Free Essay on Racism and Social Injustice

Published: 2023-11-14
Free Essay on Racism and Social Injustice
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Racism United States Social justice Social issue
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1402 words
12 min read

Discuss the Social Issue and Explain why Traditional or Past Approaches Have not been Effective in Solving the Problem

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For decades, the United States have had their finger on the pulse of social issues that have affected society’s operations differently. However, more than ever, Americans are coming out in large numbers on different platforms, including social media, to express their concerns and discontent nature in regards to the distinct social issues affecting their state and society in general (Tourse et al., 2018). Racism and social injustice are among the many social problems that have dominated the United States' society, targeting, stereotyping, and disadvantaging certain social and ethnic groups.

While social and civil movements have in the past advocated for equal rights and treatment of every citizen in the United States regardless of their skin color, among other social affiliations, little has changed over the years. More people, particularly blacks, continue to be victimized and discriminated against in different aspects of the United States social, economic, and political spaces (Tourse et al., 2018). Besides, the black community is impoverished due to lack of opportunities and misrepresentation in the federal and local governments. The inclusion and equality aspects, which were offered as the primary solutions to racism and social injustice, failed specifically because there lacked a robust framework to promote equality while appreciating each citizen regardless of their social, economic, or ethnic profiles (Green, n.d.).

Also, racial bias continues to thrive, an aspect that has considerably exposed quite a significant fraction of the black community to victimization, stereotype, and discrimination. Worse still, the United States society is split and divided on racial lines, especially with the establishment and promotion of white and black neighborhoods all across the country. As such, little has and is expected to change considering that different ethnic groups and particularly the whites continue to selectively hold on to beliefs that do not reflect the ideal attributes of the black community (Green, n.d.).

Discuss the Recent Innovative Approach and Process taken in the Implementation of the Model or Program that Lead to Transformational Results

While people and institutions continue to show their commitment to reducing racial and social injustice in the United States, it is essential to note that racism and social injustice did not happen overnight. Therefore, individuals and institutions should be patient and strategic in their course to combat racism and social injustice. Recently, educational leaders have protested and condemned the recent police killings of black people in different states across the United States. Considering the increased racial and social injustice cases across the United States, not to mention the failed inclusion strategies, educational stakeholders, including teachers' unions, have proposed an innovative and quite strategic approach to combating racism and social injustice (Quinn & Dhaliwal, 2020). The educational stakeholders have proposed the creation and introduction of antiracist educational systems.

Ideally, through the hypothesized educational systems, the educational stakeholders anticipated the establishment of inclusive schools that would reflect the present society. In other words, implementing such educational systems starts with the creation of facilities that accommodate learners and educators from different racial and ethnic backgrounds (Quinn & Dhaliwal, 2020). Upon the creation of such institutions, educators are required to familiarize learners with the different racism and social injustice’s aspects while outlining their effects on the country’s social, economic, and political scopes (Chang et al., 2020). By introducing and implementing the proposed educational systems, racism and social injustice will be addressed from its roots since learners are enlightened on different aspects of reducing or even avoiding implicit bias and propagation of unconscious beliefs against a certain ethnic group. Generally, the introduction of antiracist educational systems will introduce and promote sanity and unity amongst learners of all races, considering they are the future leaders.

Describe the Breakthrough of the Result of the Efforts, compared to the Previous Results Backed up with Data and Evidence

The establishment of inclusive and antiracist education systems has played a significant role in combating racism and social injustice across the United States. Particularly, the antiracist education system has shaped and somewhat transformed how persons in society interact and associate with others regardless of their racial and ethnic affiliations. The change is considerably attributed to the fact that antiracist educational systems have significantly reduced aspects of implicit bias amongst whites and blacks (Torres, 2020). Also, racial disparities in test scores and learners’ suspension have reduced owing to the influence and commitment of the introduced educational system to shape the social space amongst learners chiefly by addressing implicit bias, among other aspects (Torres, 2020). More importantly, while issues of social injustice are evident in different parts of the United States, the antiracist education system has unified the diverse social and ethnic groups to protest and condemn acts of racism and social injustice not only to the victims but all across the country (Nguyen, 2020).

Notably, before the antiracist education system was implemented and integrated into the schools' systems there were increased cases of racism and social injustice across the United States. The increased cases were attributed to uncontrolled implicit bias amongst the learners and educators an aspect that further led to increased cases of learners’ suspension in different schools. Also, owing to the divided and biased nature of the education system, police brutality cases, among other social injustices, received less attention from society in general. Overall, the implementation of the antiracist education system has played a major role in shaping social cohesion, particularly by addressing racism and social injustice (Nguyen, 2020).

What would be the Opportunities and Anticipated Challenges in Adapting this Model in your State to Solve a Similar Social Problem? How Would you Advocate for your State to Adopt the Model? How Might it Transform Social Policies Related to Your Issue?

The antiracist education system helps in an essential tool that, if well implemented and integrated into the education system, would considerably facilitate in addressing not only racism and social injustice but also other issues in society. When adopting this model in my state, some of the available opportunities would be the availability of infrastructure and resources to facilitate the integration of the model in the states' education system (Torres, 2019). The state also boasts the availability of qualified and competent personnel that will play a significant role in facilitating the implementation of the model (Simmons, 2019). However, the antiracist education system's adoption would be inhibited by divisions in society because blacks and whites live in different parts of the state. In other words, achieving a united and harmonious society would not be an easy task, an aspect that could further promote implicit bias and social injustices.

Finally, to adopt this model, the state needs to establish an elaborate and sound plan to guide the implementation process. The state should also set aside the required resources to ensure that the implementation process is not derailed in due course (Torres, 2019). By implementing this model and ensuring that learners are informed and enlightened on different issues affecting society, the federal and states governments would ensure that laws and policies are created in favorably to complement the roles and effectiveness of the antiracist education system.


Chang, A., Mehta, J., & Silva, C. (2020). Effective antiracist education requires more diverse teachers, more training. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Green, L. Negative racial stereotypes and their effect on attitudes toward African Americans - Jim Crow Museum - Ferris State University. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Nguyen, T. (2020). Student activists want change — and they’re starting in the classroom. Vox. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Quinn, D., & Dhaliwal, T. (2020). Educator bias is associated with racial disparities in student achievement and discipline. Brookings. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Simmons, D. (2019). How to be an antiracist educator. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Torres, C. (2019). The urgent need for antiracist education. Teacher Teacher. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Torres, C. (2020). All students need anti-racism education. Teaching Tolerance. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from

Tourse, R., Hamilton-Mason, J., & Wewiorski, N. (2018). Racism and Social Justice. Systemic Racism In The United States, 115-128.

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