Essay Sample on Personal Philosophy in Nursing

Published: 2023-05-22
Essay Sample on Personal Philosophy in Nursing
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Philosophy Ethics Profession Nursing care
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1580 words
14 min read

Personal philosophy acts as the compass that gives directions to an individual's life concerning his personal and professional growth and what the person intends to pursue in the future concerning how he/she interacts with other individuals in life. Also, most of the professionals exercise the personal philosophy theory, which acts as the core values when it comes to the accomplishment of set short and long-term goals. The philosophy of nursing is all about an individual's perspectives and attitudes, which form part of a person's belief about the nursing career and the aim of nursing education and practices in society (Chitty & Black, 2005). However, from a personal point of view, personal philosophy acts as the foundation that promotes the efficient application of nursing knowledge and theory that regards the nursing field. The personal philosophy of any nurse must entail the medical essentials such as the promotion of health, care of the ill, and prevention of illness. All nurses need to incorporate the culture in which an individual comes from, and the societal values capable of making a person feel accepted in the community and personal benefits to give a sense of individuality. This paper will outline the importance of personal philosophy in the nursing profession.

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Core Values Rationale

I decided to do nurture as my career for the reason that I profoundly consider that the aspiration to help human beings in the course of nursing is a passion on my part. Nursing is a principled profession, and most of individuals should not treat it as just an employment paycheck, and that is why I am dedicated to the provision of judgmental care to people in necessitate regardless of their religious values, economic condition, disability or race. My values as a nurse are that I have the mandate and accountability to the people to provide secure, patient-centered, and holistic concern when the duty calls. Ever since I was young, I have always had a big heart to help people, and the inspiration behind choosing this discipline was due to the family trauma that affected my grandmother when I was a child. She had a panic attack and did not have the necessary skills to help her overcome the condition, and I would not like to see any other families suffering the same. As a nurse, I must always keep in mind that the patients are neither room numbers nor health circumstances, but the people who need and ought to have individualized consideration care.

However, personal philosophy requires more determination and dedication throughout someone's experience to continue shaping them to be part of our lifestyle. Also, some of the situations and circumstances that a nurse or an individual might find him into may affect his philosophy, which can lead to the wrong direction in life. However, with continuous practices of the beliefs, they stick and bring life changes. It is upon the nurses to always know which personal philosophies fit their career field and how they should incorporate them with the code of ethics at work.

Responsibilities to the Society

My vision and mission nurture is to always sustain learning not only from school but also through various interactions with other medical professionals and also getting drawn in the experiences of the patients and their families. All nurses from all over the world need to have a steadfast obligation to maintain the present skills and information, and this will help them to seek self-enhancement by constant learning, and this will help in improvement in the nursing beliefs and standards through the technological advances and evidence-based practices (Iacobucci, Daly, Lindell & Griffin, 2013). My primary hub morals and attitude as a nurse are; persistence, compassion, security, lifetime education, honesty, family, and triumph toward achieving my set targets.

I also suppose that the hub belief and values of tending are acquaintance, compassion, and honesty, and through the employment of these values and my ideas, I can be able to make personal and professional decisions throughout my daily routine. The primary concentration of tending is on patient healing, patient empowerment, a patient needs, and patient safety, and I sense that my professional and personal philosophies are similar since my ethics overdo the powerful forces behind the aim of nursing. The only way to live to my theories knows that human beings are to error. If anything happens to go unexpectedly, I evaluate the scenario and learn a lesson about it then correct in the future.

