Paper Sample on Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of Health Management Information Systems

Published: 2024-01-08
Paper Sample on Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of Health Management Information Systems
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Health and Social Care Information systems
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 907 words
8 min read

The introduction of electronic medical records (EMR) system as a form of health management information system has the ability to record a wide range of health-related issues about patients. This system creates, gathers, and manages clients' data with clinicians' and staff's authorization within the given hospital setup. When applied in the healthcare industry, electronic medical records will result in the overall productivity of the delivery of services in a manner that will promote improved hospital decision-making in the execution of patients and advanced associations between healthcare benefactors present in patient care. It will also lead to betterment and increased patient care quality at hospitals, thus bringing about provider and patient satisfaction.

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The HMIS also referred to as a Health Management Information System, is designed to aid from this specific system. The use of the internet is completely changing the way technology can be used to provide health care services. For this reason, I have come up with a novel system that would currently be mounted on our elderly and disabled families. These systems will operate as an audio and visual reminder of their day-to-day routines. It will function via voice activation and permit for sick individuals to alert their physicians or search for any information that applies to them solemnly. This system will remind them hourly concerning the type of medications that they have to consume and also the type of activities they have to engage themselves in as well as their appointments. Caregivers and helpers can also utilize the system. The outcome of this will be improved quality of Healthcare since the system will enable patients to communicate with their physicians at any time effectively. On the other side, physicians also can view and make any necessary changes to the system for the sick person.

The potential advantages of the Health Management Information System are that it will ensure the discretion of the information shared between patients and health workers is sustained to the maximum. There is better accountability in the financial flow and supplies of medical equipment in the facility. In many cases, in a medical emergency duration, a person is all by himself and cannot call anyone for help. In such a situation, this gadget can be designed to be very operative in helping trace not just the body state but also the position of the individual. The Health Management Information System will assemble, read, and understand health information by the medical group adding and updating data on a daily or weekly basis. This will be crucial for those disabled or older people who sometimes have challenges in moving to hospitals to book an appointment.

Despite the awesome benefits of the HMIS, its acceptance and execution will be expensive. The maintenance process of this system includes the purchase of spare hard drives and consistent upgrades of software. In addition to these, the health care institution costs training individuals on the operational needs of these machines. Mechanization of health services can disrupt the flow of work for medical staff and providers, thereby leading to a loss in productivity. This is evident while training staff on the usage of these new machines, which reduces productivity and potentially leads to revenue losses. There is also a need to increase funding for its utilization to employ more ICT experts to tackle the shortcomings. Another holdup of this HMIS would be the risk of patient violation due to increased health information shared through electronic means. This violation can also be in the form of manipulation of data during the audit process.

Moreover, the system breaks up more frequently; back-upping the systems makes some services to be inaccessible. The system also might have the weakness of unintentionally duplicating errors, and the effect can cause negative emotional changes and increased medical errors. There will be a change of power structure within the organization, and also several workers will be reluctant as this system will block certain processes in the provision of services.

A Health Management Information System will be the better system to apply since it will automatically collect data and information from the patient. This information collected can be great of benefit in saving the lives of many patients in severe conditions. Moreover, the system will promote the modernization of the hospital and health care. My main intention for discovering the Health Management Information System is to simplify the accessory process of reaching physicians who visit patients through telemedicine applications. After Physician appointments, doctors will automatically upload their files to their HMIS which the patient will have the opportunity to revisit any other time.

From the administrative perspective, I would suggest that the Health Management Information System should be first introduced in either public or private hospitals with a high capacity of patients admitted almost daily. It can be introduced at any time after testing and debugging its effectiveness and functionality. Physicians will utilize these systems to conduct their day-to-day activities since they have more benefits than remedies. Besides, they can also learn within a short period, thus giving room to educate patients and other medical staff on using them. The innovations of HMIS within healthcare settings will create a chance for faster, simpler access to data and the familiarization of health data online, setting the place for web-grounded electronic medical record systems. Furthermore, the electronic medical record will greatly impact the hospital delivery system by raising collaboration between individuals and advancing the productivity of healthcare services offered to patients.

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Paper Sample on Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of Health Management Information Systems. (2024, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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