Paper Sample on World War I: Technological Advancements and Geopolitical Transformations

Published: 2023-12-11
Paper Sample on World War I: Technological Advancements and Geopolitical Transformations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Technology World War 1
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read

The First World War was characterized by overwhelming carnage and devastation due to modern technological technology and the atrocities of trench warfare. By the conclusion of the War and the triumph of the Allies, over 16 million civilians – troops and civil troops alike – died. The First World War or the Second World War was a military conflict that in 1914–18 encompassed several European nations, including Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. The battle was waged in the United States, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Turkey in France, Britain, Russia, Italy, and Japan, after 1917, with the allies in particular. The weakening of central authority came to an end. The war was almost unprecedented, with combat, disaster, and tragedy. In the geopolitics of the twentieth century, the First World War was a significant transition. The Austrians decided to give Serbia an unjust ultimatum to wage war to rely on Germany to prevent invasion by Russia. Four major colonial dysfunctions, like the Russians, the Austrians, the Greeks, the Revolt of Russia, and the European society, failed. This led to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The ultimatum was finally agreed on 19 July and its execution was postponed until 23 July in the evening, because on 15 July the President of Russia, Raymond Poincaré, and his Prime Minster René Viviani, were no longer able to negotiate immediately with Russian allies. Russia said that when the delivery was declared on 24 July, Austria-Hungary could not destroy Serbia. After the bold foreign strategy, which is known as the "Schlieffen Plan" (Schlieffen-Initiative), Germany started the battle toward World War 1 on 2 fronts. German Field Marshal, Alfred von Schlieffen, was called the strategist.

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On 4 August 1914, German troops crossed the border to Belgium. In the 1st World War Campaign, the Germans conquered Liege, a heavily defended area, and captured the area with the biggest arsenal of guns, and large assault cannons, by 15 August. When Belgium marched in France, Germans dropped death and chaos to fire civilians and murdered a Belgian priest they believed that civil disobedience was welcomed. Russian forces invaded the German-held East Prussian and Polish territories on the First World War Eastern Front, but German and Austrian forces defeated them at Tannenberg at the end of August 1914. The win caused Russia's assault on Germany, leading to the German defeat in the Marne Battle, to transfer two bodies from the West Face to the East. Together with the heavy Coalition resistance in France, Russia's huge war machine was unexpectedly able to succeed in the east quickly and Germany was targeted at following the Schlieffen plan for a longer, weaker battle rather than an expeditious win.

The Russian army carried out many offensives from 1914 to 1916 on the Eastern Front of the First World War but did not cross the frontier of Germany. Battlefield loss, economic instability, and lack of food and other essential things led to rising discontent among most Russians, particularly poor workers and farmers. This growing hostility was directed at the oppressive rule of Czar Nicolas II and Alexandra, his contemptible German wife.

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks, Russia was burning in the shimmering chaos, breaking the Czarist reign and breaking Russian participation in the First World War. Russia signed an armistice in early December 1917 with the Central Powers, freeing German forces from the Western front to fight the remaining Allies. The United States was on the verge of the First World War in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson embarked on a stance of neutrality as it expanded its trading and shipping to the nations of Europe on all sides of the conflict. The United States was a part of the war. In light of German unrestricted attacks on submarines against neutral ships, particularly those carrying passengers, neutrality was nevertheless extremely difficult to retain. Germany was proclaimed a war zone in 1915, and many merchant and cargo boats, including several U.S. ships, sank German submarines in the seas of the British Isles.

The dominance of the UK Royal Navy was unchallenged by any other country in the years before the First World War but the Imperial German Navy had taken major strides to cross this divide. Germany has also supported its dominance on the high seas by its deadly U-boat flotilla. More than a year after the Dogger River War of January 1915, in which the British struck unexpectedly on German navies in the North Sea, they decided to concentrate a good amount of their naval operations on their submarines, the German naval resolved to do no fight with the British strong Royal Navy.

The first major war to exploit the strength of aviation. World War I. Though not as spectacular as the British Royal Navy or Germany's submarines, the use of aircraft since the First World War has shown their later, definitive role in world warfare. At the beginning of the First World War aviation was a very recent field; just eleven years ago, in 1903, the Wright Brothers flew for the first time. Initially, aircraft were mainly used for identification missions. The intelligence transmitted from the pilots during the First Battle of the Marne helped the Allies to operate in German lines from vulnerable areas, which would enable the Allies to force Germany out of France.

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