Influence of Family Care on Hemodialyzed Patients' Adherence - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-07
Influence of Family Care on Hemodialyzed Patients' Adherence - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Family Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 989 words
9 min read


The articles have demonstrated comprehensive research about the effects of family cares concerning the hemodialyzed patients' adherence to fluid restrictions and dietary. The literature review is a large condensed to outline the understanding of hemodialyzed and its effect on family setup.

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Aim of the Study

The aim of the study is shown adversely in determining the effectiveness of the occurrence of family care on hemodialysis victims' adherence to fluid restrictions and dietary.

Research Approaches and Methodology

The research design is highly considered for these articles since it reveals the rationale for choosing the quantitative analysis. In this case, all the capable participants who attain the inclusion criteria were selected for the study. Authors contracted adult supportive patients with oligoanuria (that urine production <300 ml/day), regularly obtaining HD more than three times a week (Smith, Coston, Glock, Elasy, Wallston, Ikizler & Cavanaugh, 2010 p337). The hypothesis test of the study demonstrates that confidentiality among participants has valid consent to the research aim of the study. The main variable of the study is clearly stated for the seven primary articles of the research. This defines the application of dependent and independent variables that shows the significance of the data collected in the study. The total population used in the study is adequately represented by the willing participants participating in the study. The quantitative analysis illustrates the reliability and validity of the study. The victims who had an acute illness or were hospitalized and even also those with cognitive or psychological disorders or physical demerits in self-care were also executed.

Data Collection

The participant who agreed to engage in the research was informed about the aim of the research and had collected a consent setting and the respondents’ demographic traits questionnaire (Rambod, Peyravi, Shokrpour & Sareban, 2010). The articles demonstrate a principal investigator surveyed and conducted face-to-face interviews, with the ten participants distinctively on the day of dialysis and also before the hemodialysis period in the private region in the dialysis department. Still, the confidential interviews were transcribed and audio-taped by the key investigator. During the interviews, probes were custom to gain extra details (Cicolini, Palma, Simonetta & Di Nicola, 2012 p2415). All the conducted interviews ended between 30 and 60 minutes and were accomplished over 20 days during July 2010. The research study was then approved by the Department of Graduate Faculty Ethical and Board Committee of Jordan University, and lastly, the researcher also conveyed allowance to research hospital management.

Presentation and Results

All respondents were evaluated and analyzed on an intention-to-threat basis. Again all quantitative variables were also summarized as standard deviation and mean. The qualitative variables were summarized as percentages and frequency. The outcomes were reported differently for each team. The normal distribution of data collected was tested by the use of the Shapiro-Wilk test and the statistical significance of the study was performed under different parameters of analysis (Hasanzadeh, Shamsoddini, Moonaghi, Ebrahimzadeh, 2011). Transcripts were input into QSR NVivo, a software program custom to code, search, and store data. The validity of the data shows the significant outcome for fluid restrictions and dietary.

The five key focused groups involved 20 participants with an average of 55 years (range 30 to 80). Most respondents were African-American women with a sort of low socioeconomic position. Participants stated that the dialysis was recorded for a mean of 7 years (range 2 to 15) (Moonaghi, Hasanzadeh, Shamsoddini, Emamimoghadam & Ebrahimzadeh, 2012). We separated participants' statements into two related exclusive themes: obstacles—effects which made adherence to make fluid restriction more difficult; and enhancers—impacts that assisted the patient's total adherence (Al Nazly, Ahmad, Musil & Nabolsi, 2013 p4). Nearly twice as many patient statements explained the facilitator (882 statements (65%)) than hindrance (444 statements 35%)). We classified six sub-themes: self-assessment, social environmental, knowledge, psychological, and physical. Barriers were commonly connected to psychological factors (48%), followed by social (15%), physical (12%), and knowledge (18%). This concludes how the hemodialysis patients’ adherence is affected by dietary and fluid restrictions of the research.


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Cicolini, G., Palma, E., Simonetta, C. and Di Nicola, M., 2012. Influence of family carers on hemodialyzed patients' adherence to dietary and fluid restrictions: an observational study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(11), pp.2410-2417. Retrieved from:

Hasanzadeh, F., Shamsoddini, S., Moonaghi, H. K., & Ebrahimzadeh, S. (2011). A comparison of face to face and video-based education on attitude related to diet and fluids adherence in hemodialysis patients. The Horizon of Medical Sciences, 17(3), 34-43. Retrieved from:

Moonaghi, H. K., Hasanzadeh, F., Shamsoddini, S., Emamimoghadam, Z., & Ebrahimzadeh, S. (2012). A comparison of face-to-face and video-based education on attitude related to diet and fluids: Adherence in hemodialysis patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 17(5), 360. Retrieved from:

Rambod, M., Peyravi, H., Shokrpour, N., & Sareban, M. T. (2010). Dietary and fluid adherence in Iranian hemodialysis patients. The health care manager, 29(4), 359-364. Retrieved from:

Smith, K., Coston, M., Glock, K., Elasy, T.A., Wallston, K.A., Ikizler, T.A. and Cavanaugh, K.L., 2010. Patient perspectives on fluid management in chronic hemodialysis. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 20(5), pp.334-341. Retrieved from:

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