Ethics and Ways of Acquiring Knowledge and Beauty Appreciation

Upholding professional and personal ethical standards all the time should be the responsibility of every nurse, and this ends up appreciating the beauty and learning from others, which is a way of acquiring knowledge in the nursing field. Also, whenever nurses experience or encounter some difficulties or conflict between their personal beliefs of them and the patients, one is advised on finding a mentor to lead the process of solving the issue without compromising the private nurse philosophies but still meeting the needs of the patient (LaSala, 2009). Nurses are always supposed to take accountability for their actions and always remember that other colleagues can be considerable resources, and hence respect and recognition have to be exercised to appreciate their reliability, hard work, and knowledge. Through the essence of nurses supporting each other and other nursing students and healthcare professionals, they can provide a positive team environment, and the image of the nursing profession can be improved and viewed positively as ethical practices by the community and other stakeholders.

Personal Standards of Behavior

I always do not believe in the concept of holding other individuals' and nurses' behavior to higher standards than mine because I think we are equal when it comes to the job description, and everyone should be treated with respect. Nurses should always exercise the use of clinical judgment to aid in meeting patients' needs. This is why every nurse ought to sanction the patients by cheering them so that they can also become energetic associates in their care and also participate in a common ambition setting among them and the nurses (Matthews, 2012). Moreover, nurses are supposed to keep patients' confidentiality not unless they are required to report according to the mandate by the law, and that is why nurses always try to educate the patients about the disease and healthy behaviors so that they can feel appreciated. However, security is part of my philosophy, and in situations where I found out that a person holds himself or herself higher than my ethics, I tend to leave because safety comes first. Moreover, I believe that collaboration is an ethical principle that acts as a reinforcement to the commitment of the patients and the nurses to the common goal, which is the patient's welfare.

Importance of Personal Philosophies to Nurses

Personal theories help more nurses to think more critically and even reflect on how their core belief and values affect their wellbeing and their profession. Also, the personal philosophies can strengthen the nurse's skills, knowledge, and attitudes, which play a vital role when it comes to delivering the patient care services to the patients, and this even promotes an excellent working culture at the health facilities (Harding, Sipe, Whalen & Almeida, 2018). Since my childhood, I have always been developing my philosophy and have been guiding my thoughts, actions, and emotions. However, this has been changing with different environments and experiences in life. When a person realizes his/her philosophies, an individual is required to always keep them top of their mind throughout their entire life, for instance, the nurses can detect different ways of thinking relating to nursing knowledge and some different approaches towards the nursing practices.

Also, the personal and professional philosophies help individuals to be able to identify the truth about nursing and from experience that during the challenging and good times, what is right about nursing is what makes people most of what they practice each day. Through personal philosophies exercise, a nurse can be able to acquire moral virtues such as acting ethically towards the patient. It makes them more virtuous in life despite the many arising issues such as consent, which can be deemed down by personal beliefs and core values.


Personal philosophies are among the most significant contributor to my stay in the nursing field since every day comes with new opportunities and experiences. Also, the nursing filed does not allow any chance for boredom, and that is why my most significant contribution to the nursing fields is through enthusiasm and the responsibility to provide hope and care to patients and their families. Moreover, I hope in the future to make significant changes in the nursing career by being a leader and a mentor to act as an inspiration for the upcoming generation to choose the nursing profession.


Chitty, K. K., & Black, B. P. (2005). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges. St. Louis. Elsevier. Chornick, NL, & Wendt, AL (1997). NCLEX-RN: From job analysis study to examination. Journal of Nursing Education, 36(8), 378382.

Harding, A. D., Sipe, M., Whalen, K. C., & Almeida, N. (2018). Applying for the American Nurses Association Credentialing Center Accreditation Program in the Setting of Registered Nurse Remediation. Journal for nurses in professional development, 34(6), E1-E7.

Iacobucci, T. A., Daly, B. J., Lindell, D., & Griffin, M. Q. (2013). Professional values, self-esteem, and ethical confidence of baccalaureate nursing students. Nursing ethics, 20(4), 479-490.

LaSala, C. A. (2009). Moral accountability and integrity in nursing practice. Nursing Clinics, 44(4), 423-434.

Matthews, J. (2012). Role of professional organizations in advocating for the nursing profession. Online J Issues Nurs, 17(3).

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