Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Free Essay.

Published: 2020-04-27
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Free Essay.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Movie
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

The novel and movie Never Let Me Go is one of the masterpieces of Kazuo Ishoguro, which has won numerous awards for its chilling yet real experiences with which the readers are intrigued. This paper looks at the three aspects of the paper, namely the different reactions that the audience has towards the revelation in the movie and the novel concerning the role of the clones in the cottages, ethical arguments concerning the role these clones played and the use of rhetoric within the text focusing on their roles.

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Finding out about clones

In my opinion I would say that the description given in the book concerning the revelation of the clones was more accurate and displayed a better understanding of the situation that the author was painting as opposed to the movie. The book describes a situation in the cottages which indeed brings out a peculiar situation. First of all, the children in these cottages dont have real surnames. Kathy has a surname H. which cannot be quite understood. Neither do any of the children within the home have any real surnames. The chilling fact becomes that they have no parents neither can they bear any children. Their sole purpose is for donation of their organs to other normal people at their own expense and then left to die. This revelation comes in handier especially with the twisted use of certain words such as complete and donations as a way of covering up their misdeeds. The movie doesnt hold all this information as described in the book.

Further, the book brings out more clearly the ethical situations that are involved in the whole donation business of the donation. Despite the moral issues that are held in the use of other people as sources of body parts, the world will nonetheless keep them because of their greed for the benefits that they accrue as a result of their existence (LitCharts).

Morality and the Possession of Souls

When we consider the poem Invictus in this context, the issue of being an owner and driver of ones soul begins to form our attitudes towards this particular picture. These people are just like any other people in England and in existence at the time. They even have similar characteristics in that they are capable of love, teenage feelings such as maintaining a diary and being able to have feelings like any other person. Furthermore, they are able to interact just like any other human beings, bearing in mind that Kathy was victimized by the rest of the clique simply because she had not donated yet, therefore she couldnt understand.

As a result, my argument would be that they should be drivers of their souls because they have the ability to behave just like normal human beings would and react similarly to the situations that people normally face. The only issue would be their origin and when we think of that then we realize that the cottages are their homes and make them to be just like any other people without their donating function. Therefore, I would think that it would only be fair if these were considered as people and given the necessary treatment by affording them a long life and a chance to donate after they have lived to their full potential. Despite the lack of control into the circumstance of their making, they should be given the decision to live a long life because they have also paid the price to afford others long lives and good health (Artwood).

The use of rhetoric in the novel

The author uses rhetoric in this novel in order to personalize the characters. For example, in Kathys case, rhetoric is often used in a bid to introduce the kind of experience that she was having in a more personalized way. Page 21 is a good example of this expressions:

Then it all stopped, not overnight, but rapidly enough. I was, as I say, watching the situation closely enough around then, so I saw the signs before most of the others.

This part renders the narrative quality of the character of Kathy as an on-the-scene depiction of the situation that she was facing and thus brought out the situation more clearly .

The subject matter of the book is also explained using the rhetoric. We see that she can recount the tales of children who were donating on many pages of the book as opposed to her relationships with her best friend or Tommy. Rhetoric being used within this context ensure that the reader is fully engaged in the reading and can identify with the emotions of the narrator concerning her plight. This is especially in the light that organ donation and the subsequent death of the carers was something that was considered normal in that particular society (Ishiguro).

The rhetoric also helps the author get out his point concerning the morality of technological practices such as organ donation, thus the dwellings on these particular places. Rhetoric gives the author a space through which he can intrude his thoughts into the novel.

Works Cited

Artwood, Margaret. Brave New World: Kazuo Ishiguro's novel is really chilling. April 2005. Online Review. 8 September 2015. <>.

Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go: Summary and Analysis of Chapter 1-3. March 2015. Online Review. 9 September 2015. <>.

LitCharts. Never let me go: chapter 1 summary and analysis. 2007. Online Review. 8 September 2015. <>.

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