Free Essay Example on the Injustice in The Workplace

Published: 2022-09-20
Free Essay Example on the Injustice in The Workplace
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Discrimination
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1268 words
11 min read

Injustices at the workplace have become the order of the day adding to the fact that life is not always fair. This is true since individuals at their places of work share experiences with their bosses and colleagues talking about how they ended up taking the blame for problems they did not create while the responsible individual is not reprimanded at all. Injustices at the workplace tend to dishearten workers and make it difficult for them to go about their everyday duties and there is a need to handle injustices and find peace at work. The managers need to consider the potential impact of the injustice occurring in the workplace so that they decide the necessary action that requires implementation. Members of the organizations that may be affected by minor irritants can choose to ignore them because they do not have considerable effects but if the injustice can cause significant issues to the job, there is a need for a remedy to the situation. The practices in an organization should have the employees feeling satisfied and not exploited. The main issues that create and allow injustices in the workplace include patriarchy, hierarchy, and discrimination of gender that bar the expected progress of employees and are worth correcting to avoid the creation of hostile and uncomfortable work environment.

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All the employees have the fundamental rights that should be accorded to them t the workplace, and these include the rights to privacy the right to fair compensation and freedom from discrimination. A job applicant also has their right even before they get hired to become employees of an organization. Injustices at the workplace show violation against the fundamental rights (Hudson, 2016). The workplace practices that reveal a good working environment and create satisfaction in employees are such as where the company provides clear expectations of their visions, goals, roles of employees, values, priorities and quality standards among others, where the whole employee team is supported, where they are given opportunities to utilize their skills and proficiency, where the company encourages feedback and recognition, where people have fun, and they promote learning and development. A workplace that creates satisfaction in the employees is a tremendous asset for the organization. The leaders need to take appropriate charge because what they are doing matters and the best practices are inclusive of the day to day relationships that are experienced by employees and not necessarily the checklist for policies, programs, and benefits.

Patriarchy is a significant cause for injustices at a workplace where the males dominate the workplace resulting in women subordination. The case of wife-work and the job description makes the workplace appealing only to men because women have much to do in other places and their concentration at work is little. Patriarchy is termed as unjust social systems that are harmful to men and women, and they are not only in the economic sector but also in social and political mechanisms. Wife-work is inclusive of practices such as performing a vast and disproportionate share of unpaid household labor while the men are out there in businesses and claim to be making money (Maushart, 2008). The women thus are termed to assume the necessary roles at their homes and that they can only perform fewer duties at the workplace. Therefore, most institutions tend not to hire females and create room for more men because they are expected to be full-time employees who have no other roles to play except in the organization. As a patriarchal society, the part of women is to be the emotional caretakers of men in things like arranging the social life and also manage other needs of their men at the expense of theirs. Such type of a society creates fear in women and no wonder most of them chose to be housewives because the majority of the organizations have no women empowerment programs to allow women connect to diverse regions internationally and they continue to lag in business (Maushart, 2008). Patriarchy creates an inferior treatment of the women where they may be denied to work overtime because they are expected to be at other places offering their services. Patriarchy causes injustices at the workplace and women to feel that they are not recognized as useful members of the organization.

The system of hierarchy is also a cause of injustice in the workplace due to issues of discrimination and inequality that is between groups of people and across various industries. Institutional authority tends to produce an organizationally determined pattern of conflict in the modern organization. The primary cause is the last growing gap that exists between the people in power and the perceptions they have concerning the technical needs of their employees where everybody has a different idea of what the organization requires (Dua, Robertson, 1999). These elements are primarily in the hands of the set officials. Disagreements that lead to injustices at work include the likes of dissimilarities in the necessity for authoritatively created interdependence, the growing disparity that is between the rights and abilities of individuals and the differentiation in the values and realities according to the perceptions of members. Women are seen as non-producers which are the perception of the society towards them creating the awkward situations of women in the workplace where they are disregarded and are only at the lower positions of the company.

Gender discrimination is also a form of injustice at the workplace where women are the most affected in practices of workplace sexual harassments (Jenkins, & Finneman, 2018). The nuisances, in this case, include the likes of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for the sexual favors leading to women being seen as objects of sexual orientation and not in the line of career development at the workplace. Women are also discriminated when they are regarded as non-producers and in other cases of feminist thoughts that individuals are entirely against (Vosko, 2000). There is also the aspect of the gendered rise of a precarious employment relationship leading to temporary work due to the erosion of terms or employment that meet the standard employment relationship.

Organizations need to take care of the needs of employees such that they create appropriate and comfortable environments where employees can freely work (Anson, & Paulson, 2016). Unsatisfied situations at work led to other significant problems of the psychological mechanisms for the employees which generally affect them negatively. Injustices at the workplace are in the form of discrimination, harassment, abuse and bullying which bar the individuals from the maximum performance of duties. Managers need to see to it that conflicts are the workplace are solved correctly and that the employees feel even better while at the workplace. Organizations have to know where the employees need guidance and what can make them happy about their place of work. Most frustrated employees perceive injustices at work which is as a result of unfair employee treatment, and there is a need to work on getting the employees feel recognized at the workplace.


Anson, A., & Paulson, N. (2016). Relationship Building and People Work: An Exploratory Study of Social Networks and Environmental Activism. Humanity & Society, 40(4), 424-441.

Dua, E., & Robertson, A. (Eds.). (1999). Scratching the surface: Canadian, anti-racist, feminist thought. Canadian Scholars' Press.

Hudson, K. D. (2016). With equality and opportunity for all? Emerging scholars define social justice for social work. British Journal of Social Work, 47(7), 1959-1978.

Jenkins, J., & Finneman, T. (2018). Gender trouble in the workplace: applying Judith Butler's theory of performativity to news organizations. Feminist Media Studies, 18(2), 157-172.

Maushart, S. (2008). Wifework: What marriage means for women. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Vosko, L. F. (2000). Temporary work: The gendered rise of a precarious employment relationship (Vol. 11). University of Toronto Press.

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