Paper Sample on Crafting Ideas: A Writer's Evolution and the Art of Effective Communication

Published: 2024-01-20
Paper Sample on Crafting Ideas: A Writer's Evolution and the Art of Effective Communication
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Writing Communication Writers
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 631 words
6 min read

Writing is a way of putting your thoughts creatively to communicate to your audience efficiently. Writing is a process that needs a well-laid plan to address all the issues chronologically. My learning has taught me a few things about writing and how to improve my writing when it comes to assignments and other tasks. I started with a lot of struggle when it came to bringing out my thoughts, but from my experience, I have come up with an approach that suits my way of developing my thoughts, which makes it easy to write. This essay will focus on my development as a reader and writer and how my experience has helped me when writing assignments.

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Writing emerges from writing, according to (Sommers p. 420). My writing approach results from numerous tries when writing my assignments, and I did not understand the importance of preparing before I embarked on writing. At first, I just read the question to understand it and start writing the assignment before preparing my rough copy to help organize the flow of my thoughts. In Nancy Sommers I Stand Here writing, she emphasizes the importance of her preparing her thoughts to develop ideas she can use to drive thematic concerns and different ways she can incorporate her daily activities in her writing. For example, from her daughter Alex’s list, she finds herself a feminist girl who cares about neon nail polish (Sommers). In her way, this is organizing her thoughts to come up with her creative writing and how she can develop her ideas into writing. Similarly, I find organizing my thoughts to develop an idea of how I approach writing is very important. Unlike the beginning, when I jumped straight to writing, this small process makes writing a lot easier because it enables the flow of my thoughts.

When gathering information from different sources that will help me convey my message, it is important to think outside the box. According to (Weiss), thinking differently will help bring out the inspiration to write. Using other sources is also a way to show the reader that you understand what you are talking about and use someone’s work to confirm the facts (Weiss). In my approach to writing, my external sources are a way to show the reader that I understand both the concept and the source I am using to put my ideas together. This way, my thoughts and the sources I have used show an understanding of the concepts and, at the same time, deliver the message. Also, Sommers’ article, states how people need to understand themselves and write exactly what they feel (Sommers p. 428). Writing is a way of expressing your feelings, and at the same time, it is a way to communicate to an audience about important information. Writing is the integration of your values, the strategies you would use to convey the information, and your writing goals. From the two sources I have analyzed, maintaining your writing values is key, and using a strategy might not work all the time. Instead, you can write guided by how you are feeling about the topic you are writing about. Your goals for the writing have to be met for your writing to be efficient.


In conclusion, preparing your sources and organizing your thoughts is an essential part of the writing process. The flow of your thoughts will determine how the audience will understand your writing and if it will deliver the message intended. Understanding your goals might bring out a new angle you can use to your advantage when writing.

Works Cited

Sommers, Nancy. “I Stand Here Writing”. College English, vol 55, no. 4, 1993, pp. 420-428., Accessed 7 Dec 2020.

Weiss, Alex. “Nancy’s Essay.” “Docx”. Oct.23 2020

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