservative government shift, confirms the federal response to options now with rhetoric on private schools and vouchers. Even so, the Budget of the president is a wish list only. Even with years, less controversial initiatives, lawmakers sometimes follow an equally different federal budget from the Speaker presented. The Senate and House have the real powers to assess federal expenses. The Budget of Trump has gone astray, and the lobbying of the government on your behalf is unwelcome for some educational conservatives (Varghese, 2013).


Higher education was a limited sector catering, mainly heavily funded by the state, for students from affluent backgrounds. The discussion on the funding of higher education became very intense as the industry's growth rapidly attracted first-generation students. On the one hand, those who view higher education as a public benefit are subsidized by the state altogether. On the other side, others claim it carries substantial returns and should thus be privately funded and publicly traded – in other words, higher education should be considered a market-based asset. The national taxpayer cannot meet the capital needs for an expanding higher education market. Diversification of the distribution and expansion of suppliers and delivery methods is necessary to satisfy the increasing societal need for higher education. Instead of complete dependence on government funds, this allowed diversified funding streams. Market-friendly measures also helped broaden finance channels while guaranteeing improvements in governance systems to respond to a rise in demand signals.


Hodges C., Moore S, Lockee B, Trust T & Bond A, (2020). The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning. Available at

Kirya, M (2019). Corruption in universities: Paths to integrity in the higher education subsector. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 4/2019. Available at

Mulford, B. (2003). School Leaders: Challenging Roles and Impact on Teacher and School Effectiveness. Available at

Pelsue B (2017). When it Comes to Education, the Federal Government is in Charge of. Um, What? Available at

Varghese V.N. (2013). Governance reforms in higher education: A study of selected countries in Africa. International Institute for Educational Planning Research Paper, available at

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