Reflection on Development of the New Cultural Revolution Through Art

Published: 2022-04-11
Reflection on Development of the New Cultural Revolution Through Art
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Revolution Art
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1474 words
13 min read

Before beginning this reflection work, it is essential to have a grasp of what entails and its implications in society. For that induction, it should be recorded that art is not just a mere picture on the wall or images seen in the museum. In that, art can be viewed in various lens or forms. For instance, it can be seen as a song, a clip, a painting in in a gallery collection or even just a text. The essential element to note is that all forms of art tend to grasp you in various shapes and make your views evolve to new distances (Marini, 2016). Moreover, art can stimulate some feelings that you never thought you had hence extended our knowledge in various aspects of life. Art can be understood in multiple methods since the composer wants to influence his or her viewers in different angles. Thus, it seeks to inform human behaviors and affecting the society at large. Therefore, art can connect an individual to his or her senses, mind and body triggering some feelings that may spur positive thinking or engagement and ultimately taking actions that will foster new Cultural Revolution as depicted by Rev. Moon.

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Art has the potential of positively impacting the society in various forms. As public and private units strive for innovative methods of applying fine art to enhance and build up societies, they have in return transformed to be gradually fascinated in evaluating the impacts of their savings. Confining in these perspectives, arts sponsors and investigators have prepared various aspiring claims on the issues of arts influence on communities (Marini, 2016). Community arts can be viewed as the art process that constitutes skilled artists and community members that comes together to develop a creative process that will lead to collective experience and public expression.

Such collaborative creative process provides a channel for communities to showcase themselves; promotes the artistic work through monetary aids or other provisions, taking part in artistic activity within the society among other benefits that are of vast essential in the community. In most instances, community arts programs tend to involve individuals who seem to be disadvantaged in some way such as ethnic minorities, less fortunate members of the society, and at-risk youths. The motives of having such programs in the community are to improve the way of life in the neighborhood as well as learning and teaching about multiculturalism (Aihe, 2014). Therefore, these goals form the basis for claims about new Cultural Revolution through art and the transformative potential of community arts projects typically. This can be achieved through such art events that bring a source of pride for residents and fostering trust among the participants hence expanding their generalized confidence of others. Nevertheless, community arts platforms are believed to develop social capital by enhancing a person's ability and motivation to be civically involved and also improving the organizational capability for effective action.

One of the most significant hardships that we are experiencing today is that we mostly seem untouched by the predicaments of others and by international concerns such as climate change despite the understanding that there is something we can do address such issues. The principal challenge is that we do not feel firmly enough that we are part of the international community. It is essential to remark that the aspect of providing people with information tends to leave them feeling divided and overwhelmed, instead of feeling empowered and ready to take actions that will address such global issues. In such scenarios, art can be used to bring transformation by reversing the negative impact of global warming.

In that art does not in any way point out to the people on what to do, although engaging in an impeccable work of art can trigger an individual's senses, mind, and body. It has the power of empowering the world to develop a feeling of taking measures that will curb such predicament facing the world. Expanding such perception will without a doubt bring transformation and spur positive thinking, collaborative standard as well as taking relevant actions (Aihe, 2014). Subsequently, art helps people to identify with one another, and it expands the notion of coming together and unit to solve various issues affecting the world such as global warming. It empowers people and enhances the exchange of ideas and knowledge both in local and global platforms. Notably, there different persons in the universe and various forms of art. Thus, it is inevitable for all individual to have a similar opinion on which type of creations impacts them the most although they can be used to present the same information.

In world cultures such as China, there is a tradition that is indicative of positive change. Art and China's Revolution mirrors the most tumultuous and disastrous eras in the recent Chinese history. During the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the government was headed by Mao Zedong who wanted to revolutionize China in all aspects of society (Yang & Suchan, 2009). This process of modernizing involved destroying or suppressing various traditional culture so that the government can develop a modern visual culture where it can communicate its ideology and goals to the Chinese people. Artists were poised to create art that depicted the revolutionary spirit of that time. The effects of this directive on artists and art-making were enormous.

The trend of developing arts in China brought various positive developments that had direct impacts on the political organ and other arms of the government. Therefore drawing is used as the ideal tool for delivering a political message to a vast audience since it represented revolutionary themes. Notably, the Cultural Revolution was a period of violence and uncertainty that had significant impacts on the artist's work. This was due to the act of exposing all the concepts of China's dark history such as deconstructing the image of Mao (Yang & Suchan, 2009). Thus this description implies that culture has an immense influence on art since art has been created to provide an imitation of the current culture and society. This imitation brought so many transformations since it offered facts and more profound thoughts to the viewers that made them make changes.

My understanding of art is that it is supposed to bring people together and enhance peace and harmony in the community. Just like the attraction that Rev. Moon had soccer's spherically-shaped ball, art is supposed to bring such as symbol in the society. According to Rev. Moon, the ball was a representation of unity, harmony, and peace. In that, it depicted the symmetry of female and male, top, and bottom, heaven and earth, sperm and egg, front and back. Therefore, this notion should bring inspiration through the various artworks that reflect on the multiple changes that take place in the society whether good or bad.

I can quickly be moved by an excellent piece of art whether it is a poem, painting, a play or a painting. When most of us feel the work created, we tend to be moved or taken to more profound thoughts that steer you to new places. For instance, in my case, I develop a feeling that may not be unfamiliar to me but the one I did not pay too much attention to before. Therefore art makes me grow a transformative experience.

I hope that art will have positive impacts that will bring change in the society. I suppose that art can be utilized to help individuals to learn and understand something with their minds as well enhancing them to feel it physically and emotionally. Through such practices, art will without a doubt alleviate the numbing effect established by the glut of information that we encounter and motivate persons to turn thoughts into actions.

To sum up, taking part in art activity is not merely a single occasion. In most instances, arts and culture depict a highly imperfect cultural event that brings people together to share their experiences irrespective of the various radical perceptions of the world so that they can come up with the underlying value in it. The essential part is not agreeing with the experience that we share, the fact that we notice the importance of sharing that experience. Consequently, in art and other types of cultural expressions, the disparity is tolerable and it is seen as an essential ingredient. Therefore, a society that is created by culture and arts is potentially a significant spring of motivation for activists and politicians who are tasked with the responsibility of surpassing the splitting populism and stigmatization of global perceptions and other persons in public discourse.


Aihe, W. (2014). A political Art, Private Experience, and Alternative Subjectivity in China's Cultural Revolution. China Perspectives, (4), 27-36.

Marini, G. (2016). A Primordial Sense of Art. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 50(1), 46-61.

Yang, G., & Suchan, T. (2009). The Cultural Revolution and Contemporary Chinese Art. Art Education, 62(6), 25-35.

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