My Proposal: Strengthening Bakersfield Elderly-Employee Relationships via Team-Building - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-13
My Proposal: Strengthening Bakersfield Elderly-Employee Relationships via Team-Building - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 903 words
8 min read


My proposed SBAR was well-received by my employer, who was very impressed with my suggestions for team-building. Through my initial observations from the Gemba walk and suggested project ideas, we both agreed that the walk created a broader understanding of how the employees and the elderly at Bakersfield related to each other at all times. From this, my suggested proposal touched on the importance of developing a positive relationship between these two groups through team-building activities as well as training for employees on how to conduct emergency services as a measure against disease progression in the elderly. This strategy would involve contacting credible consultants to handle the training such that the management could agree on which trainer would periodically conduct the employee sessions. The long-term goal is to offer quality care to the elderly, especially those susceptible to illnesses triggered by physical, psychological, mental, environmental, and social factors.

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My supervisor admired the fact that my proposal considered the health conditions of the elderly, who, for an extended period, have been neglected or fail to get good health care because their underlying symptoms are often based on their age. In most situations, some factors, such as their living conditions or mental status. This population is susceptible to numerous health conditions triggered by their reduced immunity. As such, it is essential to design a quality healthcare plan that will incorporate this population into available nursing and elderly daycare facilities around Bakersfield. The proposal targets the senior citizens and healthcare supervisors who work within these facilities as they constitute the general population of elderly citizens in Bakersfield. The goal is to increase the people of the elderly, a healthy elderly population, by 2020. The idea is viable but would need a lot of intervention such that the health such that we can sustain the project through to a healthier elderly population, especially since healthcare costs for the elderly population are increasingly expensive and would explain why most elderly citizens do not seek treatment before their conditions progress.

Adjustments to my Proposal

My supervisor suggested including as part of my proposal specific training materials that could be used in the implementation of this proposal, given that disease prevention and treatment would need a lot of technical and financial input. There is a wide range of diseases that affect the elderly, and it would be advised to include some of these training models and expand on how they would work. It would be best to design a training framework that would be used in all facilities in Bakersfield, such that all the supervisors receive the same kind of information and use it effectively in their training. It would also be essential to include the resources that these training models have been based on to verify the authentic nature of these materials before they are used to train the employees.

My supervisor also suggested that I outline more on the team-building activities that the employees in the facility would be taking part in and how these activities would benefit them in their responsibilities. The tasks are based on improving communication skills in staff-patient relations, and this would be based on actions such as role play and simulations that mimic the required skills needed in handling elderly patients. The activities should also be developed based on the response given by the staff and the elderly population on what they think is the best form of action in achieving practical communication skills. The materials used should be based on evidence-based research from suggested tactics and their success rates. After each team-building activity, it is crucial to evaluate the program, a factor that should be included in the proposal as well.

The proposal should include a summary of the steps that should be taken while evaluating the total number of the elderly population in the community. This factor is vital because it expounds more on the technology or software that would be used and the criteria that would be used in different discerning characteristics relevant for evaluation. Additionally, it should also include the data collection and analysis tools that would be used in this activity. The proposal should also suggest what methods of data storage would be deployed and why these methods of storage would be appropriate in the clinical setting. It is important to note that the evaluation should be able to discern which of the target population work in the elderly facilities. It should also give some of the benefits of using modern forms of technology in such facilities.

The proposal failed to mention the potential challenges that are likely to be faced during execution. Possible problems include the distribution of the elderly population across Bakersfield, which would make it increasingly difficult to get the accurate number that is viable for the project. Similarly, not all facilities in the town would be willing to participate in the activities enclosed in the proposal, and there would be a resistance to change in the initial stages, which would make the rollout period time-consuming. Implementing different changes each time would incur resources in redesigning the material and adjusting human resources accordingly. Also, there is no mention of a risk management plan that would be used to mitigate any projected threats that may be faced during execution. The proposal fails to mention the steps that would be taken to ensure success and how each one of these steps will be measured to avert risk.

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My Proposal: Strengthening Bakersfield Elderly-Employee Relationships via Team-Building - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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