My Life as a Footballer. Personal Essay Sample.

Published: 2019-09-24
My Life as a Footballer. Personal Essay Sample.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Personality Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 611 words
6 min read

I would say I have lived for football since I was a small boy through the teenage hood and even right now when I am on my fiftys. I was signed into Michigan football club at the age of 17 years, a time I had almost mastered all the basics of the game, and which saw me score a record of four goals in three consecutive matches. At 21, I was signed into Falcon United where I set a franchise top score for goals recorded. In my late thirties, I played flag football just for the fun part of it as well as keeping fit. This paper covers my journey as a football player and the experience that I carry on up to date.

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I was born in Mississippi, 53 years ago. I grew up in a middle level neighborhood in the countryside where professional football was not familiar. My mother was a middle-level school teacher while my dad was a carpenter. My uncle usually took me with him for football practice, in preparation for the local tournaments. The more I watched them play, the more my interest for football grew considerably.

My request to join the junior team at ten years was accepted after the coach noticed my skill and zeal. Throughout those early years, my skills grew extensively, and I yearned to graduate from the junior team to a more pronounced team. After joining a college in Michigan, I was signed in at Michigan football club at the tender age of 17 years.

That same year, I turned heads due to my fascinating performance alongside Atlanta FC, something that impressed most teams including the opponent teams. I scored a record four goals in successive matches which made headlines in almost three-quarter of the football newspapers in the U.S. The then manager of Falcon United Lincoln Adams requested me to join his club, an offer I declined because I felt that I had a lot of work to do in Michigan.

After five years of playing for Michigan FC, I strived for a bigger challenge. Falcon managers request to sign into his club for twice as much as I earned in Michigan came in handy, and so I immediately signed a 5-year contract. I did not dishearten shortly after I joined Falcon FC. I showed an exemplary performance, scoring several goals which assisted the team in capturing the championship. Two years after signing, I put together one of the clubs excellent seasons ever, setting a record for total goals ever scored, and therefore earning myself footballer of the season honor.

After Five years of playing for Falcon, I felt I had done enough on the field and had to do something for my community back at Mississippi. That period saw me build the current largest football stadium in the region, two football clubs, and a junior football academy. My area nurtured the talent that was to me when I was still a young boy, and I felt I was obliged to give back.

In addition to playing football, I played flag football which had just been introduced in our region. I felt I needed it to keep myself fit since it had been a while since I was involved in a sporting activity. I played for four years but retired from it to concentrate entirely on the new football teams in Mississippi

For the love of the sport, 53 years down the line, I am a coach at the Mississippi football club, an assignment I enjoy and will continue doing as long as I can. I am grateful for the life that I have enjoyed in football as a player and as a coach.

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