Paper Example on Key Roles That Human Resource Management Plays in the Health Care Field

Published: 2023-01-08
Paper Example on Key Roles That Human Resource Management Plays in the Health Care Field
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Human resources Healthcare Strategic management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1505 words
13 min read


Irrespective of the category of industry, it is imperative to note that human resource management applies to all organization's operational activities. The reality of the matter is that HRM has attracted a lot of attention globally particularly in the health care systems. Stating categorically, it is worth noting that the same as physical capital together with consumables, human resources as well remains a crucial input in the healthcare organization. For that reason, people working as clinical staff, non-clinical individuals in addition to the public health intervention can be all categorized as human resources. In this regard, the knowledge, motivation as well as skills relating to mentioned human resources gives a reflection of the benefits together with the performance associated with a given system of healthcare. To ensure the success of the system, it is necessary that a suitable mix is upheld between different caregivers together with health promoters considering that human capital ought to be managed as well as effectively handled separately from how physical capital ought to be treated. The fact remains that the cost of the healthcare is snowballing having a drastic increase in the health care consumables that includes drugs, prostheses as well as disposable equipment. Having such increasing expenses there can seriously affect the potential of a publicly funded system of hiring in addition to sustaining competent practitioners hence need for an effective human resources management in the health field (Kabene & et al., 2006).

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On the subject of the crucial roles of the HRM in the field of healthcare it is worth noting that human resources represents the core building block of any healthcare organization and includes nurses, physicians, midwives, dentist, community health workers, social health workers, healthcare providers as well as allied health professional not forgetting health support together with management. Everyone that directly or indirectly delivers their services in health field thereby ensuring the effective operation of the health care system such as medical records technicians, health information, chain managers of health supply, and managers of health services, health economist and medical secretaries and so on. Thus because of the above roles of various human resources in the health field, it is right to undertake that HRM is vital and active HR practices are essential to make arrangement of the tasks, various responsibilities and evaluate the performance of the employees. The roles of the HRM in health care industry mainly confined to the management of safety as well as legal issues., in that way ensuring efficient performance of all staffs, besides developing problem-solving as well as decision-making skills. Among the priorities of the HR managers working in the health care entails job analysis and design. It is essential that employees be worked out particular strategies in that way enriching the conducive working environment. Because the performance of the employees is dependent on the ethical context, it is the role of the HRM to introduce and enforce efficient, ethical codes (Kabene & et al., 2006).

Functions of Human Resource Management In Terms Of Their Level of Support to the Health Care Field

As noted by Cascio (2015), brief functions of the HRM commences with the recruitment of employees to their retirement. Thus even if there are numerous function of the human resources management, the five major ones in terms of support of the field of healthcare include; recruitment and selection, orientation, the sustainability of right working conditions, management of the employee relations as well as training and development.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment entails the process by which captivating, screening, as well as selection of the potentially qualified candidates grounded on criteria that is objective for a given task. The objective is to attract applicants who are qualified besides encouraging unqualified applicants to opt themselves out. Before starting the process of recruitment, it is necessary that healthcare organization execute effective staffing plans thereby grading the number of employees they will require. Forecasting on the necessary number of staff should be based on the organization's annual budget together with its short-term and long-term goals. Recruitment and selection is an essential function of the HRM as it reduces the cost of making mistakes including engaging personnel that are incompetent, unmotivated, as well as underqualified. It is a costly process to keep on firing unqualified candidates and hiring new ones (Collings & et al., 2018).


This is a fundamental step towards helping new employees to adjust themselves to the new job and the employer. Employee orientation program needs to incorporate goals as well as objectives of the healthcare organization in addition to how the employee can assist in the attainment of both short-term and long-term goals of the organization. Providing intensive orientation to the workforce is one of the vital function of the HRM. Such a program should assist the employee in knowing his assigned duties together with his accurate description of the job, job role as well as the association of the position to other positions in such an organization. Orientation helps in clarifying new employees in taking an active part in that organization (Collings & et al., 2018).

Sustainability of Good Working Conditions

HRM has the responsibility of providing conducive working conditions to all employees as a way of making them like the workplace and the surroundings. It remains the responsibility of HR to have employees motivated. In most cases, employees who fail to contribute towards the organization's goals in most cases is as a result of the lack of motivation. It is thus important that HRM come up with a system that provides both financial as well as non-financial benefits to the employees in various departments. Therefore employee welfare is a key concept that needs to be well managed by the HRM thereby promoting job satisfaction (Collings & et al., 2018).

Management of Employee Relations

Collings & et al., (2018) undertakes that employees are the greatest assets for any organization and their relationship is a broad concept besides being one of the vital function of HRM. The point is to influence the behaviors of the employees and the work outputs in that way fostering good employee relations. HRM is required to organize activities that would help knowing an employee at personal as well as professional level. The truth of the matter is that well-planned employee relation promotes health as well as a balanced relation between employees as well as between them and employers. Management of the employee relation is significant for the success of the organization.

Training and Development

This is one of the indispensable HRM functions. It entails the attempt of enhancing the existing or future employees' performance by way of increasing employee's ability via education as well as increasing the skills and knowledge required to effectively undertake a given task (Collings & et al., 2018).

I believe all the above five functions of HRM are critical in furthering the field of the healthcare but if I were to prioritize I would rank recruitment and selection as the most crucial function as compared to others which follow after it.

Role of Human Resource Management in an Organization's Strategic Plan

According to Bailey & et al., (2018), strategic management entails four main stages that include environmental scanning, formulation of the strategy, implementation of strategy as well as evaluation and control.

Environmental Scanning

HRM roles regarding scanning the environment entail providing from the public information as well as legitimate activities of recruitment and interviews, organizational charts, levels of staffing as well as group missions of different components of each of the major competitors. The knowledge of how brands are sorted can give important clues about the rival's strategic priorities (Bailey & et al., 2018).

Strategy Formulation

It is imperative to note that strategies are formulated at the corporate levels, business unit levels, and functional levels. The role of the HRM, in this case, entail evolvement of the human resources practices thereby ensuring that they align with the corporate, unit as well as functional strategies. The four leading HR practices include the flow of the people, the flow of information, flow of performance management, and flow of work (Bailey & et al., 2018).

Strategy Implementation

HRM contributes to strategic plans via the encouragement of pro-active instead of reactive behavior, specific goals communication, stimulation of critical thinking, productivity, quality, and services, as well as proficient strategic management (Bailey & et al., 2018).

Strategy Evaluation

Lastly, Bailey & et al. (2018), notes that HRM necessary activities regarding strategy evaluation include the establishment of performance targets, tolerance limits, and standards. It also involves measuring the performance in line with set targets within a given period, analyze deviations from the tolerance limits acceptable and where necessary execute modifications if feasible.


Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource management. Oxford University Press.Cascio, W. F. (2015). Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill.

Collings, D. G., Wood, G. T., & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). Human resource management: A critical approach. In Human Resource Management (pp. 1-23). Routledge.

Kabene, S. M., Orchard, C., Howard, J. M., Soriano, M. A., & Leduc, R. (2006). The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. Human resources for health, 4(1), 20.

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