Essay Sample on Managing Systems Implementation

Published: 2023-12-15
Essay Sample on Managing Systems Implementation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 594 words
5 min read

The new technology has contributed significantly to dynamic changes in business today. The current economy relies heavily on technology to attain sustainable growth. For instance, the development of new trends in information technology has become the major driving force of transformation, growth, and productivity. Many businesses have made use of new technology by using computers and smartphones to stay connected with their potential customers for effective service delivery (O'brien & Marakas, 2011). As a result, the new technology has made work easier in most businesses compared to the time of old technology. The new technology has also shaped the way businesses communicate and share information regarding their products and services. Most businesses can now reach out to their customers through online platforms and transact without involving physical meetings. This has led to improved communication and saving on costs.

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The new technology led to the development of laser printers, which have been used by many business ventures to produce excellent paperwork that meets the customers' needs. The laser printers produce quality work and have a higher speed than the old technology used by some businesses. This has enabled businesses to save on time when serving its customers leading to increased efficiency. Additionally, the new technology has been a significant factor for the increased global competition, which has led to the most business growth. Firms have utilized the new technology to develop useful software such as the UPS application that generates reports for effective planning in order to remain in the market and attain a competitive advantage. As a result, the new trends in technology and competition have worked for the enhancement of improved service delivery in the global economy (O'brien & Marakas, 2011). Competitors have made good use of the new technology to develop new products through innovation, which has improved the standards, as well as enhance the marketing shifts to meet the diverse needs of customers across the globe.

The evolution of new technology has created the most powerful tools, methods, and techniques to help the business to promote their products and services through online platforms. For instance, most businesses have opted for digital marketing as a result of the new technology. Potential customers across the globe have found a more effective and efficient way to search for products and services of their choices on digital platforms, negotiate for prices, as well as place orders. Search engine marketing has enabled many firms to promote their business online, thus getting potential customers for their products and services. Most companies find online marketing to be more effective as compared to traditional marketing. This is because online marketing, which developed due to the new technology, has a broader reach, location targeting, data analysis, and keywords targeting that automatically selects an advertisement based on the browsing history and behaviors of internet users.

The safety data sheet program (SDS) are important electronic systems that enable businesses to have a developed convenient platform that allows them to store, edit and organize the safety data sheets (Ronald, 2012). One important thing that needs to be developed on the SDS is to allow for automatic operation in order to cut down the human resource-related costs. The objective of modifying the SDS to use little or no human-resource-related operation will be developed more in my Preliminary Investigation Report. I have learned that SDS helps to reduce risks, as well as promote environmental safety.


O'brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2011). Management information systems (Vol. 9). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Ronald, J. W. (2012). Understanding a safety data sheet (SDS) in regards to process safety. Procedia Engineering, 45, 857-867.

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