Love Versus Infatuation - Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Love Versus Infatuation - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Human
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1000 words
9 min read


Both infatuation and love refer to intense feelings individuals feel towards other people. However, currently, most individuals confuse the two concepts making it difficult to distinguish whether they are infatuating or in love. The dictionary defines love as the feelings of affection, tenderness, or passion for others, while infatuations refer to short-lived yet intense admiration and passion towards an individual (Monteiro, 2016). When individuals fall in love, the feelings develop progressively, which lasts for long periods such as years. In contrast, infatuation, "sometimes referred to as love at first sight," requires just a glance, after which individuals begin feeling "something" for others. Infatuations can fade or grow instantly. Research provides that unlike love, which is led by heart, infatuation results from chemicals released by an individual’s body (Monteiro, 2016).

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It is also not certain that infatuations can develop and become love; similarly, most of the time, infatuations do not last for long and can take months after which feelings fade. Even though infatuation may have some similar indications of love, the differences outweigh such similarities. Also, unlike infatuation, which is debilitated by separation and time, love is strengthened by the same. Separation does not weaken love, unlike infatuation, which with time, grows bored. Even though love can also be bored after a long time, the feelings are always present in bad and good times, such that the partners can depend on one another to continue supporting and loving each other.

Physical Attractions

Infatuation feelings result from physical attractions and outlooks of particular individuals compared to love results from intellectually and emotionally compatibilities with other persons, which means that physical attraction is not a key aspect in love; what matters is that the feelings are sincere and true. In this case, the huge difference is that infatuation is associated with "a reason," whereas individuals can love each other for no apparent reason, it can result from pure mystery (Monteiro, 2016). It is for this reason that particular individuals may not want to feel love towards another person. Others go to the extent of trying to fight their feelings for others. This means that although people give out reasons for loving each other in some cases, love can occur even without reason. Generally, love is irresistible, sudden, and tremendously difficult to evade, unlike infatuation.

Similarly, it does not matter whether or not their feelings will be repaid for individuals in love. Their main priority relies on the happiness of those they love. In this case, they want what is best for the people they love and do not expect anything in return. However, individuals infatuating want their partners to feel the same for them (Monteiro, 2016). In this case, their happiness is completed based on the individuals they like linking them back. It is for this reason that infatuation is associated with anxieties and worries. In this case, individuals feel like their partners will disappoint them at some point. This is the opposite of love, which is associated with trust and security (Lavrova, 2015).

Ann Landers, a member of “the Chicago Tribune," states that "infatuation lacks confidence" such that the individuals feel like a disaster can occur in the relationship at any time. Infatuated individuals appear constantly wondering if their partners are, for instance, secretly hurting them if they feel the same way for them and their general thoughts of them. This further means that most infatuated individuals hope instead of fully trusting their partners. Infatuation is associated with feelings of insecurities, jealousy of a partners’ activities and friends, and distrust.

Unreasoning Desires

Unreasoning desires mainly influence infatuations such as obsessions, desires, crush, or fascinations, among others, while love is associated with feeling strong affection towards other people. Again, individuals in love expect nothing in return, and the feeling is forgiving, kind, and patient. Reasons why infatuation may feel strong and intense is because the feelings develop at once, which is also why the feelings fade quickly. Infatuation is also associated with a partner giving too much effort in the relationship compared to love, in which all partners feel committed to each other. Receiving and mutual giving are key concepts of love.

Infatuations are also considered the feelings individuals develop when starting a relationship. For instance, it involves the excitements one feels in the presence of their partners, goose bumps, and sensations of " the heart beating out of an individual’s chest," among others. Unlike infatuations, a lot of work is put into love. It entails honesty, respect, commitment, intimacy, passion, and communication (Lavrova, 2015). Again, the two partners expect nothing in return. Love involves accepting the fact that no one is perfect, after which, they resolve their differences and relationship issues as one, share dreams and goals (Monteiro, 2016).


For this reason, people continue loving their partners regardless of what they know about them, whether bad or good. However, in infatuation, less work is put in relationships; also, fewer fights are experienced since they perceive their partners as perfect. S. E Jones, "A Yahoo contributor," refers to infatuation as the kid in an individual, whereas love represents the adult in an individual (Lavrova, 2015). Love is more mature in this case. Similarly, in relationships, couples in love often share their tears and fears. Also, love acts as a pathway through which couples can experience new skills since they also dedicate themselves to other sectors in life.

Love creates an opportunity through which couples can know each other more. For this reason, most couples are close friends, enabling them to share everything, which is not the case in relationships based on infatuations.


Lavrova, N. (2015). Semantic and cognitive structure of emotion states love, lust, infatuation, passion. Journal of Language and Education, 1(4). Retrieve from:

Monteiro, R. N. D. C. (2016). The Construction and Deconstruction of Passion: A Semiotic Approach to the Analysis of the Representations of Love from Infatuation to Rupture in Medieval Muslim Spain. Semiotics, 159-179. Retrieve from:

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